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Joined: 24/07/2007
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Message Posted:
20/03/2009 07:43

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Message 1 of 16 in Discussion

In TRNC advertisement by Advcates, Doctors and Dentists is strictly prohibited. I do not remember seeing any adverts in the papers for advocates but at one time indirect advertisement by doctors was very ripe i.e. Thank you messages after a birth or an operation, or after returning from a holiday and resuming work again. Now they put a stop to it and nothing is allowed.

There is a lady solicitor who has a practice in London who keeps advertising her services on ADA TV and I just wondered if a similar ban exists in UK?

Should doctors and lawyers be able to advertise like any other profession or should there be restrictions in the Public Interest? What is the Public Interest in this respect?


Lazy days

Joined: 24/07/2008
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Message Posted:
20/03/2009 08:15

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Message 2 of 16 in Discussion

Elko when i opened your thread to read it the first thing i see is Naomi Mehmet advertising in a banner ad along the top of the page if it is illegal how does she manage it here ?


Joined: 19/12/2008
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Message Posted:
20/03/2009 08:32

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Message 3 of 16 in Discussion

Hi Izzie, re msg 1

YES, Solicitors can advertise in the UK.


Joined: 05/01/2008
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Message Posted:
20/03/2009 08:40

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Message 4 of 16 in Discussion

You can also now see ratings of some solicitors on how they perform ,eg success at litigation to time scale answering answering E-mails etc .


Joined: 24/07/2007
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Message Posted:
20/03/2009 09:19

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Message 5 of 16 in Discussion

Msg. 2

Lazy days,

Good point. In fact in the past I did notice such commercials by Naomi and Gurkan Gurkan on the internet but it was not my concern and I had forgotten abut it. I am interested more on the topic of Public Interest. Is it in the Public Interest to allow doctors and lawyers to advertise? Should they be allowed to advertise? Can we concentrate on the principles and leave the individuals to one side. As you all well know by now, the advocates in TRNC know how to look after themselves and if any of them have any complaints about other members let them deal with it. It is not my concern anyway and I do not think most advocates would take any notice of it. As I said, they know how to look after their own interest. They can fight each other in court to the teeth (at your expense) but outside the courtroom they can be very pally.


PS: Sorry to divert the issue, can we stick to the discussion of the principles involved please?

fire starter

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Message Posted:
20/03/2009 23:31

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Message 6 of 16 in Discussion

i think they should be able to advertise like any other business.

after all that is what they are.

i do worry that some people would be taken in by a glossy ad as my personal view is to go by word of mouth and gut feeling .

my example would be:

friends invited us on holiday to turkey this year, gave me the glossy brochure to have a look on line as they have a http://www.

so last night i looked, or rather i tried the website was usless and took ages to load every page and finally glitched out on me, when i gave up.

5 star super hotel but can't afford a decent website.

i mean we are talking 1k a week per person in june.

that said it all to me, second rate, thanks but no thanks.


Joined: 04/07/2008
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I don't ever seem to recall seeing an advertisement on television displaying the services of Solicitors or Doctors.


Joined: 24/07/2007
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Message Posted:
21/03/2009 00:42

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Message 8 of 16 in Discussion

My personal view is that doctors, dentists and medical facilities should not be advertised because it is so easy to deceive people with glossy adverts. Of course if it is possible to monitor such adverts and avoid any misinformation then I would alllow it but the fact is that usually there is no mechanism to check the claims and verify them Hence it is in the public interest not to allow adverts except for yellow pages type of listings. I would say that lawyers should not be allowed to advertise either although the case of Public interest argument is not as strong as for the medical profession.

As far as advocates in TRNC are concerned, they are not allowed even to have name plates bigger than certain sizes but unfortunately it is not enforced and therefore those that abide are at a disadvantage. Whatever the rules they should be enforced or the rules should be changed accordingly.



Joined: 14/02/2009
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Message Posted:
21/05/2009 14:41

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Message 9 of 16 in Discussion

Hello Elko 2: would it be appropiate to show Kivance Riza e- mail address ? Any-one else?



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Message Posted:
21/05/2009 14:46

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Message 10 of 16 in Discussion


I do not think he has an e.mail address. I think he has heard about computers but not sure what they do!!!



Joined: 14/02/2009
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Message Posted:
21/05/2009 14:55

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Message 11 of 16 in Discussion

Thanks for reply. I also tried your wife's e-mail dolun.ustner..... wouldn't send?


Joined: 19/07/2008
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Message Posted:
21/05/2009 15:10

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Message 12 of 16 in Discussion

Hi Elko....the problem with advertising does not give an idea if they are any good.

My opinion is ( for what it's worth ) the more a company has to advertise...the worse it must be....a bit like when film companies need to heavily advertise = crap film!

Perhaps a site with customer recommedations for these companies may be a way forward?


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Message Posted:
21/05/2009 16:35

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Message 13 of 16 in Discussion

In uk, dentists can advertise on tv or radio. They can not pertain to be better than others or claim to be experts .

They can not say they are a specalist or specialise in something, unless they are on a specialist register.

A lot of other proffesions can make these claims- nail technitians, decorators,gardeners etc.


Joined: 18/05/2009
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Message Posted:
21/05/2009 16:52

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Message 14 of 16 in Discussion

elko wrote: "The advocates in TRNC know how to look after themselves and if any of them have any complaints about other members let them deal with it. It is not my concern anyway and I do not think most advocates would take any notice of it."

You seem to be all for letting them carry on ripping off the expats. Dont you think it would be a good idea to call for a public inquiry into the unscrupulous activities of advocates in TRNC? Where else in the world can legal representatives act for both buyer and seller and sometimes builder and developer too? All without the knowlwedge of those who put their trust in them? So many complaints have been made that there should be a full public inquiry calling witnesses from estate agents, construction firms and of course the victims i.e. the people who thought they werer paying £2000 plus for professional and honest services.

In any other country theyd be struck off and probably charged by police as well. Who is protecting them??


Joined: 18/02/2008
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Message Posted:
21/05/2009 19:31

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Message 15 of 16 in Discussion

Ilovekibris - I don't belive that is what Ismet is saying. I do agree with your other observations. As far as I am aware BARO have not acted on any complaints made against Advocates. Their statement that lawyers in TRNC have no duty of care to their clients sums up this lack of action. I don’t recall any lawyer in TRNC publicly condemning that statement or calling for a resignation as you would expect. Does anyone remember the famous quote by Gerald Ratner, owner of Ratner’s Jewellers: “Ratner's has got very little to do with quality. ... I say because it's total crap” People stopped buying his jewellery overnight, and shortly after he said that his business went under. People will not tolerate this type of treatment, and this behaviour is why people are not buying property here. Only the long-sighted people will ensure the prosperity of the TRNC and all its occupants.



Joined: 24/07/2007
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Message Posted:
21/05/2009 20:26

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Message 16 of 16 in Discussion

msg. 11, Manko,

You have a letter missing, hence it won't go!!!

msg. 14,

I love Kibris,

You took my quote out of context. I was referring to the fact that despite the fact that advertising by advocates is illegal some are doing it but it is not my business to complain about it. The advocates can look after themselves i.e. if any has a complaint about advertising by some and thus unfair competition, let them do the complaining. They are quite capable of looking after themselves.

msg. 15,


I agree with you.


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