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Rip off Shana Beech, Catalkoy

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Message Posted:
10/03/2010 09:58

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Message 1 of 51 in Discussion

Over the last few weeks my wife and i have been to a couple of functions at Shana Beech, Catalkoy. The first being Snakes rock night who i have to say was fantastic and the second being the Amy Winehouse experience last night.

On both occasions we were looking ater haveing a great night out until they started trying to rip us off with the price of drinks.

1st round one red wine and one local Bacardi coke 18tl (which i thought was expensive enough)

2nd round one red wine and local Bacardi Coke 18tl

3rd round one red wine local Bacadi Coke 24tl

It happened on both occasions so i can only presume its a regular thing. It makes me wonder just how many more unsuspecting soles out having a good night have been stung in this way.

Being a person of principle it really does p--- me off.


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Message Posted:
10/03/2010 10:09

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So you paid twice a third round of 24 TL. Did you complain about it at Shana's? What happened? And if you didn't complain when you could/should have done it - why do it here and now..?!


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Message Posted:
10/03/2010 10:17

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The principle being?


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Message Posted:
10/03/2010 10:34

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Same round at JK's bar in Lapta would be 13tl so yes it is expensive.



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Message Posted:
10/03/2010 10:43

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Message 5 of 51 in Discussion

You should have shipped out shippo,



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Message Posted:
10/03/2010 10:59

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we had a great time there last night two wines a rum and coke and a beer 24tl every round as far as i remember


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Message Posted:
10/03/2010 13:25

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Drinks prices at live music venues and prestige venues is always cited as an issue for people - however bare in mind what entertainment you are getting and the environment i.e. quality hotel versus versus local bar

This is why we have negotiated 20% off the drinks prices at the Rocks Hotel for the Stephen Triffitt / frank Sinatra Supper Club night on the 26th March - 2 glasses of wine and a Bacardi/Coke would be 24TL - good value considering the venue...


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Message Posted:
10/03/2010 14:23

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Message 8 of 51 in Discussion

Raccoonchic, how you can remember anything is beyond me pal, you looked as though you had a good time though !!!


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Message Posted:
12/03/2010 21:09

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Message 9 of 51 in Discussion

Hi,i went to the Amy Winehouse night...good night all round but as you say ripped off with the drinks...8tl for a small Carslberg..thats about £6 sterling a wouldnt pay that in London..nobody minds paying a little more at these venues but when they say there is no draught beer before the evening starts the alarm bells ring..get realistic Dennis or you will end like the rest..


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Message Posted:
12/03/2010 21:55

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Without wishing to get involved in the whole arguement I can inform you that in a reasonable hotel in London you could easily pay £8 a pint.

Sad but true



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Message Posted:
12/03/2010 22:00

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Message 11 of 51 in Discussion

re message 9

At current conversion rates I get 8tl to come out at £3.45........


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Message Posted:
12/03/2010 22:09

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Msg 2

2 X 18 = 24? I think it just maybe 36 but could be proved wrong. Know wonder the Dutch are so rich!



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Message Posted:
12/03/2010 22:16

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Message 13 of 51 in Discussion

Yea... but Phoebe Cat - the bottles are diddy so to get a pint - you'd need at least 2...!


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Message Posted:
12/03/2010 22:27

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Message 14 of 51 in Discussion

Maybe you should have gone to Shayna beach club then!


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Message Posted:
12/03/2010 23:44

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Message 15 of 51 in Discussion

I think your missing the point guys/girls...Shayna or Shana...8tl is a micky take,your right Harold you can pay up to £8 a pint in a London hotel but its not a London hotel its a beach bar in Catalkoy.....Phoebe Cat yes it takes about 2 bottles...i will practise my spelling if you practise your maths...meow..only kidding


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Message Posted:
12/03/2010 23:58

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Message 16 of 51 in Discussion

Guys you get what you pay for here, if the entertainment was good then it has to be paid for. It makes me so sad when so many try to bring you this and you still complain. You know it puts us all off then you complain about the acts here, please suport what you have and appreciate it. -

we have laurence bringing class acts for children in need, zero bringing for the young amongst us, snakes the superstar . we have a wealth of talent so please dont be put off by bar prices think about whom you have gone to see, they are worth it xxxxxxxxxxxx


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Message Posted:
13/03/2010 06:00

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Message 17 of 51 in Discussion

mess 16 - Lilli, whilst i see it from your side of the bar, i think you have to see it from the punter's side...

times are tough and being charged high prices for drinks will mean that the punters show their feelings with their feet....

I remember seeing Abba Diva's at the Malpass, having been told that their beer price had been reduced to 8TL - only to find that 8TL got you a tiny (20CL ?) bottle....


