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Will we lose our Villas?

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» North Cyprus Property Rental Guide


Joined: 15/12/2007
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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 19:52

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Message 1 of 351 in Discussion

As many will know, I have somewhat strong views over the Cyprus Problem.

Pikey, preaches that those of us that bought in good faith, on exchange land, risk loosing our

villas. Pikey says there is no such thing, as good faith! in the TRNC!

How many..........

1 Think he is right?

2 Think maybe we will have to pay again for our land?

3 Think we will be thrown out of our villas, and watch them demolished

4 Think Exchange land option will be ratified, and we will have our Kochans Internationally


5 Think Pikeys thoughts have real validity, and we should take the honourable way out?



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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 20:01

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Message 2 of 351 in Discussion

Untill a decision is made by the powers that be, it is all guesswork.


Joined: 18/03/2008
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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 20:19

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Everybody should read the Annan Plan,although not accepted if there is a resolution to this situation the international community is sure to use it as the basis for the solution rather than do years of ground work all over again. In it many of us would have to pay compensation, in my own case £3000/£4000 not the end of the world when you consider how much the value of my flat would increase by overnight. Before anyone points out the obvious and says these amounts are small and this is why the Greeks did not accept remember there are 40 flats on my development this is £120000/£160000 for a piece of land the Greek owner had written off as hopeless cause. The Plan is fair to all and recognises all sides of the divide and it is a travesty that it was not accepted by all. Let us all hope that there will be another opportunity to revisit this issue. Cyprus is a small enough island with out dividing it and its people.


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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 20:19

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Message 4 of 351 in Discussion

Just enjoy things while we can , life is to short , however maybe we would have to pay compensation even though we were all sold in good faith .


Joined: 26/07/2008
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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 20:29

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Message 5 of 351 in Discussion

Hear hear Pipie!, Wyn don't let worrying about what may or may not happen in the future spoil your enjoyment of living on this beautiful island, Like I said on the smoking thread - one could be run over by a truck tomorrow.

Personally I think Pikey is totally wrong and scaremongering - You are right, if a property is bought in good faith and the price paid (all under the guidance of a T.R.N.C. Advocate) I cannot imagine anyone being able to throw you out of it. But I'm sure any decision/settlement is a long way off yet so why not relax and enjoy the sun (and the efes!)



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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 20:33

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Non smoker myself, but have another fag! I could'nt agree more!

Bring back flogging I say!




Joined: 18/10/2008
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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 20:42

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compensation, as per the Annan plan of 2004 is unlikely to proceed as a viable option to settle. The United Nations and more importantly the EU do indeed need to see resolution. The Island needs to see reolution. The Cypriot people need a resolution.

So what will happen. The EU are to become more involved in brokering a deal. South Island is a member. The North needs the same status so that the Union then has an Eastern mediteranean strategic and unified member.

The EU need to provide significant funds to the Island as a whole in order to provide financial incentive to agreived parties. Money will settle the vast majority of land claims and issues. Certainly, it will not be the case that mass evictions and demolishment will take place. Anarchy and an economic castastrophy is not an option and would vetoed by the UN and EU.

Ther is a clear advancment in talks between both egimes since 2004. Latest talks on 8th October 2008 are encouraging to a solution.


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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 20:45

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WAZ -24-7.

An interesting take on the situation!



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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 20:51

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Message 9 of 351 in Discussion

Wyn ...There is absolutely no point in giving your self an ulcer worriyng what is going to happen in the futureIf you or any of the others can predict that can you let me no what the lottery numbers are for this week end are.As Pipie says enjoy it for as long as you can because you never know they may take into consideration every body who has bought property there and I dont htink they will want to loose that sort of money in the future..So heres hoping for you and every body else it turns out ok...


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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 20:51

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Come EU member states. Stump up some significant cash. Bring it to the table and negotiate compensation linked to a reunification ( ie removal of borders) recognition of all comunities. Economic development. EU membership of the Island as a Cypriot Republic. et al.

How much money? Well what price for human rights, harmony and a unified single and national community without the neede of UN peace keeping forces and the ever present military presence of two fueding factions.

£500 million should do it. Phased in, in conjunction with specific objectives, aspirations and targets. Let negotiation begin.


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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 20:59

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I have a copy of the Annan Plan by the side of my seat. I wholly agree with you.

IF there is to be a settlement, it is inconcievable in my opinion, that that they will try and

rework the property issues again. These issues took years to formulate what the International

community, deemed to be fair and equitable. It is my view that in respect of the immovable

property issues, a settlement will be agreed broadly around that formula.

My view, that is all,



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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 21:09

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I raise my glass, to your good health. Could I have a glass of what you are drinking? It

seems to be a lot better than mine!



Joined: 02/03/2008
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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 21:11

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Message 13 of 351 in Discussion


Stop worrying mate and being so pessimistic.If you are on exchange land you will probably have to pay a percentage of the worth.Thats todays ruling (i think) who knows what it will be tommorrow.Be more optimistic like me lol,



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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 21:14

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I would sooner wager my UK house, on Hull City winning their next three matches!



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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 21:15

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I think you lot drugged the Baggies!



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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 21:21

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There at the theater of dreams on Saturday so dont waste your money.


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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 21:33

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Wyn..Not even had one yet but if I do it will only be a glass of three of red wine,just trying to be realistic.Live for today is my motto wyn let tomorrow look after itsself......


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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 21:36

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The pessimistic and cynic in me tells me that we will end up paying compensation, if they agree along the guidelines regarding property as set in the Annan Plan, I feel the respective governments (TRNC/Turkey) will not pay out and I feel it will be more than the 4-5K that we were told by our 'honest' estate agents et al, we thought long and hard about buying our plot and decided that we would have to shoulder the responsibility and deal with the consequences should a stettlement be reached.



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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 21:39

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Ill drink to that.


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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 21:46

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Message 20 of 351 in Discussion


You and Coachie are plonkies! Don't let Pikey know! The refuge of the pessimistic!



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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 21:47

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Message 21 of 351 in Discussion

Newlad ..Cheers...Life is too short without worry about what is or is not going to happen.Sod all you can do about it if it goes the wrong way for you.Like I said in another post its there island not yours and what will be will be...


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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 21:47

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It was pikey that sent me the drink lol.


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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 21:51

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Wyn ..Didnt think you thought i was apessimist.I only wear abelt. not belt and braces!!!!


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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 21:56

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Message 24 of 351 in Discussion


I have no fixed views. I like people that enjoy life and attack it head on. in a positive vein.

It was your photograph, that did it for me.



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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 21:57

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Message 25 of 351 in Discussion


I think Wyn has been at the three legged donkeys food and er indoors medication.He needs a good rub down with a sports mail to knock him back into kilter,



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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 22:09

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Message 26 of 351 in Discussion


We can only tell you guys, the right way. It is up to you lads whether you wish to listen!


(and some fell on stoney ground)


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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 22:12

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Message 27 of 351 in Discussion


I always listen to you matey you know that,



Joined: 04/07/2008
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Message Posted:
30/10/2008 23:23

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Message 28 of 351 in Discussion

Lovelife, I agree with your take on this matter.

andre 514

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Message Posted:
31/10/2008 04:17

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Message 29 of 351 in Discussion


have to agree with pike on exchange land but from a different viewpoint

I am sure you bought in good faith and the last thing you did

was to deprive anyone else since "they" couldn't live there anyway

but the south and the supporters they have garnered internationally do not

officially recognise this trnc-inspired exchange process

there are however two omnipresent factors:

firstly you enjoy local as well as de-facto recognition of your property rights,

for example in the remote possibility of an amicable agreement

between the two sides you may garner a formally official status...

I think this may be implicit in the 2004 peace plan

since no mass exchange of population was really anticipated

secondly the rights and wrongs of the whole cyprus business 1878 to 1974

are subject to heated debate and bitter recrimination between those involved

and so many wrongs done by all and sundry

that it is suspicious if anyone sets themself up as moral arbitrator



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Message Posted:
31/10/2008 05:52

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Message 30 of 351 in Discussion

Andre "wrongs of the whole cyprus business 1878 to 1974 are subject to heated debate and bitter recrimination between those involved and so many wrongs done by all and sundry"

Andre, you are right that this situation is extant as some of the people in power may still have blood on their hands... Certainly so from the period 1963 - 1974...

But time - the Great Healer, which catches up with us all in the end, will obviously move these power-brokers aside and then perhaps the younger generations of the two major communities can set these polarised postures behind them and take a more informed and inclusive stance on their island...

They don't seem able to do this currently probably because the soul-searching is simply too painful for them.. It's particularly hard when their leaders and teachers have been culpable in the deliberate mis-interpretation of their history. how can they now come clean?

Maybe they're going to need a Truth and Reconciliation Committee


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Message Posted:
31/10/2008 08:57

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Message 31 of 351 in Discussion

When we bought here we had read all the info available and were fully aware that at some future date there may be a problem with compensaton or whatever.

Anybody who bought after 2004 should have been aware of this as even the estate agents had links to some of this information, in the small print obviously but it was there.

I therefore agree that there is merit in what Pikey says. However, I believe that to sort this on any individual basis if an agreement is reached I think many of us will have moved onto a different plane.

As others have said, Wyn - STOP WORRYING. You and I have no control over this. Right now I am more concerned cos some toe rag, probably British cos Cypriots do not do bike riding, has stolen our mountain bikes. Plus they would be so noticable in a village!!!!!!!!!!!


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Message Posted:
31/10/2008 09:26

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Message 32 of 351 in Discussion


Can I make one thing clear. I am not worried!

I am deeply resentful that I have been put in a position that is outwith our control, and as the human condition dictates,we find ourselves in a period of uncertainty.

I do accept that with research, I would not have bought in the TRNC at this point in time.

We were bought up in an envoiroment where you can trust solicitors to look after your interests, in these circumstances. In retrospect we were hoodwinked with phrases such as Exchange Land, Laws based on British legal system , A government and a builder that entered a written contract that stated that they had the legal rights to the land, and therefore the right to sell it to us.

ieIn retrospect, a concerted effort appears to have been made to defraud us,

I am angry That Pikey is allowed to accuse, on a public forum, people who bought in good faith.of being in receipt of "stolen land", of knowingly acting in bad faith,and without morals,

despite their protes


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Message Posted:
31/10/2008 09:36

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I believe that he was wrong, and the moderators of that forum should have intervened.

I believe that there will be a bizonal agreement to settle the Cyprus Problem and the Exchange

Land principle will be ratified.

There, that is how we see this most unfortunte debacle. We still see the TRNC as a lovely place to own a home in which to enjoy part of our declining years.

Finally if I am deeply worried about anything it is the way This UK Labour Government is

trying to get us through The Credit Crunch by spend, spend spend,(usually to save their own knecks and the unworthy) and the fact I will probably not live long enough to pay back the debts they are taking on, and therefore mortgaging my Grandchilds future,

My views, that is all,



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Message Posted:
31/10/2008 09:47

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Message 34 of 351 in Discussion

Andre, Groucho,

You make very interesting observations in your postings!



I hope that you soon recover your mountain bikes........far better hobby than mounting sheep!


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Message Posted:
31/10/2008 09:47

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Message 35 of 351 in Discussion

I do not agree with anyone who says we should have known us buyers may have been faced with problems .

When you pay a solicitor to guide you , you automaticly assume that they are right this is what i assumed , otherwise why do they act for you .

It is only after paying them and a few years down the line you find out this is not so , now this is not us buyers fault .


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Message Posted:
31/10/2008 09:51

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Also if we were all to be turned out of our homes in TRNC , could you see how the economy would suffer , already there are signs of a less spend by us owners , and who would be there be left to tax , cause again at present we are the only ones who are taxed left right and centre .


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Message Posted:
31/10/2008 09:57

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Caveat Emptor........unfortunatley the information was available if we had researched properly.

The advocate (another con, they are not solicitors) position appears indefensible, but do you fancy taking one to Court in The TRNC?

Theres always a glass of Ice Cold Efes or two!



