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Honour killing in South East Turkey

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Joined: 07/06/2009
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Message Posted:
06/02/2010 13:05

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There is an article in todays paper that a 16yr old girl was buried alive in a sitting position by her father and grandfather who then concreted over the area as they felt that her friendship with boys had brought dishonour to the family. Her body was not discovered for 40 days after she disappeared and the amount of soil found in her lungs and stomach showed she had a slow and agonising death.

Regardless of culture or creed I cannot believe what they have done to this poor child. The father and grandfather have been accused of killing her but I wonder what justice will be done. I know as a mother what justice I would like to see done!


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Message Posted:
06/02/2010 13:17

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They should suffer the same fate... no that would be too quick! They should be buried together with their daughter/grand daughter...

Any parent who puts family shame above the well being of their child is beyond redemption...

Çok çok ayıp


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Message Posted:
06/02/2010 13:19

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This is appalling...


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Message Posted:
06/02/2010 13:21

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As is the case of the 24year old man in custody in Lapta for raping a 7 year old!!!


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Message Posted:
06/02/2010 13:24

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Do they have the death sentence in Turkey?


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Message Posted:
06/02/2010 17:34

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they should bill for things like this, how can it be allowed, Chris I know what I would like to do to that get from lapta, it made my blood boil reading about it. Hope the police give him what for. THere is enough nightclubs if thats what he needed xx


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Message Posted:
06/02/2010 18:20

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Bill, believe they do but no sentence has been carried out since early 1980's I believe. Last person to be given the death sentence was Abdullah Ocalan the Kurdish Leader but don't know what happen there. We've had a couple of court cases in the last 6 months regarding honour killings in the UK, fathers, uncles, brothers involved in killing their daughters, sisters etc. one was from Iraq and the father disapproved of his daughter going out with a Christian boy and the other, Turkish, did not like his daughter going out with a Sunni. Southern Turkey is culturally very different to the rest of Turkey.


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Message Posted:
06/02/2010 18:22

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It makes your stomach churn - I wish NO-ONE, aside from the neanderthal, knuckle dragging, cave males who carry out these unspeakable crimes, would use the term 'Honour Killings' as of course, there is not one iota, one drop of 'honour' involved in murdering a person for simply being human. It's the sick twisted males (and pathetic brain-washed mothers who stand by and watch it happen, whether they condone it or not, without going for hellp) who 'think' (I use that term in the loosest sense) this way because of - RELIGION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The males are obsessed with sex. They should know that if they do this - they will be castrated, have their hands and feet chopped off, and be left to rot in prison - in agony, hopefully for a very long lifetime, helpless to help themselves - at the mercy of any other equally deranged yobs. Instead, they usually get a smacked hand and leave the Courts smirking, ready to kill another female of their family, or female relative, without hesitation.


Joined: 22/12/2008
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Message Posted:
06/02/2010 18:28

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turkey will never get eu human rights they need to show the world that this sort of thing must never get away lightly

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