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Message Posted:
13/03/2010 06:16

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Message 18 of 51 in Discussion

If you want to provide entertainment then charge at the door, then normal price for the drinks. Nobody gets upset.


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Message Posted:
13/03/2010 07:32

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Message 19 of 51 in Discussion

I think a major problem with drink prices is the foreign community drink far more, 6 to 10 beers is nothing but have you noticed there are often tables who have one beer and a bottle of water between six of them all night therefore if the door price goes up these people maybe unable to go to these evenings.

I remember having this discussion years ago in the Night Jar when entry fees were introduced on Saturdays to listen to Serdar (great musician!). We always felt if the bar tab was over a certain limit the door fee should be refunded and often we did get it back but those were the days.

But being consistent is a MUST prices varying on rounds is a pet hate, we may be drunk but we are not stupid until at least the sixth drink in my case


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Message Posted:
13/03/2010 08:54

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Message 20 of 51 in Discussion

Hi Lilli

Yes the entertainment was good and im going back next week to see snake but the point here is this...the way i see it you pay at the door to pay to see a good problem we did...because the act is good the place is full of punters...great...because the place is full rather than think great we will sell loads of beer and have a good will pull the cheap draught beer off...charge 8tl for a tiny bottle and a possibly rouge waiter will try it on with the drink prices ....not good.

Im a fan of the place and have seen it rise in popularity and quality and it would be a shame it it fell into the rip off trap that so many do.Im sure it wont but these matters need to addressed and the owners and people who run these places need to be aware that from experience the hardest thing do do is get people through the door and the easiest is to watch people leave.....there is enough money to be made without being silly...

I say good luck Shayna.


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Message Posted:
13/03/2010 09:11

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Message 21 of 51 in Discussion

steamerpoint, I realise that this has put a bee in your bonnet and perhaps quite rightfully so but as you are the only person who is writing about it then I think most other people must have accepted the situation.

You have just said you will be going back but the management should do something about the way they are running things, why oh why like so many others do you think that writing about it on the forum will make a difference.

By all means write on the forum to let people know about the situation, that I understand but continuing the complaint and stating the "point here is" implies that if you do actually make a point here it will make the slightest difference.

I am slowly falling in love with living in NC but one of the things that really irks me is people doing nothing about a situation they don't like apart from complaining on a forum where they may find others to complain also. It achieves nothing. Go directly to the source of the problem, please.



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Message Posted:
13/03/2010 09:21

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Message 22 of 51 in Discussion

Hi Paul,the reason i am making this point is that i already love NC and i dont want it to go like GB.I did point out the problem i am making with the management and waiters.Writing on a forum makes no difference what so ever.But you are right about one thing going on about it has no gain...cheers


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Message Posted:
13/03/2010 10:10

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Message 23 of 51 in Discussion

Just to let you know the Rocks Hotel are doing special discounted prices for the Supper Club Frank Sinata tribute for the non inclusive night on Friday 26th, an Efes is 5tl and Miller 7tl, think that's pretty good considering its a five star hotel.


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Message Posted:
13/03/2010 12:19

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Message 24 of 51 in Discussion

I think the whole thread was lost ....................

2 rounds cost 18tl but the third (same) round cost 24tl not the price is in question just the increase!!


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Message Posted:
13/03/2010 12:21

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Message 25 of 51 in Discussion

Thanks you all for both positive and negative views. Your views are important for me. Because I have to know your opinions in order to do better service for you.

I would like to let you know that, the prices are not the same as that night as you must all know.

For that night an efes 33 cl was 5,00 TL, For the usual days 50 cl draft 5,00 TL

and the other brands of beer were 8,00 TL, 6,00 TL

a glass of wine 8,00 TL, 7,00 TL

local spirits 10,00 TL 6,00 TL

imported ones 15,00 TL 8,00 TL

and Pepsi, coca cola and the others were 5,00 TL. 4,00 TL

And on Wednesday and Sunday's I do a promotion: a 50 cl draft efes 3,00 TL

will continue,


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Message Posted:
13/03/2010 12:40

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What I am trying to say, sometimes when you want to do something special, you face with special(higher) costs. So our customers also face with higher prices. Unless you can't do something special.

May be its not correct to tell my costs, but I will let you know.

Amy(Nicole Mary) 1000 STG

The other singer lady 500 TL

4 people accomodation at Jasmine court for two nights 600TL

4 people air tickets from istanbul to Ercan and from Ercan to Ankara 800 TL

2 security 300 TL

5 extra waiters and barmens 250 TL

Tickets cost 150 TL

advertisement 250 TL

and also 16 % tax on tickets sold

May be this can help you to understand me and the prices.