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Message Posted:
31/10/2008 10:12

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I hope you shaved off your moustache before typing this"



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Message Posted:
31/10/2008 11:30

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Waxed moustache?


fire starter

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Message Posted:
31/10/2008 11:53

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whats done is done, you will just have to wait and see.

the annan plan was rejected by the gc's so i don't think that any settlement will involve it.

do you know any gc's on a personaly level?

have you ever listened to what they have to say or how they feel?

how would you feel if your land was taken from you and sold to someone else?

would you not want it back?

i think you should start seeing things from bothsides, and hope that someone will

step in and save the day, for your sake.

sorry but i'm with pike on this one!


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Message Posted:
31/10/2008 11:59

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Message 41 of 351 in Discussion

Wynn .. and whats in that bottle on your photo then holy water!!!!


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Message Posted:
31/10/2008 14:06

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Message 42 of 351 in Discussion


I hope that I make it very clear in my postings that I see both points of view.

I have consistently argued in favour of an end to the emnity, and a mutually acceptable

solution to the problem. What I am opposed to is one sided propaganda that feeds the emnity.

As I have said many times, I accepted the assurrances of my professional advisers that Exchange land, was just that, and I paid the asking price.

I do know some GCs in the UK. I find there arguments, lack balance.

Again I hope maters can be settled to the mutual satisfaction, of both sides.



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Message Posted:
31/10/2008 14:27

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Message 43 of 351 in Discussion


Don't start this again! I thought that it was beer but apparently the beer is spelt with one "F".

It tasted divine though!



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Message Posted:
31/10/2008 15:31

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Message 44 of 351 in Discussion


In response to your concerns. Message 32

We carried out copious research in Northern Cyprus for some twenty years. In the interim we looked at buying in Spain each week the price of the property/land went up. At the time we were dealing with an English architect who was holding our hand. Hence Spain went on the back burner.

We now have a very nice house in the TRNC. The house was finished two months ahead of schedule in 2005.Electricity and water was connected before we moved in so we were quite pleased.

We have had problems with the builder but not insurmountable…it tests your ability to resolve the problems in a constructive manner. One thing we have found is the real Turkish Cypriots are a very proud group of people. The tradesmen we have employed have been very good indeed although slow at times.


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Message Posted:
31/10/2008 15:45

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Very nice to hear about your positive experience.

Our villa is nearing completion, late of course, but excellent tradesmen, and quality build.

If only they realised the importance of effective communication!

The Turkish people we have been involved with are excellent and very friendly!

As Bradus once advised on this board. I will refrain from unconditional praise until all

mains services are connected, and we have our Kocan!

I remain quietly optomistic in respect of the property aspect of The Cyprus Problem negotiations.



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Message Posted:
31/10/2008 15:49

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Message 46 of 351 in Discussion

Cont 2

Yes we were told about the legal system in the TRNC etc.It is my view until Mr Robb and his band of merry men are shipped out we are fair game to the TRNC building industry. I am sure the builders thought if Mr Robb can do it to Brits "so can we". After all he is one of us... so we are all fair game.

I am not worried about the exchange land problem nor should others. The EU and UN have already put aside the compensation money (if needed) for both sides. The money will be part of the reunification settlement in whatever format all parties decide on. Don't worry you will not have to pay for your land again.

Like you we still have a home in the UK. Mr Brown takes our money by stealth and lies.Our greatest concern is....not knowing what extra taxes he is going to burden us with in the future to get us out of the mire he has put the country in.


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Message Posted:
31/10/2008 15:55

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Cont 3

The goverment in the TRNC at least controls petrol and utility prices to some degree whereas in the UK it is a free for all, with very little concern for the residents on fixed incomes.

To conclude Mr Brown is pleased Mr Robb is in the TRNC. He would not tollerate having two robbers on the same patch.


fire starter

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Message Posted:
31/10/2008 16:14

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Message 48 of 351 in Discussion


have you or anyone else ever met a greek cypriot who exchanged his land with a turkish cypriot in the north?

(i remember one gc guy trying to sell his land and he was having problems

but apart from him which was a sale not an exchange)

come on you know the answer to this . they didn't exchange anything.

where is the trnc guarenty on exchange land written? who has seen a copy?

this issue is just going around in circles and there will be no answers until a final solution with the cyprus talks.


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Message Posted:
31/10/2008 16:26

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Message 49 of 351 in Discussion

Has anybody downloaded the CEPS report? I have only just started to read it. It's facinating

*Only 13% of the GC population believe that a solution should be based on the Annan plan. 60% strongly oppose the use of the plan

*63% of GC's and 66% of TC's would find it intolerable if they had to live on their own side of the island should reunification take place

*91% of GC's and 42% of TC's believe that the property issue should be resolved through restitution, so that affected individuals will regain control of their properties as they had them before the events of the Cyprus problem


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Message Posted:
31/10/2008 17:11

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Message 50 of 351 in Discussion

There seems to be some inaccuracies posted as regards compensation terms set out in the AP

The formula was 1974 price + interest, the last time I calculated it, I think this equates to original price x 8

So, a block of 12 flats is built on a 2 donum piece of grazing land worth £50 per donum in 1974

£100 x 8 = £800 /12 £66.66 each

Those who bought ex-GC houses would obviously be in for a far bigger bill.



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Message Posted:
31/10/2008 17:56

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Do not misinterpret what I have said. I was told by the Estate Agent and advocate that it was exchange land. I accepted their assurrance as to the validity, and I paid a full and fair price for the land and villa that was constructed on it.

I signed a contract that stated the land belonged to my builder, and he had a legal right to sell it. I paid stamp duty on the purchase to The Government of The TRNC (a legal demand) and a charge in my favour was registered with the land registry.

I paid my advocate who claimed to have been a Barrister of Law in the UK a very full price

for his professional services.

The land in question was undeveloped scrub land in Esentepe, and it is a small plot.

You are clearly seeking to argue and accuse someone of wrongdoing .I suggest you look elsewhere! It strikes me that I am as much a victim as anyone in this debacle!

I am happy for the matter to be resolved by mutual agreement, and I hope justice prevails for all concern

girne 29

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Message Posted:
31/10/2008 18:01

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*91% of GC's and 42% of TC's believe that the property issue should be resolved through restitution, so that affected individuals will regain control of their properties as they had them before the events of the Cyprus problem"

Do you think that there will have to be some sort of population movement control.?

Kyrenia was mainly G.C. any form of bi-zonal govt would be useless if Greeks returned en masse to their land and property and TCs moved down to Paphos.

Would have a situation as in the sixties, with small pockets all over the place.

If in an apartment block of six, 3 owned by TC's and 3 owned by foreigners, GC's suddenly found themselves owners of the 3 vacated by the foreigners,would not slow assimilation be required of 3 TC families into that block to prevent trouble between the two brought together so quickly after so long apart.

Unlike in the past TC and GC will be living in very close proximity

Some sort of counselling might be needed .


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Message Posted:
31/10/2008 19:28

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Message 53 of 351 in Discussion

Hi Girne 29

I have not read all of the report, it's a big read. What I sometimes find that statistics (like the property issue) sometimes get contradicted or annulled by other points , so as I read through the report, that might indeed be the case.

I think there can also be a big difference berween what people say and do in polls, also the difference between what is practical and what is just a dream but nevertheless I would never had guessed that such a large number of people, particularly GC's want to move. This has really surprised me. (Saying that I am not yet sure how they polled displaced and non displaced people)

That's a big operation to move so many people. It's got to be staged and would have to happen over an extended period of time. There would be lots of considerations i.e. employment, infrasrtucture etc. Yes, probably counselling and education. All your points Girne 29 are valid.

If the proposed solution is such that large numbrs can't move then there are


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Message Posted:
31/10/2008 19:29

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Message 54 of 351 in Discussion


Mammon comes readily to mind!



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Message Posted:
31/10/2008 19:33

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Message 55 of 351 in Discussion


Given that I paid a full price for my plot, and that it was exchange land, can someone please identify my plot of land in the "SOUTH" so that I can reposess it and sell it. I would have thought that it would be worth a lot more than scrubland in the NORTH!.

confused Wyn


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Message Posted:
31/10/2008 19:36

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Message 56 of 351 in Discussion

ctd from msge 60

going to be lots of disapointed people, who probably won't vote yes to any plan.

One of the possible contradictions to this statistic that we are talking about is that 80% og GC's and 76% of TC's say that Turkey and Greece should contribute generously to the financial cost involved in the resolution of the property issue.

78% of GC's and 62% of TC's belive that before the property issue is resolved, a full cencus of all the affected properties should take place, in both communities, examining their current use and condition. This property census would then be used by the negotiators of the two communities in their deliberations.

I wonder how seriously the two leaders will look at this report or even consider it


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Message Posted:
31/10/2008 19:55

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Message 57 of 351 in Discussion

I believe we are witnessing on this site is collective anxiety.

Both leaders have gone to great lengths throughout to assure everyone that the property

issue will be settled fairly and in accordance with International law.

There is little doubt that the EC will be pulling all the strings behind the scene, and they will

ensure so!

Lets leave the men to talk, Athens and Ankara to dictate, and The Internationak Community

to decide the outcome of this dispute.

My view, thats all,



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Message Posted:
31/10/2008 20:45

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Message 58 of 351 in Discussion

come on Wyn, you started any anxiety with this thread


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Message Posted:
31/10/2008 21:27

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Message 59 of 351 in Discussion

Spot on ILC.

Wyn you are the only one that persists with this hypothesis over several different threads. Most of us have been fully aware of the situation for a long time and bought knowing the potential consequences.

I am sorry to add that it is threads like this that you keep raising that have the potential for causing anxiety. Let it rest and let nature and politics take its course. You and the rest of us have no say in what will result and we will have to accept it.


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Message Posted:
31/10/2008 21:52

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Message 60 of 351 in Discussion

I was just seeking the views of other board members. It seems 66 members so far wished to share their opinions. I thought that was what these forums were for!

Surely ignoring current affairs will not make them go away.

My opinions on the subject matter,clearly expressed are that there is no reason to be concerned.



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Message Posted:
31/10/2008 22:26

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Message 61 of 351 in Discussion

Wyn, most people who purcased exchanged land knew what they were doing and they knew what could happen in the future. Yes there arexsome people who say that they did'nt know but they are few and far between. I don't think there are any anxious people here. I for one am not concerned about the result either way. I took a chance and knew the risks involved. If I have to pay some compensation then I will. However if I am told that I have to give the property up the I'll do that as well. Not without a fight I hasten to add. I've had a property here for 6 years, to be honest it didn't cost me a lot of moneyand if I lost it then it wouldn't be the end of the world by any means. Sure there are some people who gave 'invested' their life savings here and it is those that will fine it difficult. Will we lose our properties? Who knows, we are all speculating at the moment. I wouldn't like to say either way. It's a difficult question. I hope we don't.


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Message Posted:
01/11/2008 17:15

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Message 62 of 351 in Discussion

hi wyn we are new to the forum and just purchased in chelsey village we looked at all the building work going on and did have some reservations but hey dont think anyones going to be allowed to demolish half of trnc relax & enjoy


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Message Posted:
01/11/2008 17:51

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Message 63 of 351 in Discussion

Lose Villas, never thought there was even the distinct possibility, to many sold, to many deeds issued, past the point of no return for GC's or TRNC goverment who facilitated construction boom. There would be so much litigation it would never come to pass. Main players problem and they know and understand it otherwise they wouldn't be talking.


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Message Posted:
01/11/2008 17:57

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Message 64 of 351 in Discussion

I think a realistic Western European ( EU and UN) approach to the property situation and its resolution would involve monetary compensation only.

People will not be evicted and even if they were recourse against the seller should be possible.

Anyone buying in TRNC should be very particular with their contract of sale.

You and your heirs and assigns should seek total indemnity from the seller against any claim whatsoever against title upon the said land, property and chattels as shown in the contract of sale.

Most developers will NOT agree to this because of the small risk of a claim.

I would certainly push for this clause and if it is not acheivable then a reduction in the asking price should be negotiated because of the obvious exposure of the buyer to claim risk.

In any event my belief is that the EU will stunp up significant cash as will both Republics. The risk of anarchy, violence.....cont


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Message Posted:
01/11/2008 18:05

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Message 65 of 351 in Discussion


civil unrest, mass decline in tourism, etc will be too much of a threat to the economic status of the Island to be allowed. EU as well as North and South shurely aknowledge this.

