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Dog poisoning at Alagadi beach

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Joined: 05/10/2007
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Message Posted:
21/02/2010 18:00

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Our lovely dog Poppy was poisoned today down at Alagadi beach.

We usually walk our two dogs down on the beach most days as Poppy loved to swim in the sea. Today we walked up on the dirt road just behind the beach due to the number of people down on the beach. We planned to go down on the beach further up past the people. When we got to the end near the restaurant we noticed she was no longer following us. Our other dog Jenny was still with us. We found Poppy staggering down the road behind us with foam coming out of her mouth.

A very kind couple drove us back to our car which was parked in the far car park, then we took her to Ferdez in Girnie. Sadly she died as we pulled into the car park.

Poppy loved going into the sea to fetch sticks. She couldnt do that if we muzzled her. As owners we always felt the beach was a safe place to walk our dogs. Sadly we have paid the price for letting her loose without a muzzle.


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Message Posted:
21/02/2010 18:05

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So sorry to hear that tilly.



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Message Posted:
21/02/2010 18:11

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Any idea why the poison was put down, and any idea who might have done it? Farmers? Who? And was it just ine piece. A friend of mine lost his dog at Kayalar, and it is reputed that it was a local farmer whose cow got bitten in the leg, sohe put poison through the olive grove and along the street.

Did you report your loss to the police, aqnd have you told KAR. I do hope so as statistics are vital. As you know kAR took a petition to the last government about poison - and so did my village (never even had an acknowledgement), so it should be known that it is still gvoing on and will until the sale of such poison is legislated against, or until someone has proof and can take the offender to the police. It is against the law to harm an animal!


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Message Posted:
21/02/2010 18:12

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Very sorry to here about poppy!

Thanks for letting us know I also walk my dog on that beach.

Its a sad state this poisoning!


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Message Posted:
21/02/2010 18:18

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Thanks for the alert and Im sorry you lost one of your dogs. Its very sad that someone can knowingly cause such devastation. I walk my dogs on that beach so I shall stop now. Such a shame as they love running around there in the winter months.


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Message Posted:
21/02/2010 18:33

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Tilly - so very sorry. Most of us are dog/animal lovers and the loss of a pet always hits hard. Have just had a thought. You said you were on a 'dirt road' on your way to the beach. Why would poison be 'laid' there? There's always scrub at the sides of dirt roads though and could it be possible that Poppy nosed her way around and - straight into a sleepy, but still dangerous snake, like a viper? The venom from a bite would be very fast-acting and foaming at the mouth in animals is also (I believe) a symptom of snake poisoning. Just a thought.....


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Message Posted:
21/02/2010 18:46

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Tilly, I am so sorry to hear about poor Poppy. It is just so sad how many people have lost their beloved pets to poisoning on this island, what is it going to take before the government take some action?

Our dog was poisoned just outside of our gate, in a residential area, we will never forget how lucky we are that she survived, I am only sorry that the outcome was not the same for dear Poppy.



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Message Posted:
21/02/2010 18:56

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im so very sorry, perhaps kar will take notice of me now, how can you put dogs on the street to face this fate. you say you will take vunerable dogs how much more proof daily do you need. Popy may you rest in peace. you did not deserve it neither did your owners. You know thios stops people taking them in xxxxxxxx


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Message Posted:
21/02/2010 19:24

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Hello Tilly,

I dont know you but thought I would express my sorrow at your dog Poppy being poisoned, I know what its like to loose a dog and especialy in these circumstances.

Please aceept my best wishes


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Message Posted:
21/02/2010 19:24

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Hi Tilly,

Andy and I arrived at the car park as you and your husband were getting Poppy into the car - we spoke briefly. We are so so sorry - she looked such a beautiful dog and our whole walk, we couldn't help but talk about it and, needless to say, we kept Daisy close to the sea, on her lead... We also, take our dog there frequently, and like you, have always felt safe there.

Just so you know, when we arrived at the beach cafe at Aligadi, we noticed the big alsation cross dog, normally there, was also missing. We asked the owner, who told us he had also been poisoned last night. He found him, close to where you were walking, this morning. He was, obviously, devastated.

It has left us wondering what more we can do to put pressure on the government to control the sale and possession of such a destructive chemical, particularly when in the hands of those who have little consideration for the wider consequences.

Anyway,I just wanted to pass on our love and best wishes.


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Message Posted:
21/02/2010 19:25

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Realy sorry to hear about your dog we have been to aligadi today called at the restaurant some one there told us that the blind dog that lived there had also been poisened it was a lovely dog did not want much out of life.

How can people be so cruel I realy wish someone in the goverment would do something about all these animals being poisened.



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Message Posted:
21/02/2010 19:31

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Two of our dogs found a duck carcase which was laced with poison,and thrown into a field.An old local farmer told us to force a cup of salt down their throat,which made them violently sick,gave them a pint of milk to drink,no food only water for 24 hours .Both the dogs survived,Was it the salt or luck.Why I am posting ,this method may save a dogs life.


