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Job seekers allowance

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Joined: 26/01/2008
Posts: 436

Message Posted:
18/12/2009 14:01

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Any comments ?

the butler

Joined: 22/06/2007
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Message Posted:
18/12/2009 14:42

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Message 2 of 12 in Discussion

Hi all,

This kind of thing makes me so mad, if you leave the country no matter how many years contributions you have paid you cannot claim anything on return. Yet people who have never copntributed in their lives seem to get it all. Also all the immigrants are fed and housed without paying any contributions, yet if we go to another country we cannot receive anything. It's all wrong and the whole system needs a good shakeup. It shouldn't go on the last two years contributions but on how many years you paid them and the taxes you paid. Rant over.

The butlers wife


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Message Posted:
18/12/2009 14:59

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Totally agree with you butlers wife, there seems to be no consideration with how long and how much one has paid into the system. It really makes my blood boil, I have relatives who have never done a days work and get benifits and housed. As you say, the whole system needs revamping, perhaps the huge debt the country is in now may make someone get off their backside and sort it out.

girne 29

Joined: 06/12/2007
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Message Posted:
18/12/2009 15:02

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Having claimed this and also not recieved any.I found the reasons given for refusal were clear.The builder should have asked about his own case before concerning himself with other claimants.Too much savings ?did he continue paying his stamp even though living abroad ,if not, how many years NI contributions are required.Does he have pension etc. Why no info ,this article appears to be more about benfit claimants and immigrants rather than about himself.

I could turn his argument about immigrants around and ask why should people who choose to live abroad and return to claim benifits get jobseekers allowance when people like myself ,who back then,had paid taxes ALL their lives ,be denied .

Reading previous UK slagging threads on here ,like the one roughly asking" Is Britain full of benifit scroungers". One cant help wondering if the gent was off a similar view in the Spanish44 but has now got occasion to change his view now that he is trying to be a 'scrounger' as well.


Joined: 27/04/2008
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Message Posted:
18/12/2009 15:30

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It seems to turn on the fact that he owns land in Spain. As the GCs and, it seems, our own courts insist that we don't own our land, we should all be within our rights to say we didn't own any land in TRNC if we needed to claim.

Use the system.

When we left UK 5 years ago my 17 y.o. son decided to stay behind to go to college. The DSS (or whatever they are called) said he couldn't claim anything as he had "voluntarily decided not to leave the UK" with us. I said he had decided to stay in the country in which had been born and brought up in and his Dad had paid taxes in. Sorry - Only way someone that age could get any benefits was if he was thrown out of their home due to family breakdown. I said "OK. I'm throwing him out before I go." He got his benefits.

Use the system.

girne 29

Joined: 06/12/2007
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Message Posted:
18/12/2009 15:54

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TRNC vaughan

Correct in that the system is somewhat crazy.

On a similar vein.

A married friend of ours came back from serving as a policeman in Hong Kong. Was staying in a apartment with father who was unemployed. He wanted to give his father something towards his and wifes keep ,but when savings ran out and he went to claim got next to nothing. Asked for something towards fathers outgoings ,was refused ,so said well inthat case my father is evicting me.

They were put into B&B hotel .So instead of £20 a week towards staying with father ,total cost would be ten times that.


Joined: 04/07/2008
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Message Posted:
18/12/2009 15:56

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Message 7 of 12 in Discussion

I wonder how they found out he owned a piece of land in Spain?


Joined: 18/04/2009
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Message Posted:
18/12/2009 16:05

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the DSS and DWP have staff abroad who investigate


Joined: 14/12/2008
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Message Posted:
18/12/2009 16:10

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Message 9 of 12 in Discussion

There is question on the claim form as to whether you own property abroad.


Joined: 26/08/2008
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Message Posted:
18/12/2009 16:11

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Message 10 of 12 in Discussion

He probably told them, saying that he didn't own a house only a piece of land and had been living in a caravan.


Joined: 18/04/2009
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Message Posted:
18/12/2009 16:12

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Message 11 of 12 in Discussion

same for pension credit and believe me if you own property abroad and say 'no' your lovely neighbours will 'grass you' if they get chance x


Joined: 12/12/2008
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Message Posted:
18/12/2009 16:34

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Message 12 of 12 in Discussion

Afraid its true.

Friend of mine was denied any benefits or help on returning to UK after doing only 1 year in the TRNC.He even had to prove he was English .He was also refused sickness benefit after his re-assesment on returning to the UK.NO he didnt draw benefits while he was here he told them he was going to the TRNC to which he was told there was no such place but as he was going to live in Cyprus he could continue to draw.The reason given for no benefits was there is no record of you in the UK fo the last financial year .Even though he still paid tax on a government pension, he had throughout the time he was here. The mind boggles??He has no property or land here either.

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