Any buyers will have considered the fact that prices in TRNC are the best in the Mediteranean. This is reflected in the risk that purchase involves.

Budget for it at worst and at best protect your investment the best you can with contractual inclusions in your contract of sale.

Also Contracts would be best to follow British will be very lucky to get this. TRNC law is dubious and the courts in TRNC are not at all well respected.


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Message Posted:
01/11/2008 18:17

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Message 66 of 351 in Discussion

Although a good idea, personally I don,t think many sellers of property in NC whoever they may be will agree to total indemnity of title, and I don,t think their legal advisors would allow them to sign up to such a condition at present.


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Message Posted:
01/11/2008 18:20

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Message 67 of 351 in Discussion

spot on pilgrim everyone should stop worrying our savings are already spent well mine are anyway enjoy


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Message Posted:
01/11/2008 18:22

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Message 68 of 351 in Discussion

spot on pilgrim everyone should stop worrying our savings are already spent well mine are anyway enjoy


Joined: 24/02/2008
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Message Posted:
01/11/2008 18:37

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Message 69 of 351 in Discussion

Wyn re msg 62 "Given that I paid a full price for my plot, and that it was exchange land, can someone please identify my plot of land in the "SOUTH" so that I can reposess it and sell it. I would have thought that it would be worth a lot more than scrubland in the NORTH!."

Why are you still confused? I've lost count of the number of times that different members have explained to you that there has never been a physical exchange of land; plot A in Paphos for plot B in Esentepe or whatever. The exchange took place between the TCs and their government. They gave up their deeds for property in the South in exchange for points enabling them to buy land/property in the North.

So, once again, you do not have a plot in the South to make a claim against. If you are still unsure, please clarify this point with your Advocate.


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Message Posted:
01/11/2008 20:44

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Message 70 of 351 in Discussion

Wyn . At the end of the day they will have a hell of a fight on there hands ,if we all stick together , what do you think ?


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Message Posted:
01/11/2008 21:11

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Message 71 of 351 in Discussion

PIPIE- we're right behind you!


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Message Posted:
01/11/2008 21:35

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Message 72 of 351 in Discussion

To many Turkish Cypriots have now bought property and are continuing to buy property in large numbers as their prosperty has increased over the years. Most of this property is on old Greek land so the chances of any return by Greek former owners to reclaim their property being allowed seems impossible and as the years continue to go by even more so, there is more chance of the UK winning Eurovision.You cant turn back time---the Greeks have to still come to terms with this--better for us if they dont saves us paying them any cmpensation at all.

andre 514

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Message Posted:
01/11/2008 21:57

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Message 73 of 351 in Discussion

I think the presence of the turkish army is the critical factor

and surely pikey agrees with that staement

'sept he thinks it is a bad thing and I think it is a good thing

diff'rent points of view...

it still looks like the south has yet to offer anything of substance

in terms of compromise so we the relevance of opinion surveys

could be rather limited

but I live in hope, he says tongue in cheek



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Message Posted:
01/11/2008 22:50

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Message 74 of 351 in Discussion

Heavens above - YES you will lose your villas unless........

All countries agree to alter fundamental International Law that real property can only be transferred by deed with signature of owner.

Do you think International Law will be changed after 170 years precedent for TRNC? Great, I'll take a few big houses near me by force.

Please go figure.. are there no lawyers on this board apart from me? The Annan Plan is subordinate to International Law.

I hope all purchasers of 'exchange land' (who exchanged?) like court appearances and legal costs as this is their future.

The Rule of Law - the only rule


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Message Posted:
02/11/2008 00:07

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Message 75 of 351 in Discussion

message 82.

Mr Pike, you of all people should acknowledge that civil discontent is not treated by the presence or threat of force it could at best be only controlled.

The adverse effect on the Island economy need not be substantiated.

It seems that your views are not conjusive to amicable settlement.

Perhaps you would like to indicate what you want and also how you see settlement could be acheived.


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Message Posted:
02/11/2008 00:48

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Message 76 of 351 in Discussion

OK, i,ll go first.

Settlement must benefit all parties. Historical differences need to be put aside and tolerance andrespect for all Island Inhabitants be an objective.

Settlement should aspire to providing economic prosperity, stability of governance and unification.

The above can be achieved, as i have indicated in previous postings, with significant input from the EU, UN and neighbouring countries.

Finnancial settlements need to be made to compensate displaced persons and also to small and medium enterprises that have suffered by exclusion from cross border and international trade.

The EU need to bring economic and financial pressure upon both Republics and Turkey to move forward.

OK .. Pte Pike and your proposals?

andre 514

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Message Posted:
02/11/2008 01:01

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Message 77 of 351 in Discussion

msg 84:

which settlement is that then?



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Message Posted:
02/11/2008 01:14

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Message 78 of 351 in Discussion

msg 81.

Mr Namus,

International law is very diverse and very often disrespected.

It can be argued that turkey intevention in 1974 was illegal. Certainly atrocities in the 70,s are construed as illegal.

The law can be contested in the courts and only upon judgment can action be condoned.

Only upon a judgment can Villas be taken.

Out of court settlement is without duobt an asspiration of villa owners.

The terms of settlement will, withoubt doubt because of the magnitude of the problem, be resolved around the highest political table in Brussels.


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Message Posted:
02/11/2008 01:27

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Message 79 of 351 in Discussion

Nobodys losing any villa, international law and its ramifications will be considered as part of negociations if settlement is reached, thats why compensation will be the solution, otherwise international law will have ramifications for the parties agreeing to the contrary.


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Message Posted:
02/11/2008 08:22

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Message 80 of 351 in Discussion

According to Politis newspaper reports...

GCs are putting together a lovely deal they call Hariri along the lines of ... "You rent our lands and stay on them for up to 20 years and we'll take your lands in the South and build on them... "

Fair exchange is no robbery.....!

What a sleight of hand that will be...


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Message Posted:
02/11/2008 12:15

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Message 81 of 351 in Discussion

What a surprise - some posts seem to have disappeared. Could they have been considered somehow "unhelpful"?


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Message Posted:
02/11/2008 13:04

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Message 82 of 351 in Discussion

I would agree with Paul that nobody will loose their villa. However I feel that compensation will be paid and it will come from the present occupier.

To rely on the TRNC or Europe to pick up the bill and alter international law to meet the needs of a few Brits is just a dream.

Compensation will be demanded and its just a question of how much?


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Message Posted:
02/11/2008 13:44

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Message 83 of 351 in Discussion


you are quite right on all three points you make .

the turks will give back what they want to give back and not because someone tells them too,can any one force them ,no. The greeks have maras and compensation should they choose to take it.

mainland turks are part of cyprus now ,the greeks must come to terms with this and stop fighting it,we all know this is the real problem, a problem which they cannot control ,as they have done so in the past with the turkish cypriots.

so for those who think they may loose their properties,think again .

compensation has always been there ,the greeks have not accepted,they are holding out for more (the whole island) comes to mind.

no changes there then.


long live the kktc

girne 29

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Message Posted:
02/11/2008 13:48

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Message 84 of 351 in Discussion


you wrote

'Given that I paid a full price for my plot, and that it was exchange land, can someone please identify my plot of land in the "SOUTH" so that I can reposess it and sell it. I would have thought that it would be worth a lot more than scrubland in the NORTH!.'

As far as the south is concerned there is no such thing as exchange land, and as far as they are concerned its the same as you unknowingly buying a stolen car.

So it all hinges on who has the upper hand in negotiations.

I expect TRNC to protect me as I bought within their exchange land framework.If that doesnt happen then I cant blame the ROC,as they have been open and consistant on the subject. I knew where they stood when I purchased and I had thought I knew where I stood with the TRNC govt

and presumed both arguments at the time were valid, I chose the TRNC argument and hope TRNC govt doesnt 'forget' all that was said in the past.

After all its them that gave me Permission to Purchase.


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Message Posted:
02/11/2008 13:50

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Message 85 of 351 in Discussion

OK, absolutely agree that villas will not be lost, compulsory purchased, demolished or persons evicted.

Compensation is a likely outcome. Who is likely to pay?

Modern contracts of sale should cover any claims against tile and or damages from any third party. Unfortunately TRNC law and courts are unlikely to be very strong in asssisting aliens.

European political strengths such as UK and other EU states are of course anxious to see a stable unified member in Cyprus representing a valuable member based in the Eastern Mediteranean.

Economic covergence followed by pollitical convergence is definately on the agenda. In February 2006 0ver 100 million Euros in aid to Northern cyprus was agreed. This is the first of the economic incentives to the North to get things sorted.

Compensation will eventually be on the agenda and finances from Republics the EU and posible the IMF will resolve the Property issues.

andre 514

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Message Posted:
02/11/2008 14:01

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Message 86 of 351 in Discussion

as the gc's and private pike it's turkey that keeps the trnc afloat

both with financial and security help

however deserving north cyprus may or may not be, that is the reality

just like europe and the eu shift for the republic of cyprus

that's why the south is temprementally unable to make realistic concessions

and as a result no "settlement" whatsover is in prospect at this time

perhaps the south hopes the trnc and turkey will throw in the towel?

I believe and trust not...

underestimating turkey has been a hobby of europeans for a hundred years

long live kktc! long live north cyprus!


girne 29

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Message Posted:
02/11/2008 14:12

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Message 87 of 351 in Discussion

Are we not falling into the trap of accepting the GC idea of compensation to readily therefore giving an easy out to the TRNC negotiators. Nowhere have I read that compensation was ever supported by the TRNC,that was the idea behind exchange land.

While I think it will happen ,the financing of it will be negotiated,but please dont help.

The point about nobody losing there villa because we can pay compensation might depend on your wallet size. I for one have heard of two options. Annan plan, which GC's rejected ,of pre 74 value plus interest.That works out at double the land cost then .Or the preferred method from GC point of view of land at todays value. Whats a donum of land in Girne cost ?

Plenty of TC's own exchange property.what about them.


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Message Posted:
02/11/2008 15:23

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Message 88 of 351 in Discussion

A reunification in one form or another is in evryones long term interest.

Economically, politically and last but nost least for the benefit of generations to follow. What better hope should we all hope for than to see overriding peace and prosperity for the youngsters and unborn of the island.

Sure, settlement, period, is not around the corner.

Economic convergence of North and South , which could be, will result in inceasing prosperity for all. Open trade and an opening of travel restrictions will be a positive move.

Political convergence and the final settlement will follow.

Land and property issues will also follow as matters are moved forward.

Certainly the powers of the EU, UN and possibly the IMF will bring pressures to bear. Yes Turkey currently has a controlling influence in North. However Turkey have desires in European unity and the EU, they would be unwise not to negotiate.


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Message Posted:
02/11/2008 17:09

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Message 89 of 351 in Discussion

Agree sue , never thought otherwise, but feel some funds will forthcoming to help some Tc,s obviously depends on valuation criteria settled on. If based on todays value will lead to a nightmare of litigation against developers and even TRNC government. Hence my reference to international law which would be then the point of reference.

fire starter

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Message Posted:
02/11/2008 17:13

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Message 90 of 351 in Discussion

after reading cyprus today,

it now looks like they will be asking you to pay rent on your exchange land.

purchased legally as freehold, i can't see how they can even think that they

can pull off this stunt, but who knows this is cyprus!


i have never accused you of anything. ok you purchased exchange land and you were a little nieve, but you are not alone. lots of people are in the same boat, only time will tell.


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Message Posted:
02/11/2008 17:36

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Message 91 of 351 in Discussion

I think Namus arguement has validity . He claims to be a lawyer so he should know.

Could I please ask that you do not shoot the messenger.!!

Can I ask yet again? I paid full price for a plot of freehold land, which it was claimed was exchange. If I have to pay compensation or rent, what happenned to my freehold exchange property.? Where is it or who has got it?

I have taken careful note of all responses, BUT I HAVE STILL NOT BEEN GIVEN AN ANSWER!!



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Message Posted:
02/11/2008 18:48

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Message 92 of 351 in Discussion

Sorry Wyn, There is none, As described by other members :-

Exchange land, my belief is as follows.

