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Joined: 13/06/2008
Posts: 2521

Message Posted:
16/05/2010 12:25

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Whilst browsing the news this morning, I came across a couple of articles which may be of interest - admittedly not TRNC orientated, although the first should tickle our Antipodean 'members' (if I can use that word: -

NZ spider objects to Canadian's todger - Skinny-dip ends badly for North Island tourist: -

And the second one was about 'hacking' the computer systems on cars, the full article "Boffins warn on car computer security risk" is here: -

Here are some highlights from the Article, (selected for 'scare value' of course ): -

Computer scientists carried out analyses of the..use of computer systems in cars, finding systems easy to hack or disrupt.."An attacker..can completely circumvent.. safety-critical systems"



Joined: 13/06/2008
Posts: 2521

Message Posted:
16/05/2010 12:25

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Message 2 of 2 in Discussion


The team based this warning on an array of lab and road tests where they were able to carry out a variety of undesirable actions including..disabling the brakes, selectively braking individual wheels on demand, stopping the engine..& were able to easily bypass rudimentary security..displaying arbitrary messages, falsify the fuel level and the speedometer reading

“The OBD-II port, under the dash in virtually all modern vehicles, provides direct and standard access to internal automotive networks”..Two attack scenarios: physical access by a mechanic or valet, and hacking into one or other of the wireless networks car systems are plugged into..Experiments designed to load malware onto car systems using Bluetooth have (so far) drawn a blank

Inserting a malicious component given physical access to a car appears..straightforward and, of course given access, all manner of..skullduggery is possible

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