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turkey to join the eu?

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andre 514

Joined: 31/03/2008
Posts: 1163

Message Posted:
13/09/2010 23:19

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a fascinating question and one that has relevance to cyprus

eu leaders point to a lack of any cyprus settlement nobbling turkey's bid,

while pipsqueak south cyprus plans to (continue to) block accession chapters

if the promise of direct trade is granted against nicosia's advice

...all this is crystal clear and amply supported by various official statements

so readers may be taken aback to learn that turkey's dream to get into europe

dates to 31 july 1959, as an application to join the original european common market

the current bid began in 2005, but in both cases turkey was offered a consolation prize:

in 1963 the free trade agreement, and latterly an offer of priveliged non-member status

I have posted earlier on the real reasons an expanding, confident islamic turkey of 75 millions,

friend of iran and closely involved with the scary russian federation,

is still unlikely to get in and the "cyprob" a mere figleaf which if it blew away would reveal all


andre 514

Joined: 31/03/2008
Posts: 1163

Message Posted:
14/09/2010 00:56

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to avoid any misunderstandings,

I have no position at all on whether turkey should be more or less "islamic"

but as the very many anxious postings on the "referendum" thread indicate,

some cyrus 44 members are naturally concerned about the meaning of the vote,

the moment they start to look behind the headlines and ignore misinformation

on balance britain and the swedish foreign minister still believe a turkey in

is better than a possibly sulking turkey out, adding diversity and energy to the eu mix

...but the majority of continental voters appear to think very differently however

the "cyprob" is thus a convenient safety valve relevant in only the narrowest sense,

once again demonstrating that few eurocrats lose a moments sleep over cy-problems



Joined: 22/12/2008
Posts: 949

Message Posted:
14/09/2010 01:05

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Message 3 of 3 in Discussion

my turkish friends always said we are turkish first then muslim

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