As you know there was much displacement of both GC and TC in the aftermath of 1974 hostilites. CC,s heading south TC,s heading north, leaving their homes and land behind. Obviously with so much property empty displaced people who arrived in either area 'adopted' these homes sometimes with the blessing of the authorities in north and south. It has been said to me initially this was thought of just a temporary measure, however by 1985 the TRNC authorities decided to formalise property issue for TC's who had come North leaving property in the south. For those who could prove ownership , points were awarded on the basis of the nature and amount of property abandoned. These points were exchanged for abandoned greek cypriot property valued on the same points system and TRNC exchange title deeds were issued to confirm new ownership. I think it wasn't till 2002 that the TC could sell.


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Message Posted:
02/11/2008 19:04

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Message 93 of 351 in Discussion

Suzanne, thats not a bad idea.

Why can't this information be made available by either north or south authorities.


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Message Posted:
02/11/2008 19:15

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Message 94 of 351 in Discussion

Hi all, try this, took it from another forum, don't think they will mind. Hope its in date and go into the website.

Land Information Office (Headquarters)

17 Alasias Street

1075 Nicosia

Tel: 22 304820

Fax: 22 767001

District Lands’ Offices


59 Faneromenis Street

P.O. Box 40419

6304 Larnaca

Tel: 24 304288

Fax: 24 304290


35 Acheon Street

1101 Nicosia

Tel: 22 303945 Fax: 22 303838


6 Medousis Street

P.O. Box 40106

6301 Larnaca

Tel: 24 803301 Fax: 24 304288


Franklin Roosevelt Avenue

P.O. Box 50200

3601 Limassol

Tel: 25 804800 Fax: 25 804890


21 Acheon Street & 10 Etolon Street

1459 Nicosia

Tel: 22 303939 Fax: 22 780961


44 Eleftheriou Venizelou Street

P.O. Box 60008

8100 Paphos

Tel: 26 802300 Fax: 26 306129

Paralimni Sub-Office

26a Marias Sinklitikis Street


Tel: 23 821253 Fax: 23 829195


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Message Posted:
02/11/2008 19:27

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Message 95 of 351 in Discussion

why would any Exchange land purchaser contact land registry in South , if you bought Exchange you accepted the seller as owner and now I imagine feel you own it. Suzanne is just being contentious.


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Message Posted:
02/11/2008 19:56

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Message 96 of 351 in Discussion

Depends which land registry you visit. If you accepted the validity of TRNC title deed you obviously would visit those in the north. If you didn,t accept validity you wouldn,t have bought.So why visit land registry in south.


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Message Posted:
02/11/2008 20:12

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Message 97 of 351 in Discussion

suzanne ,you have obviously led a very sheltered life 'No such thing as exchange land' . Correction the TRNC government issues title deeds for eshesger title land.

Although I agree not internationally recognised it exists by name and defacto status.


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Message Posted:
02/11/2008 20:24

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Message 98 of 351 in Discussion

Best way of being held in custody and questioned................telling the staff at the land registry that you have bought GC land in the north. Please don't go there!


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Message Posted:
02/11/2008 20:36

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Message 99 of 351 in Discussion

Of course there is such a thing as exchange land. If it didn't exist then we would not be discussing it now!

What you mean Suzanne is that the South of the island do not recognise exchange land. This is very different to saying that there is no such thing.


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Message Posted:
02/11/2008 20:44

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Message 100 of 351 in Discussion

Even in the south some would also argue that exchange is a reality. There was recently much publicity about a TC and GC willing to exchange but being prevented by the ROC. The ECHR over ruled and allowed the exchange. Also this was taken from a GC newspaper and I think you'll agree these GC's certainly feel that they have exchanged with the TC land owner!

“WE HAVE been shouting and protesting for 30 years because the Turkish Cypriots have been building on our property. But the legitimate government (of Cyprus) gave us money to build houses on the properties of the Turkish Cypriots. And at the time they lied to us, telling us that they had given us state land. This was what was written on the documents we signed. We will never leave. We will stay here and if they dare, they can come and kick us out.”

Exchange albeit on a small scale is a reality.


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Message Posted:
02/11/2008 23:08

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Message 101 of 351 in Discussion

Err, no Bradus. An exchange is only valid when both parties agree to the exchange. And you won't find many Greek Cypriots telling you they exchanged their property with anybody, least of all a foreigner. Ordinary Cypriots they're OK with, speculators and outsiders they will not tolerate.

Which leads to the main issue people should be talking about if they are in the unfortunate position of occupying someone else's property (even though they were told it was exchanged etc etc at the point of a bayonet etc etc). How much support do you really think you can count on from the Turkish Cypriots and the TRNC government when it's time to face the music?


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Message Posted:
02/11/2008 23:19

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Message 102 of 351 in Discussion


The post on visiting land reg. in South Nicosia is a comment that has been posted many times across the forums but nobody seems to think it is valid.

As this is the ONLY place where records at July 1974 are kept it is the only place to find factual information.

Nobody will bother if you go and ask the questions, I would think the guardians would be happy to see that someone is trying to protect their heritage!!!!

Personally could not be bothered as we know our land is "exchange". Also aware that the term "exchange" is a notional one although not as extreme in its consequences as Young Pike tries to promote. It is exasperating that the same people seem to keep raising this issue, getting the same posts in response but still will not be satisfied or indeed take advice given.


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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 00:10

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Message 103 of 351 in Discussion

Err no Pike,

Read carefully. I said, "There was recently much publicity about a TC and GC willing to exchange but being prevented by the ROC" I then quoted an article about 300 GC families that had been given TC land to build on and had only found out recently that it was actually TC land. They were not willing to give up their land but were happy to exchange for the land they left behind in the North as they had no intention of returning.Where have I written about foreigners being involved in this above process?

andre 514

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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 00:21

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Message 104 of 351 in Discussion

msg 102 suzanne:

there is such a thing as exchange land,

but it is not internationaly recognised as such

there is no such thing as a prospective settlement however

since as we both know,

an acceptable agreement has yet to be agreed:

if such an event were ever to occur I will be among the first

to try to analyse its implications



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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 00:28

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Message 105 of 351 in Discussion


I would agree that the only place to find factual information about your deeds is the South. Certainly for those that have purchased pre 74 it is the sensible tand recommended thing to do.

However perhaps this valid suggestion is not taken up by exchange purchasers because they are aware that the South has made it illegal (read somewhere up to 7 years imprisonment) to purchase such property.

Perhaps its not so much can't be bothered and more about fear of the consequences?


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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 00:49

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Message 106 of 351 in Discussion

Once again everbody is brainwashed in thinking that the TCs and foreigners have no rights and own not a scrap of land in the island of Cyprus! and do not have any rights whatsoever exchange land what a load of B......lks were do you want the TCs to live ? in the caves and animal pens the Greek mainland terrorists forced them to! .how many mainland greeks live in the south ? if turkish people have to be repatriated why not the enosis supporters and the ELLas terrorists? lets have an amicable settlement and live our lifes in harmony.

andre 514

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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 02:48

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Message 107 of 351 in Discussion

msgs 1-113

very interesting material from one and all

but am I the only person on this board

who can find no evidence whatsoever

for any of this having any immediate relevance

unless there is ever an agreed settlement

or a collapse of the trnc?

since there seems no likelyhood of either

in the forseeable future

I feel something else is going on here

which I find hard to define...

at least in any form that is printable

perhaps someone could explain?


Jo Valentine

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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 03:22

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Message 108 of 351 in Discussion

From Cyprus Mail, October 8th

Clerides waiting for title deeds

(archive article - Wednesday, October 8, 2008)

MEMBERS of the public without connections are not the only ones to experience difficulty when trying to get their hands on title deeds to their property.

Former President Glafcos Clerides is also among the thousands of Cypriot homeowners who are unable to receive the title deeds to their homes.

It seems Clerides has yet to receive the deeds to his holiday home, which he purchased second-hand at the Spyros Seaside Complex in Meneou five years ago.

The home is part of a complex built 15 years ago and to this day none of the owners have received a title deed.

According to Politis a few irregularities were made by the development company which including building part of the complex on government land and another part on foreign private property. The tenants were told this made issuing the title deeds more difficult and complicated.

Jo Valentine

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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 03:27

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Message 109 of 351 in Discussion

Continuation of 115....(8th October Cyprus Mail)

In 2004 a law was passed allowing owners who had problems in acquiring their title deeds to apply for deeds or to have their property approved. In line with this law a number of owners submitted an application to the Larnaca District Office two years ago. Among the applicants was also Clerides. By yesterday none of them had received an answer, his daughter DISY deputy Katy Clerides said.

Jo Valentine

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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 03:28

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Message 110 of 351 in Discussion

And from Cyprus Eastern Forum, 30th October:

From N Howarth

There were some errors in the original article - I had it removed & I'll post a correction later today.

There are two processes - one for residents, & one for non-residents.

Before the change, residents went to the District Office & got a certificate from them on production of their Temporary Residents Certificate. The District Offices are no longer doing this - the residency process has changed.

Before they can own property, non-Cypriot residents need to complete the new residency process. This is similar to the process they went through before, but they now need to complete one of the MEU forms depending on their circumstances.

For non-residents - nothing's changed. They still require Council of Ministers permission to own property.


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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 12:02

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Message 111 of 351 in Discussion


It was this comment you made that drew my attention:

"Of course there is such a thing as exchange land. If it didn't exist then we would not be discussing it now!"

Forget your examples of 300 people down south etc. We are talking for all intents and purposes about the so-called "exchange" property occupied by the vast majority of expats in North Cyprus. Who exchanged anything with them? They were sold a pup.


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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 13:59

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Message 112 of 351 in Discussion

UK Perspective

Old chap down the road has been annoying me, blocking my drive, issuing threats etc. Never liked him.

I decided to invade his property and took it as my own. I informed him that he could have my lock up as 'exchange'. I then took his property and sold it to some Poles and I gave them a piece of paper titled 'Deed of Ownership' with a fancy stamp issued by my Land Office (my bedroom).

The Poles seemed happy with this and will defend their right to live in the exchange property as the old chap was a nuisance anyway.

They claim legal validity of their Deed of Ownership...etc. I could not care less as I have their money.

Could such a daft thing ever happen? Well it has in TRNC under the rule of the Turkish army bayonets.

If 'owners' of exchange land feel it is legally or morally correct or that their ownership is safe then it is OK. We all make risk assessments.


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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 15:14

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Message 113 of 351 in Discussion

Suzanne - I hardly know what to say. My posts are normally met by hostility and a load of clap trap along the lines - the GCs started it, our ownership is legal because some halfwit estate agent told us etc....

Apart from Pike this is the first positive comment I have received.

Thank you. Maybe I'll get another star under my name.


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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 15:28

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Message 114 of 351 in Discussion

At least by your responses you agree Exchange land exists. point made.


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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 16:26

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Message 115 of 351 in Discussion

Apart from Pike this is the first positive comment I have received.

(Same persons)


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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 16:27

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Message 116 of 351 in Discussion

Pilgrim, how can I put this?

By giving something a name and referring to it does not mean it exists or is a legal entity.

I can refer to God but the reference alone does not prove existence.

If I refer to ex GC land as Namus Land does this mean that I own it?

Exchange land exists in the minds of the TRNC politicians and sellers and buyers of such disputed land.

As I said before, you may have taken a risk on the land based on Turkish army protection but it does not mean it is legal, moral or safe.


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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 16:41

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Message 117 of 351 in Discussion

Msg 124

Tatlisu4me, does a message in agreement mean they are from the same person?

Is the same person posting pro Exchange Land messages under 60 different guises?

Well, with such views you certainly cannot refer to this BB a source of unbiased, well argued opinions.


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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 16:59

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Message 118 of 351 in Discussion

namus, I have to say that reading through your posts they do have a similarity in writing style to that of Mr. P's.

Good analogy at 119 though.


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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 17:09

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Message 119 of 351 in Discussion

Tatlisu4me msg 124,

Mal, an intelligent and professional man like you must be pretty sure of your facts to state that namus and myself are one and the same.

That being the case, would you care to back up your claim with a £500 bet?