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Message Posted:
21/02/2010 19:42

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When will the TRNC ever crawl out of the dark ages?


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Message Posted:
21/02/2010 20:03

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jeaus mary and divine joseph, this breaks my heart, where cab we take our dogs. my heart bleeds for you. i have 4 to rehome but i will not with all this, when will these people learn. when we stop taking the animals and we do not care anymore. or as suggested which horrififes me a mass cull, i would rather that than poision. i cant bear it


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Message Posted:
21/02/2010 20:11

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I am so sorry to here the news about Poppy and Lucky. I often walk my dogs at Alagadi and had considered it to be one of the safer areas. In fact I was due to take them there today, but decided at the last minute to go elsewhere.

I really cannot understand the mentality of people who lay poison and kill so indiscriminently - shame on them.



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Message Posted:
21/02/2010 20:33

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Very sorry to hear this, I know of 3 other dogs poisoned in the Alagadi area in the last few years. Really can't understand why this goes on, it's so sad.

Paddywack, Thanks for the tip, lets hope we never have to use it.


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Message Posted:
21/02/2010 20:39

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My god there really are some brave people out there.Time and time again i read posts like this on the forum.Every time i read them it upsets me.To the person that put down the poison that killed this poor dog.I hope you rot in hell,



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Message Posted:
21/02/2010 20:40

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I thought dogs were banned from Alagadi beach?


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Message Posted:
21/02/2010 21:11

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I do not know you nor do I know your dogs but as we have 2 dogs ourselves, I cannot express enough my sorrow that you have lost your dear Poppy. We have been thinking about muzzles for our two but did not like the idea of them but tomorrow I am going to buy two.

Who are these "pigs" who put this poison down? A taste of their own medicine would do them good.

Our dogs become like our children and we feel your loss.


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Message Posted:
21/02/2010 21:21

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Dogs are only disallowed on Aligadi beaches in the months April to October due to the Turtle breeding season. During the rest of the year, they are allowed on the beach. Generally, poison does not seem to be put on the beaches themselves, rather, in the scrub areas surrounding them. Although, never say never...

It is still a hideous practice which cannot be allowed to continue... I know KAR have worked hard to try and put pressure on the government to prohibit the sale of the poisons but perhaps we are missing something... I wonder if we, as pet owners, both TC and Ex-pat alike, could band together to do something more... Not sure what yet - but this seems to be something that just won't go away by itself...

Spanna. X

Any ideas... send them on a postcard - I for one and ready to take some positive action - if only I knew what to do! Great help I am eh!! :(


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Message Posted:
22/02/2010 00:16

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It beggars belief why some people feel the need to do such things as laying down poison in such a public place !or at all if they have a problem.

A child could have easily died also.

Poor Poppy she must have suffered and Tilly you must be heartbroken

This is so sad, there must be another way to control stray dogs without endangering others .


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Message Posted:
22/02/2010 07:34

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Tilly, I know we met quite often at the beach with my two cypriot poodles. I am devastated for you. We were there the day before your lovely Poppy was poisoned, on that dirt track and it could have so easily been mine. Sick, sick people who can do something like that with no morals or scrupples, so no point in pleading to their better nature!!! Our hearts go out to you, we know how much you love your dogs.


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Message Posted:
22/02/2010 07:38

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yet another reason for Brits to want to leave the TRNC...

Then where will the TRNC be ??


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Message Posted:
22/02/2010 08:10

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I think the restaurateurs at Alagadi will have a very good idea who it is.


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Message Posted:
22/02/2010 08:23

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I am so dreadfully sorry to be reading about this...I can't say anymore, you all know my views on the stray dogs.

Tilly my heart goes out to you x


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Message Posted:
22/02/2010 08:41

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I would like to thank everyone for their kind comments and support on the loss of our dog.

Poppy loved the beach and surrounding area. She often played with the restaurant owners dog down on the beach. He was a friendly animal, neither deserved this.

God bless all of you.



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Message Posted:
22/02/2010 10:33

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You're so right - our dog also used to play with the restaurant owners dog - it was one of the reasons we loved to go there - she would get a really good run chasing him around...!

Groucho, you're right, the restaurant owner did seem to have a good idea who it might be but in reality, there is just so little that can be done at present.

No dogs or any animal, for that matter, deserves this.



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Message Posted:
22/02/2010 16:19

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Tilly I am so sorry to hear about Poppy. I can't imagine how you are feeling at the moment.

We were on the beach yesterday afternoon when we heard about it. We always take our dogs to play with the restaurant owner's dog as he was such a softie.

Spanna - if the restaurant owner knows who it was wouldn't he be prepared to report it and name the culprit. It is time someone was caught for putting down poison.


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Message Posted:
22/02/2010 18:45

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Trouble is that if the restaurant owner says who he thinks it is, he could well be related and it upsets the family/community applecart. But, someone should. However, for the polic\de to take any action, they need PROOF. They need a witness who can say the poison was put down etc etc. Then the culprit can be fined or sent toprison or both, but unfortunately of all the many cases, no one has come forward with any proof.

There must come a first time, but when?

