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Cyprus to impede Turkey's EU accession

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Joined: 14/08/2008
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Message Posted:
04/12/2009 22:12

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NICOSIA, Dec. 4 (Xinhua) -- The Cyprus government decided Friday to impede Turkey's accession negotiations with the European Union yet without giving any clues as to what actual sanctions it will impose.

The rest of the story here:



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Message Posted:
04/12/2009 22:55

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Message 2 of 22 in Discussion

the end game is in sight and the GCs know it aint going their way, this action isnt suprising as they are running down blind avenues .

turkey and the TRNC will have the last laugh you watch



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Message Posted:
04/12/2009 23:14

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Message 3 of 22 in Discussion

Looks like the gcs are heading down a blind alley,and running scared,



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Message Posted:
04/12/2009 23:24

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Message 4 of 22 in Discussion

hi paul great minds think alike eh?

as mark says the GCs missed the best offer they were ever to get when they rejected the annan plan , now watch as everything starts to move in the right direction for the TRNC , you cant help but feel its looking good .



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Message Posted:
04/12/2009 23:26

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Message 5 of 22 in Discussion

Now then Andy,

Have you changed your mind in any way on the final outcome,



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Message Posted:
04/12/2009 23:31

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Message 6 of 22 in Discussion

If memory serves it was only last week that the gcs where welcoming Turkey with open arms.A week in politics is a very long time,



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Message Posted:
04/12/2009 23:37

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Message 7 of 22 in Discussion

paul ive never wavered from my opinion that the north will never return to be ruled by anyone other than a turkish cypriot regime, from the first twenty four hours i spent in the north it was obvious this place will never be united again .

how many times have i posted that i think these talks are a sham , they will end up divorcing and sooner the better!



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Message Posted:
04/12/2009 23:45

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Just checking matey.I must agree that you have always been of that opinion.It just seems to me that they are really going for it at the moment.I think that Turkey are up before the head master pretty soon so maybe trying to clean up their act a bit,but they certainlty will not take any s*** from anyone.Turkey are to powerful now to be bothered by a bunch of commies.Two states for me with a relaxing of the embargoe,



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Message Posted:
04/12/2009 23:57

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paul the GCs have made a big mistake in trying to hinder turkeys EU entry , if turkey ends up saying " sod it" we dont want in anymore due to the GCs causing all these obsticles the shit will really hit the fan!

some big players in the EU will be furious with the ROC .

it sure is getting interseting!


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Message Posted:
05/12/2009 00:26

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Message 10 of 22 in Discussion


It really is getting interseting matey,



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Message Posted:
05/12/2009 00:47

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what does the R.S.P.B.V. stand for?.....

The Royal Society Of Dyslexics!!lol.

2 states is deffo the way to go,they'll never sort it out and it would never work!

andre 514

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Message Posted:
05/12/2009 00:47

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Message 12 of 22 in Discussion


it's predictable that gc/cyprus claims it will "act to stop turkey entering the eu"

while earlier, they floated the notion that turkey "should join the eu"

(but would have to leave cyprus first!)

back at the centre of europe, and I'm talking about the paris-berlin alliance,

sarkozey with angela in train will never permit turkey to join the eu for reasons

that have absolutely nothing to do with the cyprus question: remember "inappropriate"?

so the earlier gc/cyprus green light as well as the later gc/cyprus red light on europe

is of little real relevance though it may be useful for posturing to the gallery

I'm sure all the above has been blindingly obvious to turkish politicians for years now

but how's this for a scary scenario:

turkey maintains a military link to the usa and trade with the eu,

but undercuts both by increasing ties to regional bad boy iran

and regional energy boss the russian federation, nearly 300 million people all told

eu... where?!?


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Message Posted:
05/12/2009 00:59

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Message 13 of 22 in Discussion


Is that your worst or best case scenario,



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Message Posted:
05/12/2009 05:21

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Message 14 of 22 in Discussion

Dear Andre_514 re 12

You seem to be 'confused'

The 'rump' RoC has actually been consistent in it's policy re TR and the EU.

It would not 'block' TR in the EU - if it complies with the 'Ankara Accord' - TR signed the customs agreement and there is NOTHING in writing about ending TC isolation.

A settlement re Cyprus is NOT a pre-condition of EU membership.

TR went through the lights on Amber and got a 'warning'... ;) ...If they do it again, they might get 'banned'..