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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 17:16

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Message 120 of 351 in Discussion


You won't catch me accusing semi-literates on this BB as being the same person just because of their writing style. So what exactly do you consider to be the style similarity between namus and me?


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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 17:26

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Message 121 of 351 in Discussion

I misunderstood. I thought same person referred to Suzanne and Pike.

It is very crass and simple to accuse opposite view points as double posting. I like Pike's idea of a bet but would make it £5,000.

It is very simple for the company hosting this page to determine double posts.

Pike, a while back I pointed out that you were pushing against the tide on this message board. This is what stopped me posting before and I think I'll call it a day again.

It is impossible to warn people against their own greed. They prefer the sensible unbiased views of Estate Agents rather than from me, married to a TC for many, many years and a visitor to N Cyprus since the early 80s. The newcomers will soon tire of NC.

By the way, when did the Turk thing become an issue. My wife considers herself a Turkish speaking Cypriot but never a Turk. As I mentioned before on this BB, my wife and her family would not touch 'exchange' land except to acquire by points (great system that was) and sell on.

fire starter

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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 17:26

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regarding the roc land office,

i have been there, the main records from before 1974 are kept in the office just down the road.

you need to have the greek name of your village and your plot number along with the

reference which is a ordinance survey ref found on the bottom of your kochan.

they can then find the village records.

the village maps from the trnc are identical to the roc copies.

many plots were not registered to anyone before 1974, so if you have purchased the so called exchange land, you could be lucky and find out that there was no registered

owner pre 1974.

or at least you will find out who the legal owner was/is now, and know where you stand.

what is stopping you trying to find the owner and having a deal with them directly?


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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 17:28

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Message 123 of 351 in Discussion

Mr.P. I said that namus’s writing style had a similarity to that of your’s. For example how about some of these remarks from namus:

Well your reply blew me away but I feel you you protest too loudly. I'm not sure propaganda is related to gene pools or just instruments of control by corrupt regimes.

Nothing like free speech. Contrary views are seen as thread napping, vitriol etc... How narrow minded. Foolishly I thought potential buyers may be interested in hearing of a few pitfalls but all seem to have done their...

Last message because i do not want to extend this but ilovecyprus, can you recommend any basic intro books on this subject as your explanation of the fears we all share has me intrigued?

Well you all know my views on the land issues but shame on you all for justifying buying somebody's stolen land. Just because they are GCs does not mean they are bad people and they have every right to protest. Thank heavens...


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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 17:30

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Message 124 of 351 in Discussion

and a couple more......

The people are all lovely. For heavens sake Julie, a welcome smile does not excuse corruption, lies, theft and deception. Cypriots, in general, are nice natured

Free speech and debate at its best - Musin M ' you should be taken off this bb' Words fail me. If this bb is just a pat on the back to TRNC lovers that is ok but please open your closed mind a smidgen to accept a few.

You don't think there is a similarity in writing styles here then Mr.P ?


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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 17:31

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Message 125 of 351 in Discussion

No1 Doyen,

I had a similar line of thought as both yourself and Talislu4me over Namus. I tried to E mail him off board two days ago, and the E mail was returned as being invalid. He also does not state his Occupation or location. Strange that at least three of us, came to the same conclusion. Perhaps if Namus would choose to be a little bit more open!



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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 17:34

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Message 126 of 351 in Discussion

Well I never - amateur graphologists as well.

You fools do not deserve my views.

Good riddance

ps , personal remarks will not be tolerated , any more and they will be deleted


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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 17:42

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Message 127 of 351 in Discussion

Dummy anyone?



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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 17:45

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Message 128 of 351 in Discussion

Msge 130

I misunderstood. I thought same person referred to Suzanne and Pike.

Thats what I was referring, again


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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 17:46

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Time for another shave Suz.



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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 17:48

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Message 130 of 351 in Discussion

dream on.

thanks for the amusement.


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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 18:06

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Message 131 of 351 in Discussion

Suzanne, I don,t really know you but Pikey seems ok though.

P.S will have the £500.00 and bet that there are 3 or more persons on the forum using 2 different names


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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 18:11

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Message 132 of 351 in Discussion


I think he has a fantasy thing going. ;-)


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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 18:14

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Message 133 of 351 in Discussion


Stick around old chap. It's far better a BB with at least a few well informed people who actually know Cyprus and the Cypriots.


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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 18:18

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Message 134 of 351 in Discussion

You crease me young Pikey, do not usually have much time during the day for this forum, but have had a laugh to-day !!


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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 18:33

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Message 135 of 351 in Discussion

A united Cyprus is as probable as a united Ireland--keep smoking the weed girls and boys.


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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 18:35

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Message 136 of 351 in Discussion

Cant beat a good crack back and sack.


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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 18:39

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Hardly a decent analogy since there is little demand for a united Ireland from anyone apart from terrorists and extreme mentalists. Whereas the entire international community and most Cypriots want a united Cyprus while the only ones opposed to this are the terrorists and extreme mentalists.


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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 19:04

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Re your msg 138

If it does go tits up for villa owners I can't for the life of me think why we would ever want thank you....for what????? I can't say I've ever seen much advice from you which is of any use to those that already have property here in NC.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I get the distinct feeling that you would take a perverse delight in seeing things go wrong for people here.



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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 19:25

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spot on Jim


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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 19:41

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hes like a cancer and thats no disrespect on a growth lol,


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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 19:52

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After all that has gone on I now realise... Pike is McCain and Suzanne is Sarah Palin...

Well it explains a lot... does it not?


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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 19:56

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Message 142 of 351 in Discussion


As a pseudo policeman (a uniform and a truncheon to play with) but no more authority than

Mr Jo Public, have you not listened to your more professional colleagues, the importance of MO ( modus operandi) when investigating.

Now then Campbell Thomas aka Eric Seans aka Rifleman Thomas aka Pvt Pike. aka

Miss Tidio (idiot) aka Scaramanger.

How many more write in exactly the same disruptive style? Suzanne, Slipper ,Namus.

Peeler? As I said in a previous posting..."If the cap fits"

Personally I come on this board to be informed and if appropriate inform.

NO ONE knows the outcome of the property issues, as it is not yet decided. We have been assurred by generalised statements from the powers that be. What we do know, if there is to be a settlement, it will be under the auspices of the EU and the International community,

and no doubt using their funds, and as such you can expect it to be fair to all members of that community and in particular members of the EC.


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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 20:00

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Message 143 of 351 in Discussion

I personally do not think that there are any irreconcilable differences between the YOUNGER

Cypriots and whilst it is good to listen to and debate members views, why don't we just leave it up to them, and give peace a chance.

After all, it is their futures which are at stake!



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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 20:10

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the kktc belongs to the turkish and anyone who chooses to live amongst us ,greek people are also welcome.


if you are a lawyer ,then i am peter jones.

you and pikey may be different people ,but you talk the same s..t


long live the kktc


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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 20:58

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Wynyardman: "As a pseudo policeman (a uniform and a truncheon to play with) but no more authority than Mr Jo Public, have you not listened to your more professional colleagues, the importance of MO ( modus operandi) when investigating."

Hilarious. As well as being out of your depth in Cyprus, you don't even know the basics of policing. Special constables have exactly the same powers as regular officers. We are all constables in law. And I have the power of arrest whether on or off-duty. But relax - being a buffoon is not an offence at present. Truncheons? You belong to Dixon of Dock Green. Whisper it, but we all get Autolock extendable batons, Captor spray, Speedcuffs and body armour. I think the police thing quite excites you, as you revisit it, usually after opening time. Yoursh my besht mate, you are.


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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 21:06

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Message 146 of 351 in Discussion

Pikey, behave yourself your a Hobby Bobby so stop getting carried away


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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 21:16

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Message 147 of 351 in Discussion

Would the real Pikey, please stand up?

Allo! Allo! Allo! what ave we ere? You and Suzanne use these smiley faces a lot!

Strange that also!



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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 21:23

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Im not one to gossip and dont wish to stir things up but convinced beyond all reasonable doubt that wynyardyman and pike are the same people.


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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 21:28

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Message 149 of 351 in Discussion


You may have a point!

Positive and negative attract? (Oh my ...Help) Its OK I've checked ...Poles apart!


andre 514

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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 21:36

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I was out with the uk police on hallowe'en

as part of my job,

and we took a girl of 13 home

who had fallen into the gutter totally drunk

I thought, I don't believe this,

but then remembered many similarly

very hard-to-believe things like:

pike appears to want turkey in the eu,

perhaps he really likes the turks after all?

or maybe he thinks the eu will get the north back

"the easy way"?

megabites of stuff about a "cyprus settlement"

(what's that all about then?)

when the south still fails to offer

any real concessions and have now split

about what to do over the "guarantor" question

while contacts in the turkish army have told a friend

they will "never" leave cyprus...

could I most graciously venture to suggest

that not only will wyn get to keep his de-facto villa

but that he need not lose any sleep over it either



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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 21:37

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Is this more your thing? ;-)


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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 21:38

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WUM I think applies to Mr Pte Pikey


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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 21:41

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What job do you do that involves you picking up teeny drunks with my police colleagues?

BTW, the analogy you gave appears to support the points I make on this BB.


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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 21:43

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Just as obscure nonentity applies to Mr John Mills, eh Briggus?


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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 21:46

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You've aged a bit Pikey.....and what a brilliant tan ?


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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 21:55

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I was stopped by the Police 3 days ago (a real one with a gun strapped to his thigh) a propper jobsworth (goes with the job , I suppose) attracted by the shiny split rim alloys. I had just washed the car! ....anyway to the point.. .not a breathalyser in sight. Strange that!

Real uniform as well.......Not a Bobby Shafto lookalike!

What was that you were saying about dilusional?



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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 22:05

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Message 157 of 351 in Discussion

Andre, This is outragous that police took a drunk 13 year old home. Why did you not stop them?


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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 22:06

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he does kids parties as well you know,his got a clowns outfit also,along with a ...police uniform,army uniform, sailors uniform,pilots uniform and of course the bay city roller outfit, which as you see his got on .

have a nice evening wyn


long live the kktc


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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 22:15

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Do you reckon he would be safe around children. You want to see my truncheon sonny?



andre 514

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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 22:26

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please do not provoke the lootenant

'sides, he might get his soul-mates in the south

to bring back the S300 anti-aircraft missiles

they so had so ignominiously to ship to crete

when turkey warned they would "neutralise" them

I shake in my shoes



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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 23:03

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musin: "he does kids parties as well you know,his got a clowns outfit also,along with a ...police uniform,army uniform, sailors uniform,pilots uniform and of course the bay city roller outfit, which as you see his got on."

Am I right in saying you have dodged ever having to wear Turkish uniform in Cyprus - by making sure you stayed safe in London? Just as well the Turkish Cypriots are made of sterner stuff than you.


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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 23:05

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Was it work experience to become a police cadet? If so I can give you some people to write to.


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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 23:09

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Message 163 of 351 in Discussion


I can see why you don't like police officers because you were fixed for some road traffic offence. But have you ever thought that your index/es may be tagged as someone to be stopped and checked out? I'd say there was a BIG chance this may be true. ;-)


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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 23:19

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That just about sums the scuffers up Pike ?

2 weeks ago our business was broken into and £20k of goods stolen and £4k of damage to the building....scum bags.

But the funny thing was your lot could,nt be arsed to turn up for 4 hours having been alerted by redcare.

But even funnier is when I was on my way to work the next morning there he was in his big white van with a camera sticking out the back window nicking people going to work to pay for the fat lazy plod in his van.

Good to see you have your priorities in order ?


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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 23:20

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Pikey, Police Officers.

On the contrary. I have no problem with them (the real ones)

In fact I waited for 2 days with baited breath for them to turn up when our house was broken into.

Fortunatley they were there in seconds when I was slightly over the speed limit.

I think maybe that is down to the quality of personell they get nowadays.

Whats this got to do with the posting?


ps Looking at your photograph....was it the softest little thing that kept you out of The

Strathclyde Girls Band? never mind sonny, stroke your truncheon!