And for shippo, It was just a mistake to ask 24,00 TL from you for the third round. And If I am not wrong, I corrected it at that night and you paid just 18,00 TL

Also one more thing for not having draft beer, It was just for increasing the speed of service as its quicker to serve it with bottles.

will continue,


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Message Posted:
13/03/2010 12:45

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Message 27 of 51 in Discussion


My mistake was not letting you know the prices before the event.

But be sure, I will let you know the prices for the future events.

Thanks a lot.


Deniz Bardi


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Message Posted:
13/03/2010 13:04

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Message 28 of 51 in Discussion

mesage 25/26/27

i feel your reply deniz to the thread has put it to bed now.

I might add,if i go to night park or mansion or roxannes i automatically pay between 15 and 20tl for a vodka redbull and 10TL for a small efes.and as last night in girne 10tl for a miller,with a slice of lemon inside it i might add.

To be really honest deniz,i dont think the prices of drinks in your establishment are expensive.

message 23 says :: Friday 26th, an Efes is 5tl and Miller 7tl, think that's pretty good considering its a five star hotel

plus the price of a ticket!

with out the discount what would the price of the drinks be,getting back to your answers deniz,i didnt think you have to explain the costings of the whole night,that is your own private business.

But im sure some will find it very good of you to give the costings here.

It was a very good night and i hope we will have some more great nights to come from similar acts this summer.

i think this thread has been now answerd.


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Message Posted:
13/03/2010 13:08

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Message 29 of 51 in Discussion

typo error i feel your reply deniz to the thread has put it to bed now.

I might add,if i go to night park or mansion or roxannes i automatically pay between 15 and 20tl for a vodka redbull and 10TL for a small efes.and as last night in girne 10tl for a miller,with a slice of lemon inside it i might add.

To be really honest deniz,i dont think the prices of drinks in your establishment are not expensive.

message 23 says :: Friday 26th, an Efes is 5tl and Miller 7tl, think that's pretty good considering its a five star hotel

plus the price of a ticket!

with out the discount what would the price of the drinks be,getting back to your answers deniz,i didnt think you have to explain the costings of the whole night,that is your own private business.

But im sure some will find it very good of you to give the costings here.

It was a very good night and i hope we will have some more great nights to come from similar acts this summer.

i think this thread has be


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Message Posted:
13/03/2010 13:17

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Message 30 of 51 in Discussion

A few more words of wisdom

i was just thinking why so many nice bars are closeing there doors is it because of the non smoking policy or is because the owners are trying to keep prices as low as possible to keep the locals happy and in doing so lose there business?

Is the running costs of a business here in TRNC to high?

is stock for the wet trade to expensive and the profit made not enough in keeping prices to a minimum?

Has the reduction of interest rates on our money at the bank had a knock on effect to the bars and restaurants?


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Message Posted:
13/03/2010 14:04

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i have only good news for shayna always a good meal we did once have an issue when we went for a sunday dinner still had the fixed mes witch i think is fantastic for the price and with the issue we had they gave us double the mes i think that the issue you are making is very pettie some times any were mistakes are made but i will always go back and do the set meal as it is exalent value for money


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Message Posted:
13/03/2010 14:37

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Message 32 of 51 in Discussion

Think the answer to Zerchlors question is quite simple.

The rents are exorbatant and the Government I bet you does not see one penny of rent!

I had a bar here in Girne and the rent was reasonable 500 pounds a month.

I sold and after 3 months thought about another place closer to my home in Karsiyaka.

One place had a British Owner who drunk his and her way through the profits and more, place was empty for over a year and rent previous was 450 pounds .

I offered to spend about 15k on improvements, but the owner would not budge on the rent of.................................ONE THOUSAND!!!

The owner had the bar empty for a further 6 months and now he and his wife are back running it!


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Message Posted:
13/03/2010 21:34

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Message 33 of 51 in Discussion

As i started the thread i thought i should have the final word.

I have been to Shana on many occasions. I have always had a great night. On the last two occasions after we'd had a few drinks the waiters attempted to charge us more for the same drinks. On the first occasion i accepted it as a mistake but then when it happened again i must admit my first thought was that the waiters were charging the extra and putting it in there pockets. i never thought for one minute that the management were putting there prices up half way though the night. I did think the prices on the night were expensive especially as we had bought tickets for the event.

i think what the thread has highlighted is the fact that the majority of people would rather pay more for their tickets than have the price added to the cost of their drinks. I for one would be more than happy with this. At least this way you know the price of the ticket and can decide whether you can afford or want to buy it



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Message Posted:
13/03/2010 21:56

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before you buy it, rather than you get the the event and find the prices have been hiked up.

Ive spoken to a number of people who have all said the same thing '' great night but it was bloody expensive''

Doing things this way would still cover the expenses and would be more open and transparent than putting the prices up for the night.


