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Dragon Football academy

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Joined: 12/05/2010
Posts: 316

Message Posted:
22/08/2010 10:07

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To all parents out there,

I would just like to advise you that my son went on the above course last week with Rob at the Birtish Academy (x Sunny Lane School) and what an excellent time he had.

This is the second week that he has done it and not once did he complain or say he was bored he learnt so many skills etc.

There is another course on the 30th August and if your children are starting to get a bit bored or you dont know what to do with them then put them into this it is well worth it.

The parents get to watch a world cup final and enjoy watching their children with the new skills learnt. There is also a small surprise at the end of the day for the parents!!!

Well done Rob and Thank you for such an enjoyable week.

Jodie and Jon


Joined: 01/01/2008
Posts: 58

Message Posted:
22/08/2010 11:04

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My son also attended the course - his second time - and he enjoyed it once again. The kids are kept busy all day doing quizzes and games as well as learning football skills. The older children learn valuable leadership skills too.

Thanks Rob - another great week. Dan will be attending again - as long as he behaves this week!!!

To book a place contact the school on 0392 8212011 or Rob on 0533 8873822. Cost is 100TL for the week.


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