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security concern - sweetwaterbay

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» Read Sweetwater Bay North Cyprus property review

jac k

Joined: 15/10/2007
Posts: 77

Message Posted:
15/05/2009 16:12

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at the risk of causing alarm I have to let other owners know that yesterday my villa (c57) was burgled. When I took possession a few weeks ago I left the house locked and secure. A week later Arthur (b18) kindly informed me that the patio doors had been forced open and as Id left a set of keys with him he very kindly made the place secure again. I informed SWB accordingly and despite their statements that the patio locks were going to be replaced as a matter of priority they have not been. Yesterday at 4pm UK time I received another distressed call from Arthur who had called to water my plants. Again a downstairs patio door had been forced (this time beyond repair) and all patio doors had been opened (upstairs and down). An empty silicone tube was present and so I had assumed it was a member of staff completing my snagging issues. But as no consent had been given to force my locks (esp as instructions had been given to SWB to liaise with Arthur to let them in) I was not happy.

jac k

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Message Posted:
15/05/2009 16:18

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sorry, ran out of room. Arthur and my friend (tatlisu local) contacted the police and reported the burglary. SWB deny that any staff have been asked to enter. The patio door locks are severely defective - at the moment my home has few items of value, but when I eventually do furnish it I dread to think of what might happen. The police are taking the matter very seriously and are looking into all employees who are working on site (legal or otherwise). I have asked SWB to please treat this with some urgency as defective locks will surely invalidate my insurance cover. Thank goodness that Arthur and Haji were there to sort things with the police... I cant imagine how Id react if Id gone over and found the place open to all and sundry....... I'll keep you posted of any developments xxx take care jx


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Message Posted:
15/05/2009 16:22

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Message 3 of 18 in Discussion

sorry to hear that news J, in our USA holiday home we have bars in the runners on the floor to stop them from sliding you just lift the bars out when you need to open the doors would this be a useful idea for these insecure doors in SWB


Joined: 24/07/2007
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Message Posted:
15/05/2009 16:22

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Message 4 of 18 in Discussion

Hey, I was at SWB Tatlisu yesterday morning and I walked around for 30 minutes while waiting for Mike. Shall I wait for the police to knock at my door?


jac k

Joined: 15/10/2007
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Message Posted:
15/05/2009 16:26

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Message 5 of 18 in Discussion

Hi Rocky - do you think these bars would fit on our windows... they are so very thin, my dad wasnt sure if they would work or not....? Has anyone else fitted their own locks and if so please can you send me details... many thanks...

Re: ms 4 - perhaps.. (joke) .... are you the phantom silicone sealer? xxx jx


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Message Posted:
15/05/2009 17:28

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Message 6 of 18 in Discussion

J, I am not sure everything in the USA is big and I cant remember the slot size in SWB. I will look for thin steel rods to slot in mine. I was surprised about posting 4 he is normally very helpful and keen to criticize others for postings which are a waste of space

jac k

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Message Posted:
15/05/2009 19:45

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Message 7 of 18 in Discussion

Yoav has responded - Emek has said that the new locks will start to be fitted from next Monday... no news on who's responsible for the burglary tho' but hopefully now its out in the open such actions will stop and we will return to a safe and beautiful site. jx


Joined: 14/10/2007
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Message Posted:
15/05/2009 20:04

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Message 8 of 18 in Discussion

Hi jackie,

Really sorry to hear about your bad experiences, it should never have happened in the first place.

These cheap dolls house locks on the patio windows have been pointed out as a serious problem before.

They were never substantial enough and were always going to be a problem.

I hope they are changing everybodies locks.

The last thing you want is to continually worrying about your property abroad being burgled.

I took a photo of my doors to see if I could get some patio locks but it wasn't detailed enough so I wasn't sure what to buy.

Wooden strips in the runners would do the job of stopping the doors being slid open.

Oh got to go I'm being shouted at that my dinners ready.


Joined: 12/04/2007
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Message Posted:
15/05/2009 20:34

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Message 9 of 18 in Discussion

I doubt if bars will work because unless your patio doors are different, most P/doors in TRNC have BOTH doors opening (unlike ours in the UK where one is fixed and one opens) so this would not work as a bar would have to go outside which clearly defeats the object.

Get the twist and lock dead bolts from Serdar in tin pan alley that go through both doors and are fitted inside, they were mentioned on here sometime ago and I bought some last time I was over and am going to fit myself next time.


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Message Posted:
15/05/2009 20:53

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Message 10 of 18 in Discussion

you could put a bar inside and a note outside saying please dont touch that would put some people off, yes you would need to write in in Turkish and Greek, so praps not such a good idea what does elko think?


Joined: 14/08/2008
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Message Posted:
15/05/2009 21:23

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Message 11 of 18 in Discussion

The problem is even if it is an attempted entry then damage will be done and costs incurred regardless so it is always better to provide perimeter security i.e. security lights etc as well as other measures plus timed lighting within the premises. Also make sure your patio doors have anti-lift wedges fitted and as previously stated 'thru pins' that lock the two sliding doors together. The idea is to make it hard for the potential thief to get anywhere near the property. One other thing is with new properties, as soon as you are given the keys to your property then change ALL locks and only give keys to people you trust.



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Message Posted:
15/05/2009 21:50

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Message 12 of 18 in Discussion

rocky if you put a bar inside can we all come in for a drink ?

jac k

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Message Posted:
15/05/2009 22:15

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Message 13 of 18 in Discussion

Thank you all for your kind advice and support - Ill look into the dead bolts when I come over. The doors are so frail, sad when such a fab front door with a number of locks has been fitted. Good idea about changing all locks tho'. My dad suggested the same thing. sleep well x jx

jac k

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Message Posted:
15/05/2009 22:16

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Message 14 of 18 in Discussion

sorry, meant to say Ill look into the anti-lift wedge and through pins too.... thank you. x


Joined: 23/10/2007
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Message Posted:
16/05/2009 01:00

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Message 15 of 18 in Discussion

Sorry to hear the news jac k - we have been going on about these bloody locks for ages - pleased to hear that SWB will now at last do something about changing them on Monday - from our last visit we know that Rocky has the new design (all phase 3 properties) - SWB have known that the locks are crap for many, many months - why has it taken 'til now for something to be done??!!


Joined: 14/03/2009
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Message Posted:
21/05/2009 20:32

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Message 16 of 18 in Discussion


From new dwelling you.

It is the work of agents of the KGB?

The new change house locks!!!

Home insurance? All happy.


With love from CypRussia


Joined: 30/05/2007
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Message Posted:
21/05/2009 22:08

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Message 17 of 18 in Discussion

Anyone understand that?

Jac k not good news but hopefully the new locks are on now and if it was the workmen then they have had their knuckles rapped. I assume there was nothing missing?

We are looking at getting the dead bolts for all the doors and windows fitted for when we are away.


jac k

Joined: 15/10/2007
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Message Posted:
22/05/2009 15:07

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Message 18 of 18 in Discussion

Thanks Sheila,

Not sure if anything taken - only basic stuff left from last visit. I agree that if it was workmen (using toilet - Ive since heard that finished properties are prone to the occasional use) they hopefully will avoid mine in future. Yoav said that work on locks should start on Monday - so will let you know when Ive heard confirmation that they have been fixed. Ive also asked Yoav to send me specifications of the patio doors so that I can contact the manufacturer to see if there are any better locks available for the doors or if not, so that I can find extra security to fit. The doors are so thin, Im not sure which of the locks we've looked at here will be appropriate.... has anyone fitted any additional/improved locks themselves? Jx

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