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Medikent Hospital Lefkosa TRNC

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Joined: 04/07/2009
Posts: 211

Message Posted:
03/12/2010 20:58

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I reently had a CT Scan at the Medikent Hospital (24th Nov). I visited the hospital a few days before the scan and was told I would receive an English report on the scan within ''one or maybe two hours''. When I reported for the scan I was again assured this would be the case.

Readers may be interested to know that as of today 3rd December I still await the English report. Despite chasing the report I have been given various cock and bull stories as to why it is not available. An email to the boss of the hospital has been met by complete silence.

The difference between one or two hours and nine days is fairly significant but no-one at the hospital thinks it is of any importance. Given that I need the scan to monitor my cancer I tend to differ.

I mention this only to make people aware that like many other things in this country, don't take too much notice of what people tell you. They took my money but didn't deliver on their promises. Surprise, surprise.


Joined: 31/01/2009
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Message Posted:
03/12/2010 21:15

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Hi Trooper

Well I can't complain about my CT scan at Near East Hospital. 10 minutes after the scan, the cardiac surgeon (who speaks excellent English) came with a CD, loaded it onto the computer and took me through a tour of my legs - zooming, rotating and flipping as necessary to explain what he had found.

My problem was with the cost - although I can't isolate the CT scan from the total bill - because the eventual cost for a femoral bypass in 1 leg was more than twice what I was quoted for 2 legs (which was initially what was thought was necessary).

I cannot fault the medical care at Near East but the administration people are a nightmare - totally incompetent and without any sense of honour. My doctor went through the bill and found 5000tl of duplicate charges. And although they admit they made a mistake in the estimate, they insist that I pay the total bill.


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Message Posted:
03/12/2010 22:14

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JJ thats so awful. Guido has been teaching at the near east for 18 months now and the admin staff who handle the payroll do not seem to work. we are still waiting for his wages. He goes to their bank on site and waits and waits to no avail. The person who owns the whole thing is forbes 14th richest. No wonder these foreign students pay up front and as cyprus the usual shrug when you want your money. I hope and pray all will be ok for you and trooper but it does make you mad, double standards x


Joined: 15/04/2008
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Message Posted:
04/12/2010 07:31

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In future, you may like to try the Bank of Cyprus Oncology Centre in Nicosia south side. How their prices compare to somewhere like Medikent I have no idea but they are absolutely great. On time appointments, very modern equipment, helpful and efficient admin. staff and plenty of oncologists who all speak English and can talk to you in detail about test results. They even answer e-mails promptly which, in Cyprus either side, is almost unheard of!


Joined: 12/09/2008
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Message Posted:
04/12/2010 08:01

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Go anywhere but Medikent re oncology costs, they rip you off give results in turkish only admittedly verbally the results are given to you in english. They obviously think you will then go elsewhere maybe uk for further tretaments so they stick to turkish printed results, so that you then would need to go through all processess again unless at a Turkish Language run hospital


Joined: 19/09/2009
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Message Posted:
04/12/2010 12:07

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Ref Msg 2.

John surely you are not going to pay the xtra TL5,000, you must have recourse somewhere.

I mean that is over £ 2,150 unless you are one of the very rich Expats we keep reading about over here.


Joined: 21/08/2009
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Message Posted:
04/12/2010 13:13

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I went to Medikent for an MOT back in October and the charges were very reasonable compared with a similar exercise in the UK. However, having said that, I have a number of concerns arising out of my visit:

• No English translation despite my request prior to commencing the day

• As a result of the visit an endoscopy was recommended. I was quoted a price at my request and I was given two priced scenarios, one without a biopsy and the other with a biopsy depending on what was discovered. (400TL and 600 TL respectively). The final price was 820TL, including a biopsy!!

• No anaesthetic/tranquiliser was administered for the procedure which was the most uncomfortable process I have ever experienced and I have had several previous endoscopies in the UK.

• As a result of the biopsy, an operation was recommended urgently and the price quoted was TL5000-6000.

Continued on next post


Joined: 21/08/2009
Posts: 77

Message Posted:
04/12/2010 13:14

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Message 8 of 8 in Discussion

Continued from previous post

• On advice, I decided to seek a second opinion from a top specialist on the South side. He reviewed my biopsy and endoscopy results and immediately told me that I did not need an operation. I asked him if he should carry out his own endoscopy and he said that it was not necessary and “why waste my money”. He also gave me a full examination including using ultrasound and charged me less than 100TL equiv.

So, one thing I have learned out of this exercise is to always get a second opinion on serous cases. I do have a concern that there are a fair number of elderly retirees over here that will quite naturally have medical problems from time to time. I just hope that they are not going to be seen as a “cash cow” when it comes to their health. By all means we need to spend the money to stay well but we do need to have confidence that the true picture being presented to us is correct…..

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