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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 23:22

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Message 166 of 351 in Discussion

oh dear your upset pike ,never mind love .

i was on holiday in cyprus in 74 ,and yes i have worn a turkish uniform albeit for 8 weeks ,but i dont claim to be a super hero .

but i am a turkish cypriot,and north cyprus is turkish now ,so live with it.

not you or any number of greeks will get it back.

have a nice evening ,,,super hero.


long live the kktc


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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 23:29

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Message 167 of 351 in Discussion

Turtle msg 179,

Unless you know what else was happening when your call was made and how many officers on response were actually available to deal with it, you can't blame the guys on the ground. Everyone's in the same boat.

As for the mobile speed camera, most are part of civilian-run safety partnership networks and I'd be very surprised if a police officer was involved in this.


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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 23:34

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I think you told us elsewhere you have never been in uniform and I'm afraid I'll have to take your first answer. But let's face it - London's a much safer place to bad-mouth those nasty Greeks who have kept you away from Cyprus for 50 years. Big news since you've been away, BTW - the island is now independent from Britain! Who'd have guessed it, eh?


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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 23:35

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Things happening on the me a favour it was 4.30 in the morning


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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 23:47

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Is your place in a bad area, or as we say a place of "mixed social values"? Could explain why it gets busy.


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Message Posted:
03/11/2008 23:59

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Our premises are in a very affluent area, mainly residential lots of "nice people"

Perhaps its too much to ask of you lot to actually do you job and give us something back in the form of protection.

Anyway you are only being argumentaive AGAIN .........back to the thread.


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Message Posted:
04/11/2008 00:11

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Message 172 of 351 in Discussion

oh dear you are upset.

i know this because you start to make things up .

london is a safer place then cyprus ,i think not ,nasty greeks keeping me away from cyprus ,prehaps you haven,t worked it out yet ,you live in the kktc

thats turkish ,but hey super heroes don,t care .

maybe ill put a picture of myself in my uniform .

but like i say i,m no super hero,just a bricklayer.

oh nasty greeks thats just your opinion.

oh and how come you bad mouth turks from behind your pc.

maybe your not a super hero after all

chin up.


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Message Posted:
04/11/2008 00:17

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Message 173 of 351 in Discussion

Who would have thought it - 186.

These threads get so boring I am sure some like myself try to think of ways to go out and commit a serious crime - like standing on the cracks in the pavement or talking in a strange accent!!!!!! Have I Got News For You!!!!!

I look in occasionally to see if Wyn has got the point but it seems not! There are several thousand of us in same position and it seems it is only you that keeps raising this issue. Maybe it is you that is the subversive trying to undermine the confidence of British people here!!!!!!!


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Message Posted:
04/11/2008 00:26

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Message 174 of 351 in Discussion


In message 11 I made my views crystal clear.

Other opinions are those of others who subscribed to this thread.

I sought, and have received others views.I'snt that what these boards are about?

Other people have opinions on the subject matter, not just you aqnd Pikey.



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Message Posted:
04/11/2008 21:29

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Message 175 of 351 in Discussion


You and your friends gone quiet when faced with reality?

A balanced well thought out response, is what makes membership of this board worthwhile.

When the members speak, personal insult, attacking the man becomes the order of the day,

instead of debating the subject. The bottom of an empty bottle is poor company!



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Message Posted:
04/11/2008 21:45

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Message 176 of 351 in Discussion

"Bravo Mike 10 to Delta, suspect is suspected drunk and in possession of an empty beer bottle, Bravo Mike over."

"Delta to Bravo Mike 10, roger that. We know all about this one, social services have been informed, Delta out."


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Message Posted:
04/11/2008 21:46

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Message 177 of 351 in Discussion

step back a minute guys take a look closer to home seems like its all about eu membership well weve got an island divided in two and theyre both in the eu if turkey get in trnc wont need to change works in ireland why not


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Message Posted:
04/11/2008 21:52

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Message 178 of 351 in Discussion

Allo! Allo! Allo!,

What ave we ere? Conduct likely to cause a breach of the peace. Slam im up in Strathclyde Police Station, and disregard his drunken rantings about being a Special Constable. Even is so

called mates don't want to know him.

Do you want anything spread on the cell walls sarge? No leave that to im, hes full of it!

wyn (detail available from the WORLDWIDE NET) od dear!


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Message Posted:
04/11/2008 22:02

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Message 179 of 351 in Discussion


Seems its time to trim the old moustache again!



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Message Posted:
04/11/2008 22:24

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Message 180 of 351 in Discussion

"Delta to Bravo Mike 10, we've logged the drunk and incapable one for the nightshift, as he often attempts disruption until he falls asleep, Delta out."


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Message Posted:
04/11/2008 22:26

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Message 181 of 351 in Discussion


Who was it you said was delusional.? Cell a vie!



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Message Posted:
04/11/2008 22:41

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Message 182 of 351 in Discussion

What is the consensus of opinion as to whether we are going to lose our Villa's?


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Message Posted:
04/11/2008 22:51

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Message 183 of 351 in Discussion

Whats meant to be is meant to be.


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Message Posted:
04/11/2008 22:57

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Message 184 of 351 in Discussion

An excellent question No1 as we would have expected from you!

My opinion, and it is only that after reading ALL these postings from board members is.....

People who bought exchange land were either naive or took a risk to get a good investment.

(In our case we acted naively but in good faith) Most people seem to agree that if there is

to be a settlement, it will be broadly based on The Annan Solution (which took several years

to formulate) It appears that the consensus of opinion is that the principle of exchange land

will be ratified, as this would suit the vast majority of Cypriots and settle 80% plus of

disputes. The rest will be settled by compensation from a fund established by the

International Community.

The driving force for a settlement will come from the EC once the TCs and GCs have

exhausted their options. There will be sweeteners provided by the EC.

In the event of no settlement, the International Community


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Message Posted:
04/11/2008 23:04

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Message 185 of 351 in Discussion

will recognise the TRNC and therefore the Kocan issued by them would be internationally


In summary, based on my interpretation of members postings, holders of exchange land title

deeds have little to fear. The EC will move to protect the interests of the European

Community of which we are all members.

Just my view, and my interpretation of the views of some 200 members of this board



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Message Posted:
04/11/2008 23:09

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Message 186 of 351 in Discussion

There may be 200 posts but at a guess they come from about 12 different members so definitley not a concensus.


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Message Posted:
04/11/2008 23:35

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Message 187 of 351 in Discussion


I thought you were bored with all postings, and thinking of committing a major crime,or stamping your feet on cracks in the pavement? (You lost me at this point)

Anyway for those who are interested in others views.......

201 Postings(so far)............35 contributors.......................1 wingeing Brit

Whose view represents consensus?



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Message Posted:
05/11/2008 00:53

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Message 188 of 351 in Discussion

According to the 2004 Annan plan refer

My summary

For affected properties used by a dispossessed owner or any subsequent purchaser who combined had use of the property for at least 10 years (ie Exchange properties)

1) If the difference in current value is less than 50% (between the land they exchanged in the south and here) the current user receives title and either pays or receives the difference in value betwen the two properties.

2) If the difference is more than 50% if the parties can't reach agreement the Property Board would either agree or refuse the exchange or partition the property based on the facts presented etc.

3) If the properties have a similar value the exchange will be ratified

This all depends on the ability to transfer an exchange property in the South

Its hard to see TC's voting to accept anything substantially less favourable than this. Christofias is dreaming if the idea of only issuing long term leases will be accept


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Message Posted:
05/11/2008 01:31

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Message 189 of 351 in Discussion

The TRNC have installed government, infrastructure and Law to the north. may not the most reliable on the planet but those who have purchased villas have accepted that this government is in control.

Villa owners are relying upon this government to protect interests of their inhabitants regardless of nationality. We have all paid dues to the TRNC rule of law.

Any settlement and or compensation must reflect the irrevocble link between TRNC government and villa owners. ie TRNC must stump up and idemnify villa owners from claims against TRNC title deeds.

It is the case that EU, and IMF will probably stump up cash to aid settlement and possibly compensation. My belief is that even the Annan plan is now passed its sell by date. Monetary compensation, if any is due, will protect villa owners fom disposetion. Villa owners represent significant cash input to the economy and should not be failed by the TRNC government.


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Message Posted:
05/11/2008 11:35

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Message 190 of 351 in Discussion

"Villa owners represent significant cash input to the economy and should not be failed by the TRNC government."

Good logic WAZ - but if, as Ismet said on the 'Lawyer' thread..

The time bomb reference is the compulsory sale of land when banks ask for their money. Eventually these sales will have to materialize otherwise the banks will stop lending money against mortgages. That means no lending to businesses and it is almost the situation today. Once these sales begin it will affect the locals as well as foreign buyers who paid for the house but its mortgaged to a bank by the developer. The Amarantha Valley saga will be nothing compared to what may happen.

If this were to happen, would the TRNC government step in then?

There may not be many Villa Owners left after the Banks get their feet under the table! Could be it's the Banks we ought to watch out for - not the GC's!


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Message Posted:
05/11/2008 11:55

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Message 191 of 351 in Discussion

If it was to happen, and we lost our properties with the land being returned to whom ever.

Does that mean we knock down our Villas as it is the land that is at issue. The annan plan stated that the original owners could have the land back but to fill a certain criteria not to benifit from an improvement if it had been built by someone else, and neither could they benifit from someone elses misfortune.

I would knock down mine,I could only presume everyone would want to do the same, and you think there is a lot of mess around now.

Does that sound like a good swap, returning to the north with no infrastructure houses etc, and people from the north returning to the south, I know where in that case I would want to go.


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Message Posted:
05/11/2008 12:16

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Message 192 of 351 in Discussion

gillken - I don't think that would worry them. They would get a grant off the EU to rebuild it all


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Message Posted:
05/11/2008 12:22

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Message 193 of 351 in Discussion


Re Current users who have improved the affected property

* If the market value of the investment made in the affected property by the current user exceeds the value of the affected property in its original state (such an impovement is defined as significant improvement), the current user will be able to apply to the Property Board to receive title to the affected property. Title will be granted to him/her provided s/he makes a payment to the Property Board for the current value of the affected property without the improvement.

* If the market value of the investment made in the affected property by the current user is less than the value of the affected property in its original state, s/he will be required to vacate the property and relocate to alternative accommodation.

S/he may also apply to receive compensation for any improvement with a market value of more than 10 per cent of the current value of the property

This is meant for non exchange properties.


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Message Posted:
05/11/2008 12:41

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Message 194 of 351 in Discussion

In any even I think these Annan plan provisions likely to be the worst you are likley to encounter.

The Annan plan allowed no right of return to property required/ owned by the miltary, Public or Institutions only compensation. Return would have come into force 5 years after the agreement and was capped at 10% of each state and 20% of each Municipality.

As such right of return was largely symbolic for most.

In my view for property Annan was unnecessarily complex and an englobo solution would be better.

It could be something along the lines of

1) Territorial adjustments eg Varosha etc with compensation payments to those affected.

2) For the remainder of the GC and TC States/ Zones the exchange properties in the South should be used to help fund a compensation payment to all displaced GC's in the North and the new Government should also have to contribute payments for the land they have already appropriated eg Larnaca etc. Top up EU/ UN funding should pay the bala


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Message Posted:
05/11/2008 14:04

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Message 195 of 351 in Discussion

How can you receive a grant from the EU to rebuild , in my mind how can they get this if in effect they are having their lands returned in the same condition as when they left.How were people supported when people moved both sides of the border

It is not a re build except in a small minority of cases not the average villa developments we see as we travel the trnc. the south would be in the same condition rubble from illegal Villas built on wrong ground, both sides have been wronged and have built when they shouldn't. But we all have to evolve,the south have really led the way but do not allow the TRNC to follow suite, they call it compulsory purchase, here its called exchange



Thanks for the reply but I am really thick in deceifering those "gobbley gook" offical wording please put it in simple terms for me. And why is everyone talking annan, that was rejected a couple of years ago. Talat said he had it in his brief case and if all else fails then maybe pull it out!!


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Message Posted:
05/11/2008 14:40

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Message 196 of 351 in Discussion

Evidence Mr Pte Pike?

Plenty for the WUM title though.......


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Message Posted:
05/11/2008 15:27

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Message 197 of 351 in Discussion

This looking good, can we now make 300!!!!

Sorry Wyn 35 out over 3,000 is not a concensus in my view!!!!!!


