North Cyprus Tourist Board - residency question, re blood test
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residency question, re blood test

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Message Posted:
17/05/2011 07:44

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please could you tell me , do we get our blood test before or after the police station visit


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Message Posted:
17/05/2011 07:48

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We were given a form at the Police Station to take to get the blood test done.


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Message Posted:
17/05/2011 07:52

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you get the form from the old bill to have the blood test done then take back the receipt just so you have to cue twice am sure it keeps someone busy


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Message Posted:
17/05/2011 08:34

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My husband and I went last wednesday to renew our residency.

I have to have a blood test but my husband does not.

We arrived at the police station and put our names on the sheet of paper that is pinned to the door.

We received tickets 14 & 15.

Before they started dealing with the first person I went in with my paper work and spoke to Hassan, who is one of the officers who deals with residency paperwork and he speaks perfect English.

He is also very helpful.

He asked for my passport and filled in the form that you need to take to have the blood test.

We were told to keep our tickets and return with the receipt from the lab where I had my blood test done.

On our return they were dealing with ticket no 5.

We arrived at 7.45 am, waited in line for the office to open, received our tickets, went for blood test, returned and waited for our ticket number to be called, paper work processed and out by 10am.


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Message Posted:
17/05/2011 08:44

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Similar story to Puppylover - We also went to the Police Station last Wednesday, got there at 7.30pm put our names on the sheet and we were No 6 & 7, we waited until our numbers were called and I had to have a blood test, I was given the piece of paper for the blood test and was told when we come back with the receipt not to queue again just pop the receipt back in. Went to Laboratory just around the corner had the bood test done, took back the receipt and was all finished by 9.20.

Next round Lefkosha in two weeks time.

Good luck


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Message Posted:
17/05/2011 09:50

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This iniquitous blood-test 'business' [read money making racket!] is, of course, blatant racial discrimination. Fair enough if TC's, also, of 'eligible age' [another nonsense!] were included. Is this not yet another 'anomaly' that Brits should be writing to their MEP's about? While you are at it, it might be worth mentioning that it is the locals that are, probably 90%+ the principal customers of all the, euphemistically termed, 'nightclubs' - so, who are clearly the most likely at risk from the very same anti-social diseases that the TRNC government claim it is so essential to monitor? I don't deny, for a moment, that some expats do 'avail themselves of the facilities', but I would suggest the number is infintessimal, compared to the locals and tourists.

One could also pose the question: 'Why don't the nightclubs advertise their 'wares' on this forum?'

Answer: Because it's obviously not even worth their while to do so, as they know the 'target audience' would be unreceptive!


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Message Posted:
17/05/2011 09:59

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Tenakoutou, One of the nightclubs did post on this bb.


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Message Posted:
17/05/2011 10:07

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mess 1 - sorry to sound like an old moaner, but what a total farse....

The bloody island was ours before we gave it to them - now they've ballsed it up, they insist that we have to take blood tests....

The nightclubs seem to be frequented mostly by "locals" - what about them taking a blood test or two ?

Rant over.............


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Message Posted:
17/05/2011 10:56

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This video clip sets out the process.


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Message Posted:
17/05/2011 11:04

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Look the point is with blood tests is that the TRNC can not 'expell' citizens even if they have TB or they have HIV. Non citizens they can. Now I am no fan of the process and I think it could be better and more efficent and less onerous but the reason why it applies to non citizens and not citizens is nothing to do with racism in my view. I would not want there to be no checks on non citizens comming to live in the TRNC. Serous contagious diseaes like TB are on the increase everywhere, not least in the UK


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Message Posted:
17/05/2011 17:44

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In that case, 'erolz', why doesn't your government stipulate that ALL tourists must undergo a blood test?

Whilst they're 'at it', they could hold ALL tourists in a 'Quarantine Compound', not to be released until a blood test had the 'all clear'!

This annual 'blood test' business for under 50's 'temporary residents' is, purely and simply, a blatant money-making extortion racket and any intelligent poster, like yourself, should realise this fact.

Why so 'urgent' now - why wasn't this legislated long before now?

Answer: because government coffers weren't in such a depleted state as they are now; also, factor in 'insatiable greed'!


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Message Posted:
17/05/2011 18:04

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As my link showed "People applying to come to the UK for six months or more must get a certificate giving them the all clear from an accredited clinic in their country." The UK does not require people comming for less than 6 months to do so. NZ has similar requirments as well as do many other countries.

I have already agreed that the systems in place here are more onerous in time and money than they should be. What I do not accept is that there is no need or reason for any such system at all or that such a system is racist.


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Message Posted:
17/05/2011 18:12

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besides... if it has no real purpose, it does keep people employed so they can facebook all day long at the government offices. If there is no facebook, then what else would the computers be used for?


