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donkey charity north cyprus

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Joined: 04/11/2008
Posts: 356

Message Posted:
31/07/2010 14:15

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Although there were many venues taking place yesturday evening 30th July, resulting in numbers for our social (Kibris Liners) slightly lower than normal. We still managed to raise 500tl for "Donkey Valley" the new home in the Karpaz for 5 neglected Donkey's, one of which is blind and called George, and as I mentioned previously this is the one we are going to sponser on a montly basis.

We achieved this amount of money through a raffle and a small auction made possible when some of the prizes won were given back to be auctioned. Marcosthechef who kindly donated 6 bottles of his wine from "The Wine Box" will be pleased to hear that 3 of his bottles were put into auction and were bought for 70tl. Thank you Christopher from Karakum. Thank you to everyone who gave their support to Kibris Liners & the Donkeys, and a special thanks to, on his night off may I say to our Auctioneer Mike Plant from the 112 Emergency Service. Thank you everybody more carrots for the Donkeys


Joined: 16/03/2009
Posts: 1256

Message Posted:
31/07/2010 14:34

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Message 2 of 3 in Discussion

Fantasic news Valarius....what a great amount to go to the Donkeys. Thank you so much Kibris Liners. I am sure The Donkey Keepers will be over the moon.


Joined: 20/07/2010
Posts: 86

Message Posted:
31/07/2010 21:30

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Message 3 of 3 in Discussion

Dear Valarius. I am writing this from the other side of the moon! Thank you Kibris Liners. If only the 5 Donks new how much people are supporting them, they would be over the moon with me. We are very humbled by your response. We have just read message 1 as we have only finished (in the dark) erecting 2 more poles for the Donkey's new fence at Donkey Valley.

Thank you Thank you Thank you.


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