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Message Posted:
05/11/2008 18:42

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Message 198 of 351 in Discussion

gillken: "But we all have to evolve,the south have really led the way but do not allow the TRNC to follow suite, they call it compulsory purchase, here its called exchange."

The more convenient argument for foreigners occupying Greek Cypriot property. When was theft ever considered exchange outside criminal circles?


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Message Posted:
05/11/2008 19:57

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Message 199 of 351 in Discussion


Here we go again, and who stole?

Would you live voluntarily in a country run by corrupt thieves?

Where exactly Pike, was the moral high ground that you talk constantly about?

Certainly not a cell in Strathclyde Police Station. Pray tell us where!

Surely not the TRNC. Where is your home? Girne?



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Message Posted:
05/11/2008 20:07

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Message 200 of 351 in Discussion

Wyn you are straying from the path again...

If you stoop to the level of your enemy you become your enemy...


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Message Posted:
05/11/2008 20:11

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Message 201 of 351 in Discussion


I thought that you were bored with this BB. Going outside to stamp your feet, or something like that.

How many of the 3000 membership actually post? Some 216 chose to post on this thread and contribute.

What is clear is genuine people chose to post on this thread. ONLY ONE WINGEING BRIT




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Message Posted:
05/11/2008 20:17

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Message 202 of 351 in Discussion

Wyn, What was the question?

girne 29

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Message Posted:
05/11/2008 20:21

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Message 203 of 351 in Discussion

As part of an agreement

could not the south supply the bi-zonal north with the names of people in the north who have land in the south, Then that list could be checked with the list of who received exchange land.If they sold the land on,then the rights to exchange the land back would be transferred to new owner.


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Message Posted:
05/11/2008 20:29

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Message 204 of 351 in Discussion

still bad mouthing the turks from behind your pc, pike .

stolen land ,ask for it back and dont forget to say please,you never know.


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Message Posted:
05/11/2008 21:22

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Message 205 of 351 in Discussion


There you go again abusing others on this forum.

I think maybe it is time the moderators took action against you and your out bursts.

I seem to remember some time ago you were going to stop posting on this sort of thread but you just cannot resist rising to the bait.

Think it is you who needs to take a break, take a look around the threads and several people who used to support you now know what your true colours are. Even I would support you in the past but you choose to condemn people left right and centre to the point that I just make postings directed to you personally and every time you go for them.

Sorry moderators but I am speaking honestly here. Wyn likes to set up and target Pikey and allies but cannot accept the defensive comments.


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Message Posted:
05/11/2008 21:57

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Message 206 of 351 in Discussion

I do not think I have whiged on this forum, but I stand to be corrected!!! I have stated our case regarding our situation here which is as bad as some, not as bad as others etc.

I really think that Wyn must get out and about next time he is here and talk at grass roots level as to what is really happening. Then see how he would like to be lied to, cheated, and generally crapped on. Go and talk to the Aga ladies, come and talk to ourselves, talk to littlenige. Then he might realise how and why we are some time cynical and critiacal ofpeople who post here from afar.


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Message Posted:
05/11/2008 23:50

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Message 207 of 351 in Discussion


now you have told us about wyn ,explain to everyone about his battling companion pike .

this is a bb so stop telling the moderators who to throw off ,just dont get involved if you dont like it.

yet more brits bad mouthing the turks and living in their country,how do you think the uk runs ,but hey such as life,live and let live .


long live the kktc


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Message Posted:
06/11/2008 02:27

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Message 208 of 351 in Discussion

girne 29: "Could not the south supply the bi-zonal north with the names of people in the north who have land in the south, Then that list could be checked with the list of who received exchange land.If they sold the land on,then the rights to exchange the land back would be transferred to new owner."

I think you don't know what happened in 1974-75. The Cypriot authorities have no idea who seized what in the north after the Greek Cypriots were ethnically cleansed. Do you really think both sides sat down to thrash out some kind of agreement? Turkey took what it wanted at the point of the bayonet - those GCs who did escape were glad to get away with their lives, let alone any of their property. TCs who came north were allocated whatever was to hand. Corruption was rife. Plenty has been published and is in the public domain. Turkey committed massive human rights abuses and war crimes in northern Cyprus. A few questionable foreigners have taken personal advantage of war and suffering


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Message Posted:
06/11/2008 02:29

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Message 209 of 351 in Discussion

musin: "this is a bb so stop telling the moderators who to throw off..."

Unless you want to go crying for help when things don't go your way, perhaps?


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Message Posted:
06/11/2008 03:39

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Message 210 of 351 in Discussion

I think little or nothing for people who go out on holiday to TRNC for a week or so, on a whim and buy a villa, and then winge about the plight that they now find themselves in. They have moved lock stock and barrel without a care in the world and now they regret it. How foolish, how stupid these people are. They leave their lives, homes and a safe bolt hole in the UK and expect others to feel empathy. No. Get your head out of the sand. You choose that life. You cannot seriously expect not to be lied to, cheated, and generally crapped upon by unscrupulious people? If people go to a country after an experience of one week, where they are unfamiliar with the culture, customs, language and laws, can they realistic expect to fit in? I have no sympathy, but there again why would I? I have an unfinished Villa in Karsiyaka. It can remain unfinished for the rest of my natural days. I will not give in to blackmail by rogue builders, lawyers and landlords.

mickey rourke

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Message Posted:
06/11/2008 04:47

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Message 211 of 351 in Discussion

isn't it time to put this to bed,

We will not help our causes by continually slanging each other off especially pikey and wyn - a point for pike to digest be it from his Strathclyde prison cell , his Granton pad or his Girne hideaway, the first shots were fired by Greek Cypriots, fact !! it was their intention to claim ENOSIS with Greece - fact !!

Wilson's government at the time aligned itself with Greece as it was as red as they come and Wilson was well into keeping the red flag flying, think on it, read ALL your history and you will see the wider truth, not just pikeys pontifications.


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Message Posted:
06/11/2008 06:51

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Message 212 of 351 in Discussion

The burning question is whether we will lose our villas because of the mortgages on them that cant be repaid by the fraudulent landowners who took them out knowing the land was subject to contracts of sale!


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Message Posted:
06/11/2008 07:42

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Message 213 of 351 in Discussion

Mickey Rourke,

Perhaps we could all refer to the ORIGINAL posting 1.

I was trying to solicit board members opinions as to what they felt would be the outcome of the property issues facing exchange land purchasers, at THIS STAGE in the reunification talks. It is a constantly moving issue, as talks progress, and I wished to see how opinions are changing. I also sought members opinions on the legality and therefore validity of exchange land.

I am indebted to all members for their opinions.

In respect of personal remarks, and insults, I have always sought to debate the subject, not the poster. I have constantly appealed to others to do likewise. I do however reserve the right to respond to peoples personal comments and insults,in kind. Especially WUMs.!

I do not winge at the position in which we find ourselves. We paid our money and took our choice, as did everyone. We are quite relaxed at the position in which we find ourselves.


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Message Posted:
06/11/2008 07:54

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Message 214 of 351 in Discussion

What has become apparent in this thread is the subject matter is of great interest to many members at this most critical time, and the opinions shared, advice given, stories related and information provided by members, will have proved invaluable to members of this board, and to people who join to gather opinions, because they are thinking of buying property in The TRNC.

I would have hope that some of the more amusing comments, and light banter,would also lift the spirits of those who are finding these self imposed burdens, hard to bear.

As long as the thread is providing interest and amusement, long may it continue. You dont have to read it! It is clearly stated what the thread is all about.

Please remember though, civilized debate IS ABOUT THE SUBJECT, NOT THE PERSON POSTING. Personal comments are supposed to be against the board rules.

Have a great day!



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Message Posted:
06/11/2008 11:40

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Message 215 of 351 in Discussion


As you say Annnan has no legal force on current negotiations.

I guess people are going back to it for clues as to where things may go as it was the most comprehensive effort constructed by independent efforts of the UN so was more realistic than the partisan proposals put up by both sides to date.

The reality of the plan was current users had the priority with Exchange and substantially improved properties and were only liable to pay compensation for the land value. The exchange properties may not have to pay anything due to the offset of the land in the South and may even receive compensation if the relevant southern land was worth more.

My view is it is unlikely TC's would accept anything significantly less then this, so if Christofias genuinely wants a solution he should ulimately agree to something that has a realistic chance of being accepted by TC's. In reverse GCs need a generous compensation package, territorial adjustment etc.



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Message Posted:
06/11/2008 11:42

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Message 216 of 351 in Discussion


Msg 230. Clear enough?



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Message Posted:
06/11/2008 11:45

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Message 217 of 351 in Discussion

One arguent in favour of solving the Cyprus issue shortly is the continued changes in the population.

You now have second generation Cypriot born children from Turkish settlers and relatively soon will have three generation descendents. How can you say that these people are not now Cypriots and seek to "return" them to Turkey where they haven't lived for generations. As this group grows it makes solving the issue more and more difficult.



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Message Posted:
06/11/2008 12:01

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Message 218 of 351 in Discussion


As usual your observations are spot on, as well as being "on message"

I think Mr Christophias and Mr Talat are considering a range of options for settlement that are on the table. Most will be discounted without much serious consideration. It what is left when this process is exhausted, that will be taken forward. This is what negotiation is about. I think that is when external pressures and incentives, will be bought into play. Some way off yet!



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Message Posted:
06/11/2008 12:32

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Message 219 of 351 in Discussion

So we are agreed that on balance, it looks like the foolish will lose their villas and go home broke and with their tails between their legs, while the smart and determined will remain. Along with those who have morals. Cyprus is not the place for undesirables.


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Message Posted:
06/11/2008 12:40

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Message 220 of 351 in Discussion

WUM alert.........WUM alert!



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Message Posted:
06/11/2008 13:18

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Message 221 of 351 in Discussion

I am not well read bordering on thick but, in reality what you are saying is. Turkish go back to Turkey, what happens when Turkey joins the EU, seems pretty futile, as everyone and more could return.

Everyone looses everything,apart from a few, cos everyone has been re-settled as pre 74.

Everything throughout the whole of Cyprus that has been built on "stolen" land is demolished.

People whom have enjoyed western luxuries in the south have returned to living in primitive stone huts looking after goats no water or electric, selling their wares on the road side, no carrefours tescoes m&S next etc. Whilst all around them the rubble of Villas.You can't rebuild a nation in a week.

In the south people have again returned to basically the same conditions THEY have all the EU grants to rebuild A lot of

It has to be settled on compromise and acceptance, what happened in 74 was for the best,and that the North for taking the initatve have been punished enough simply for saving lives.


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Message Posted:
06/11/2008 13:27

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Message 222 of 351 in Discussion

Where's Tesco's in the south? Gilken.



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Message Posted:
06/11/2008 13:30

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Message 223 of 351 in Discussion

Not a clue, but there could be along with all the other european shops in the south.


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Message Posted:
06/11/2008 13:35

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Message 224 of 351 in Discussion

Pike your message 224 implies that it was only GC's that were forced out at the end of a bayonet as you then refer to TC's "who came north" Do you think that they did so voluntarily or willingly and were not also forcibly evicted and subjected to abuse of their human rights too?


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Message Posted:
06/11/2008 13:35

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Message 225 of 351 in Discussion

hi lem , have you not heard , there is a tesko in iskele , tiggy told me about it , went there a few times on our last visit

regards , simbas


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Message Posted:
06/11/2008 13:39

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Message 226 of 351 in Discussion

Crikey! Simbas. Is it the real thing or a copycat local store?



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Message Posted:
06/11/2008 13:59

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Message 227 of 351 in Discussion

oh you are quick , i will give you that ! yeh it's a copycat store along with the tesko plastic bags , it gave us a good laugh anyway '

regards , simbas


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Message Posted:
06/11/2008 18:07

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Message 228 of 351 in Discussion

Pike just to get this back to your attention would you care to comment on Post 240 ?


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Message Posted:
06/11/2008 18:27

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Message 229 of 351 in Discussion

244 messages and no one is any wiser than they were when wyn posted it.

Any one can pontificate on the outcome of the ongoing talks, it only gives ammunition to pike and other bewilderd posters to foster there own brand of bull sh t.