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Message Posted:
17/05/2011 18:13

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OK, 'erolz', I'll use another synonym: 'discriminatory'!

P.S. Unless something is done to clean up the mountains and ravines full of foetid rubbish in TRNC, I doubt if the potential of a cholera epidemic will be quite so racist, or discriminatory!


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Message Posted:
17/05/2011 18:20

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be far better to earn some revenue by creating 3 5 and 10 year residency

get some kocans issued and receive the baxk tax that is waiting

what will the goverment do when there are no expats left to skim money from


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Message Posted:
17/05/2011 18:22

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Msg 15 - They'll open another casino!


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Message Posted:
17/05/2011 18:34

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Yes Tenakoutou the rules are discriminatory in exactly the same way the UK and NZ and many other countries rules are discriminatory.

Could the system be better. Of coruse it could. Does that mean that the only reason the system exists is to extract money from foreigners, no it does not. I fear too often people project what they want to believe onto things that happen here. Stupid inefficent systems are rife throughout the TRNC and affect citizens as well as non citizens. Just look at the forms filled when doing simple banking procedures or any number of other beauracratic procesess. Yet for some if it affects them in a discriminatory matter, even for obvious reason, the cause must be racisim and greed. I think you will find plain incompetance and addiction to overly beuracratic systems is a much more realistic explaination.


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Message Posted:
18/05/2011 09:41

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erolz: ...'plain incompetance and addiction to overly beuracratic systems is a much more realistic explaination.'

That is to be expected and accepted in TRNC - this is not my 'gripe'!

My partner [female!] went through the whole NZ Immigration procedure, which involves a blood test and medical, certainly - but not every successive year like in TRNC, for Christ's sake!

Being forced to have a TB jab annually - what does someone from the [qualified] medical profession have to say about that, I and I'm sure many others on this forum would like to know?

We had our blood tests when we came and applied for residency - there wasn't even a film in the 'X' Ray machine - I know that for a fact!


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Message Posted:
18/05/2011 10:12

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Another thing too - its blood donor day this Saturday - and my work permits due at the end of this month! - I give my blood for free as i do on every occaision - but then I have to pay them to take some more and do the same tests as they will be doing on my blood donation! surely this could be tied in somehow!


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Message Posted:
18/05/2011 10:14

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Another thing to think about!

Is anyone at Immigration actually qualified to read blood tests?



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Message Posted:
07/06/2011 23:14

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msg 18 My wife was very concerned about these "so called" T.B. vaccin ations as it is NOT the norm to give them annually so she asked many questions at the laboratories and established that The T.B is a test called PPD ( formally called Heaf or Mantoux) and should be read 3 days later. Applied just under the skin with Non live TB bacillus so negates giving the recipient T.B. She is a nurse and studied T.B plus infection control so was right to be concerned about the practice here. Research has now shown that the TB vacc given in early life gives some degree of protection for one type of T.B. for max of around 14 years, So any of us could contract it again in later life. very complex disease indeed and on the increase again worldwide. Many people have unknowingly already got "dormant" tb after having had contact with a TB sufferer which may or may not be kick started later in life should they be infected by another tb infected person or animal. It has to strike twice .


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Message Posted:
07/06/2011 23:20

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msg 20 Apparently if you are given your test results in an envelope by the lab, they are all clear so no-one needs to be able to read anything but maybe the lab put a note with them for immigration just to say all ok. however, if you are not given your results, something is wrong and you would be sent to the hospital for more tests. this is info obtained from the labs as we were worried about confidentiality and the shock a person would get if given bad news at Immigration. Imagine being told there that you had contracted HIV or Hep c, no counselling beforehand as in UK. What a fiasco.


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Message Posted:
08/06/2011 07:47

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Negative Nick please get your facts right. Cyprus did not belong to Britain - they rented it from Turkey


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Message Posted:
08/06/2011 07:51

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The blood test results are never looked at by immigration. The laboratories send failed reports direct to the health ministry. The results that are given back to you, in a sealed envelope, are sent straight on to Lefkosa immigration department where they are thrown into your file unopened on the basis that you wouldn't have got the results if you had failed!


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Message Posted:
08/06/2011 09:18

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An oft used Muslim retort is: 'May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your balls!'

I've just borrowed it!


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Message Posted:
01/07/2011 12:14

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Message 26 of 27 in Discussion

Dir Sir/Madame.

I need to be informed about the working laws for artist and dancer girls coming from Ukraine to work in North Cyprus , it will be a great appreciation to inform me about the admission procedure to have a legal permission for such work .

Sincerely thankful.


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Message Posted:
01/07/2011 15:17

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Message 27 of 27 in Discussion

Sama74....The best place to go and ask would be at the police station

I so hope they never hand their passports over to anyone ! !


Another newbee

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