Again I ask, has anyone spoken to KAR about this?


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Message Posted:
22/02/2010 19:09

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"No dogs or any animal, for that matter, deserves this."

The 'man' putting this stuff down does!

I realise that shepherds have to safeguard their livelihood but indiscriminately putting poison down in a public place is just a fatal accident waiting to happen.

What would happen if a child maybe even a locals' children picked some up and ate it?

Children of a certain age will put anything in their mouths!

I think we need to put pressure on the locals to keep their house in order before a tragic accident takes somebody's life. I know Benoz is sympathetic and so is Keço President of SPOT.

As Alagadi is a designated conservation/nature reserve area (Northern Cyprus equivalent of an SSSI), I don't think dogs are officially allowed on the beach at any time of year so we need to stress the risks to human life posed by this activity.


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Message Posted:
22/02/2010 19:12

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Marion, I don't think there is any love lost between Benoz and the suspect... as this person shot Benoz's puppy!


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Message Posted:
22/02/2010 19:25

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Am I right to say that the Cyprus Star Newspaper lists places/beaches where poison has been identified?

I dont know what we can do to stop this but as MarieB says it HAS to be reported to KAR.

Would the restaurant owner be happy to put a sign up warning that Poison may be present around the beach?

I know muzzles are a must but that is only because of this problem with stray dogs.

I have to agree with Dee, As harsh as it sounds its the only true solution.


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Message Posted:
22/02/2010 19:30

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The person in question poisoned dogs in peoples gardens and on their own land... nothing to do with strays.


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Message Posted:
22/02/2010 19:32

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I didn't realise that Benoz was involved. I haven't got the time to come over, but could someone talk to him and ask him to share what he KNOWS (not so much what he thinks). If it is true that the farmer shot his puppy, did he see him> Would he give evidence to that effect?

As to putting up a sign, I know that someone did that a year ago, and was applauded for warning people, but where do you put the signs? From the road down? Along the path? Where? But if someone could make some, it would be a start.

As to muzzling my dog (and I don't livce your way) it should NOT be necessary. When I take my dog out it is for her to enjoy a freedom she does not have at home, so to make her wear a muzzle is more like punishing her. It all seems a tad unfair, doesn't it.

It is all a barbaric practice from years ago, but I do feel that Kar SHOULD try the government again about the banning of the sale of poisons over the counter. That would be one of the best starts.


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Message Posted:
22/02/2010 19:40

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if you know the person in question could he not be reported to the police


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Message Posted:
22/02/2010 19:52

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Lilli - he SHOULD be reported to the police, but you have to be absoltely SURE of your facts. I am sure that you, above all people, would be aware of that! All it needs is for someone to be caught, fined etc, and then the message would be spread around, but up to date this has not happened. Well, that's not true, because recently it was reported that a man was fined because he raped and killed a donkey! Yes, really! So, he was accused under the existing old English law. But we need to get someone re poisoning. That appears to be so much more difficult.


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Message Posted:
22/02/2010 20:02

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RE Msg 33.. So who is the person in question?


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Message Posted:
22/02/2010 20:45

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tilly. really sorry to hear that .



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Message Posted:
22/02/2010 20:49

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Time for someone to come forward on this as this sort of barbaric practice has gone on for long enough.Groucho i dont expect you to put the name on here but if there is anything that you can do to bring this person to justice,that would be great,



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Message Posted:
22/02/2010 20:58

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Msg 34 In regards to signs. KAR have posters on their website that can be down loaded.

They can be found by clicking on the title "Poison alert" and are available in English & Turkish.


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Message Posted:
22/02/2010 23:26

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Thanks Puppy Lover. I hope that people reading this will download the posters. Not sure the public know about this, so I think we should all pass the message around. I will try to do so, and suggest my friends in Kayalar do the same.

Thanks for that.


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Message Posted:
23/02/2010 00:19

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I was wondering if it might be a good idea if all the local vets had some copies of the posters so that they could give to the owner's of victims of poisoning.

I know it must be a very distressing time when one's beloved pet is poisoned but I'm sure like poppy's owner I would want to make other dog owners aware of where the poison is being left.


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Message Posted:
23/02/2010 00:54

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Agree Puppylover, but I am sure with the contacts that KAR has with the vets that they might like to organise that. Don't know. Equally I don't know if any people connnected with KAR are regular readers/contributors to Cyp.44, and if they are and are reading this, then please note!

Trouble is that the message normally gets passed on very quickly about poison, but unfortunately no one knows about it until at least one dog has lost it's life, so it is a bit like closing the stable door after the horse has bolted. If ONLY someone actually saw someone putting poison down. It seems no one ever does.

But on the grounds that every little helps, maybe we should all be working together a bit better.

What we need to be able to do is convey how concerned we are that osme locals still live with outmoded ways of dealing with the problems of dogs! But how?


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Message Posted:
24/02/2010 08:16

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I downloaded the poster from KAR and put a couple of signs up at Alagadi yesterday. I hope it may deter other dogs being poisoned but we really need to get the cafe owner to speak up and name the culprit.


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