TR signed the document - she has to comply.. if she doesn't it won't need the RoC to block her accession.

andre 514

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Message Posted:
05/12/2009 13:14

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newlad 13:

best or worst as always depending on one's point of view, I try to be objective

mark 14:

look at my other postings regarding the republic of (south) cyprus:

I have invariably noted their unwavering claim to represent the whole island

and their consistent support for a workable system of "majority rule" on cyprus

as regards the rest of your posting,

rather than argue about documentation and hypothetical memberships etc,

in the case of cyprus and turkey it seems more relevant to look at the regional

"geopolitical situation" which you sometimes appear reluctant to take seriously

...stories about henry kissinger and past historty apart obviously!

I trust I am not being uncharitable


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Message Posted:
05/12/2009 13:27

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If you think that there is no moral difference between a written promise and a verbal one I think you are very wrong.

In the UK, if one person gives anthing of value to another person on a verbal promise of a payment for it and that payment is not made, it is called FRAUD, but apparently according to you , it is quite alright for the EU to practice this.

It is obvious that this is something you haven't thought about. I ask you to do so.



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Message Posted:
05/12/2009 15:37

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Message 17 of 22 in Discussion

Dear Andre_514 and Dave

I'm re-reading the title thread title and I'm quite happy I'm right and that you are ....well, you know..

Dave - why do we have treaties/ contracts / agreements in writing ?

Andre_514 .. we are talking about Cyprus' ( RoC) and whether they will block TR's accession progress...

IF they play this card, now.. they have nothing left re the EU getting some sort of improved settlement.


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Message Posted:
05/12/2009 17:28

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Message 18 of 22 in Discussion

Dear mmmmmm

We have treaties / contracts / agreements written so that if there are subsequent breaches in them all can see what exactly was agreed to. In this particular case, Turkey and the TRNC were sufficiently satisfied to take the promise given by the EU verbally. They were wrong and they will not make the same mistake again.


andre 514

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Message Posted:
05/12/2009 17:49

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Message 19 of 22 in Discussion

mark message 17:

"whether they" (roc) "will block TR's accession progress..."

there will be no accession progress as you refer to it

if turkey continues to be effectively barred from joining the european union

for reasons largely unconnected with the east mediterranean island

there is strong evidence for this view,

notably in the statements and actions by france mostly supported by its german alley

while it would surely suit britain to have turkey in the bloc, few others want it thus

you again need to ask yourself if it all seems so very unlikely,

who would need ask that this theme be examined yet again in such detail?

on the other hand if a miracle did occur and turkey joined the eu this decade,

provided turkey was not expected to abandon its committment to peace in cyprus,

many of us would permit ourselves a brief period of rejoicing

and much the same applies to the talks, now moving swiftly to their end game


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Message Posted:
05/12/2009 18:37

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Message 20 of 22 in Discussion

Dear Dave, re msg 18

>>We have treaties / contracts / agreements written so that if there are subsequent breaches in them all can see what exactly was agreed to. In this particular case, Turkey and the TRNC were sufficiently satisfied to take the promise given by the EU verbally. They were wrong and they will not make the same mistake again. <<

Sorry, but that is utter twaddle..TR signed a contract... TR also signed one with the UN to be bound by mandates / resolutions and, also with the Council of Europe ( ECHR) ..

Do not confuse a growing sympathy for the TCs - in the face of GC intransigence - esp. since the Annan vote - with legal requirements on TR's behalf.

She shouldn't have signed - if she didn't agree with the terms.


But THIS thread is about the role of the RoC in TR's accession ... Feel free to start one about other members !


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Message Posted:
05/12/2009 21:38

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Message 21 of 22 in Discussion

Dear mmmmmm

Msg 20 What I write is only 'twaddle' because you don't agree with it.

It does not matter one little bit about all your signed bits of paper, The EU had no intention of keeping their promise.

Did you ever hear about a fellow called Chamberlain, who came back from Germany waving a signed piece of paper saying 'Peace in our time'? In exactly the same way the EU duped Turkey and the TRNC, but being smarter than Hitler the EU didn't bother to sign, probably saying that their word was good enough.

andre 514

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Message Posted:
05/12/2009 22:12

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Message 22 of 22 in Discussion

dear mmmmmm,

very fair comment:

and participating in this thread assumes that the republic of (south) cyprus

has a role in turkey's "accession"?

well I don't believe that, 'cos there ain't no accession matey and it is unlikely sat the experts!

but I suspect you know that already...

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