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Message Posted:
14/03/2010 08:57

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Message 35 of 51 in Discussion

then its back to I think a major problem with drink prices is the foreign community drink far more, 6 to 10 beers is nothing which makes it an expensive night but have you noticed there are often tables who have one beer and a bottle of water between six of them all night therefore if the door price goes up these people maybe unable to go to these evenings.

How long will it be before the old vodka bottle goes in the old handbag - always thought this was a disgrace in the uk but i can see it coming here if it isn't already. Have a good drink before you go out


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Message Posted:
14/03/2010 09:12

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only if you are not driving


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Message Posted:
14/03/2010 10:34

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Message 37 of 51 in Discussion

It makes me laugh when you guys expect a beer to be the same price in a beach bar with live entertaintment as it is Lemar.


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Message Posted:
14/03/2010 13:00

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Message 38 of 51 in Discussion

Apart from the high drinks prices, I agree that its annoying when the prices keep changing. Four of us went to Shayna to see Snakes and again every round (same drinks) was a different price! Regardless of whether the prices are exorbitant, the prices should be consistent, otherwise you end up feeling like you've been ripped off and you dont go back.


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Message Posted:
14/03/2010 13:49

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Message 39 of 51 in Discussion

mess 37 - glad to hear you have something o laugh about.....


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Message Posted:
14/03/2010 19:01

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Message 40 of 51 in Discussion

Give the old Brit's drinks for 1TL and they would still moan.

I like Shayna's what ever the price! send the old gits up the fez they like moaning.


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Message Posted:
14/03/2010 19:11

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Message 41 of 51 in Discussion

to be honest i don't have a problem for paying a higher price for drink, which may cost a little more on the night due to entertainment etc, however the price of drink should have remand consistent through the evening, instead of changing half through the night, which did unfortunately happen, as it happened to a few people that evening. Maybe a lack of communication between staff.


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Message Posted:
15/03/2010 11:30

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Message 42 of 51 in Discussion

Hear, Hear Birdy!! Fully agree with those sentiments!


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Message Posted:
15/03/2010 11:57

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Message 43 of 51 in Discussion

All a fuss about nothing, the owner answered the question very well, the place is a great venue and i for one will always have a drink there even give or take a tyl or 2.


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Message Posted:
15/03/2010 13:44

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Message 44 of 51 in Discussion

if u was in uk and had a night out with entertainment it would cost over a 100 quid and the surropundings wouldnt be as nice so why be an old minger? Enjoy it dont moan !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

girne 29

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Message Posted:
15/03/2010 14:03

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Message 45 of 51 in Discussion


Must have missed the bit answering Twinky's point . Why were the prices not consistant during the evening.?


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Message Posted:
15/03/2010 14:21

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Message 46 of 51 in Discussion

Message 43 rcroton

your 100% correct.the thread has been addressed.

And this summer it will be a even better venue,many many 1000s being spent on it ,profits being plunged back into the business,but as negative nicks uncle percy used to say,you cant keep every 1 happy can you!!!


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Message Posted:
15/03/2010 15:49

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Message 47 of 51 in Discussion

Msg 44.We are NOT in the UK.Why do people constantly compare the two???


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Message Posted:
15/03/2010 17:30

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Message 48 of 51 in Discussion

Deniz, I do think it is wrong that you should have to show your costs, but well done you for doing so, I already knew all that coz we talked about it that nite,

if we all look at those costs, consider they are in addition to your usual running costs, its a very scary nite for you to commit to, and well done it was a brilliant nite, next time give em draught at 6tl or even 8tl, it wont bother me as i dont drink beer.

Good luck with the coming season



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Message Posted:
15/03/2010 18:17

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Message 49 of 51 in Discussion

i like the shana and if i thought i was getting ripped off i would not go again why bother with all this if you dont like it dont go or dont watch if all you have to moan about is a few lira get a life but the way toni is going to be at the windows bar form now on so if you liked his fish and chips curries and more you know were to go but he is the only entertainment so the prices will always be the same what a load of wasters


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Message Posted:
16/03/2010 20:23

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Message 50 of 51 in Discussion

But there is an issue Deniz re the staff charging different prices for the same drinks on the same nights. We too have experienced this on more than one occasion and although we have not raised the issue as we have some really good times there and most of us are willing to take the extra few lira here and there but times are tight for lots of people right now and it would be nice to know that the when paying for rounds of drinks that it was consistent.


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Message Posted:
16/03/2010 20:32

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Message 51 of 51 in Discussion

I find it a refreshing change for the owners to respond and explain, and i am sure they will look into the price difference.

It is when u think the owners don`t care it is annoying.

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