There is NO WAY the GC TC Turks or Greeks can make all the people who have decided to have homes in the north leave behind their properties it would be no different than Idi Amin did to the asians.

If we all need to pay an amount of compensation for the land issue it would be pennies compared to the amount our properties would increse in value


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Message Posted:
06/11/2008 18:29

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Message 230 of 351 in Discussion


I'm sure some people were forced out at local levels, but the majority left as part of the population exchange from 1974-75. But in the north the Turkish army rampaged with impunity, expelling whole towns and villages. Have you researched the subject? Plenty of this is in the public domain.

girne 29

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Message Posted:
06/11/2008 18:55

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Message 231 of 351 in Discussion


"I think you don't know what happened in 1974-75. The Cypriot authorities have no idea who seized what in the north after the Greek Cypriots were ethnically cleansed."

You do so well sometimes with the explanation then spoil it all with your a so one sided opinion that it is sometimes hard not to disregard what you say in its entirety.

I am not as ignorant of the facts as you presume

.To explain the movement of TC's as "TCs who came north " but the GC'S who went south as ethnically cleansed is rather childish. Whats the difference in fearing death at the hands of a turkish soldier or at the hands of GC a civilian.

Please dont put words in my mouth. I didnt say they thrashed out an agreement in 74 as to who owns what.

The south knows who owned every inch of land in cyprus in 74,the north knows who has every inch of ex greek land in the north. What I had stated in message 224 was merely a suggestion.

Anyway if the bizonal arrangement is in hand then the north

girne 29

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Message Posted:
06/11/2008 19:19

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Message 232 of 351 in Discussion

will have some say in what happens, and I doubt if they will just ignore entirely what they have been saying for the past 30 years regarding exchange land.

If a bizonal agreement doesnt come into effect or is weighted so much towards the south that it would be bi-zonal in theory only,then I accept we have to call it a day.

Lastly . Before you think I am not even handed I have stated in the past that its to the TRNC govt that I look for all , foreigner and TC to protect ,and its them that I will blame if we are shafted, not the greek side, who have never left any doubt on where we stand .I expect everybody, foreigner and TC to get shafted by them


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Message Posted:
06/11/2008 19:26

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Message 233 of 351 in Discussion

Dead easy, Girne, 29. The Cyprus government allowed access to UN and Red Cross officials to help ensure protection of enclaved TCs against irregulars. The Turkish army only allowed limited access and "disappeared" GCs already listed as prisoners. Did you see the sickening footage of a Turkish army officer dragging a 14-year-old boy from a Red Cross vehicle in Bellapaix? I wonder what happened to him? Numerous UN resolutions and ECHR judgements prove my point about Turkey's behaviour in the north of Cyprus - where I presume you occupy GC property.


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Message Posted:
06/11/2008 20:12

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Message 234 of 351 in Discussion

pike still bad mouthing the turks ..............

sickening footage eh,bad turks .

two murdered turkish cypriots bodies were exhumed and their bones were given back to their famillies in the kktc .

they were murdered in 1964 by g/cs .

they have at least been reunited with their own people,

there was no red cross for them.


long live the kktc

girne 29

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Message Posted:
06/11/2008 20:42

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Message 235 of 351 in Discussion

"where I presume you occupy GC property." I occupy zilch,but thats another matter.

Probably left BECAUSE the UN had to protect them.

Sure ,after being murdered and disappeared for years,they suddenly felt everything was fine," here is the UN and Red Cross,now we can live peacefully in our homes" So why did they leave. Was it not for the same reasons that the Palestinians voluntarily left their homes. Again its doesnt matter why they had to leave, they felt the threat warranted it. As for protection of UN, as in Yugoslavia,it just meant they were ethnically cleansed under the protection of the UN. In Yugoslavia they were also ethnically murdered under UN protection. Ever see' Hotel Rwanda'.? by the way.

Anyway, I am way off thread, so thats all Im going to say about history.


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Message Posted:
06/11/2008 20:45

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Message 236 of 351 in Discussion


UN observers are renouned for not seeing events that offend the sensibilities of their masters.

It is easy therefore to see how easily that you fell into that role. What is required now that the chips are on the table, is an objective view of reality. If peace is to be established TRUTH is paramount.

It is difficult to see how your opinions can assist the peace process.

Just give peace a chance Pikey, It is a Cypriot problem, let the Cypriots settle it. They are

well able without the interference of well meaning (or in your case, interferring) outsiders


Musin, I feel your loss, as well as the families.

andre 514

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Message Posted:
06/11/2008 20:57

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Message 237 of 351 in Discussion

msg 241:

simbas are you sure it is not "tepsco"?

when we stayed in kalkan turkey

we used to joke about "going to tepsco"

especially poignant since my partner

had a temp job at the original tesco

admittedly it was 100 fahrenheit,

so it meant tottering out into an oven

well it felt like that anyway



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Message Posted:
06/11/2008 21:01

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Message 238 of 351 in Discussion

girne 29,

I think you are unaware of the population exchange after the 1974 invasion. Consultation took place. Just to be clear, I have a pre-74 property in the north and as such have no axe to grind with either side (although I never ignore lawlessness and immorality). Would your views be coloured by having possession of a Greek Cypriot property in the north, by any chance?


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Message Posted:
06/11/2008 21:02

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Message 239 of 351 in Discussion


"still bad mothing the Turks". If you were Turkish - and you clearly wish you were - you would be giving them a bad name.


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Message Posted:
06/11/2008 21:03

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Message 240 of 351 in Discussion


Its alright for you to offer more compensation. YOU are a capitalist! (the working man can kiss my ar----.)

How about the working man? Where do we get the money from? Poverty is alright for those who do not suffer from it. Just like the Sedgefield Gargoyle.....Tony the Blair!

Shameful.... Throw away the caviar and pheasant......try scratchings and pork dripping.

That is how us working classes live!



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Message Posted:
06/11/2008 21:06

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Message 241 of 351 in Discussion

hi andre514 , no it really was named tesko , their plastic bags were the same colour and design . only difference was the spelling , even the high post board was the same , but on entering the store thats where the similarity ended

regards , simbas

mickey rourke

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Message Posted:
06/11/2008 21:10

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Message 242 of 351 in Discussion


You pi** me off I was here when the Turks intervened to stop the genocide which you think never happened while you were probably in your nappies, fact is the 'powers' at the time chose to come down on the Greek side for political reasons and peasants like you were brainwashed into thinking they were right, political clout has changed slightly in recent times and the 'powers' are having a rethink, watch the spaces and watch developments, you always dodge the questions directed immediately at you on the posts with your purile biased and tainted views, we were told by our senior officers at the time to hold fire and not interfere even though we knew the Greeks had sent to Cyprus over 30000 troops undercover to assist in the ENOSIS attempt, at least the Turks came in in the uniform of their country to assist people who were being forced to defend against these 30000+ with sporting guns and pitchforks.

to answer wyns original question your purchases are as safe as anywhere


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Message Posted:
06/11/2008 21:25

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Message 243 of 351 in Discussion

mickey rourke: "Pikey You pi** me off I was here when the Turks intervened to stop the genocide"

Stop what genocide? Provide a credible link to any genocide in 1974 (not including Turkish war crimes) and we'll see how that fits in with the Turkish invasion and associated atrocities. Which unit were you in and who was your commanding officer, BTW?


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Message Posted:
06/11/2008 21:26

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Message 244 of 351 in Discussion

Pikey, sorry I just don't get it.

If you are constantly grabbing the moral high ground & you appear to dislike sorry hate what the TRNC stands for, why the hell buy property there.

Thats if you do actually own property there.

Perhaps you need to make an appointment with the authorities and make your position clear to them


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Message Posted:
06/11/2008 21:29

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Message 245 of 351 in Discussion


Spoken like a child of the Universe. I hope that your words have finallly gone in, (though I doubt it)

Bigotry I suppose, is the preserve of the inadequate!



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Message Posted:
06/11/2008 21:31

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Message 246 of 351 in Discussion

Turtle: "Perhaps you need to make an appointment with the authorities and make your position clear to them."

Of course I did. And then I did the same with the Turkish authorities. That's why I have legal title to my property. Can you say the same? ;-)


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Message Posted:
06/11/2008 21:41

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Message 247 of 351 in Discussion


Allow me to ellucidate. You have whatever title Mr Christophias and Mr Talat decide .

They are rewriting the rule book and the laws of the TRNC that we so trustingly accepted.

Freehold? Leasehold?

It will be put to a referendum. The Cypriot people will decide( with persuasion and perhaps

little help from their EC friends).

Don't ever look too good, nor talk too wise!



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Message Posted:
06/11/2008 21:42

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Message 248 of 351 in Discussion

Pike, the authorities know exactly what Im doing and I guess saying also.

But hypoccrissy is your middle name, you hate what the TRNC stands for, you slag off the situation in the north you condem everyone who will not agree with your views and then buys a cheap property in the country you constantly slate.

What a jerk.


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Message Posted:
06/11/2008 21:53

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Message 249 of 351 in Discussion


tut ,tut ,tut

you can do better than that.

have you had any turkish cypriots in a headlock recently.


long live the kktc

andre 514

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Message Posted:
06/11/2008 21:57

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Message 250 of 351 in Discussion

in the words of the artiste latterly known as george michael

"wake me up before you go-go" to vote in any referendum (eh?!)


morally corrupt speculator

("I'm glad you admit it!!!!!)



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Message Posted:
06/11/2008 21:59

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Message 251 of 351 in Discussion


What was it our former beloved socialst friend Harold Wilson said........

Yesterdays man! seems appropriate.

(oy guv..anyone want to buy a Gannex.



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Message Posted:
06/11/2008 22:51

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Message 252 of 351 in Discussion

There is no way any one is going to take our little abode.

We have some of the best views in TRNC. The sunsets are incredible, the parties in the site across the road are superb ( it is cemetary).

We are close to completion after week end discussions. Plus we may even get back the cost of elecric from those that did a runner without paying after connecting to our main line!!!!!! LOL


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Message Posted:
06/11/2008 22:54

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Message 253 of 351 in Discussion


I am pleased for you!

Mines an Efes!



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Message Posted:
06/11/2008 23:16

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Message 254 of 351 in Discussion

The Greeks have been trying for the last 34 years to get the Turkish army to leave northern Cyprus. Turkey as a nation has grown stronger and stronger as Greece has got weaker and weaker. Turkey is now the USA main ally in the region because of the all important war on terror. What ever Turkey wants at the moment Turkey can have as far as the worlds leaders are concerned. Nobody is interested in what the Greeks want they are an irrelevance for the forseeable future. So nothing will change much and Cyprus will continue as 2 states in 1.


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Message Posted:
07/11/2008 11:14

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Message 255 of 351 in Discussion

Pike re : msg 242. I am not denying that the Turkish army acted with impunity but what I am saying is that the removal of the TC'S from the south was not as orderly as you seem to think and that human rights abuses occured there too. How do I know that ? - no not just from books, but from the personal experiences of some very dear TC friends of mine who found themselves in that terrifying situation. Does your research include a dialogue with any TC's forcibly removed from the south?


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Message Posted:
07/11/2008 11:35

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Message 256 of 351 in Discussion

Getting back to the original question... If the deal involves the proposed removal of property rights for foreigners will the TCs vote for a settlement that will rob them of 40% of the TRNCs income...because that's what would happen if not worse... So I don't think so... enlightened self-interest will surely dictate a no vote in these circumstances...

Will the EU/UN broker a deal that involves blatant racism based on ethnic origin?... does that sound right? er no. I think they will need to find a solution that is equitable and I don't think that would be. It's no good agreeing what in your heart you know you can't deliver...


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Message Posted:
07/11/2008 12:52

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Message 257 of 351 in Discussion

TESKO from Msg 241.....yep a complete copy of the original company. It says it is a hypermarket....more like the size of a LEMAR. also on the complex is a kebab cafe called "Doy Doy" the food is good and the staff are very friendly. A cake/brerad shop is next door to it as well. worth a vist if you are a local.

they do not have a loyalty card yet !!!!

A lovely sunny morning in London & a hello t o Simbas.


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Message Posted:
07/11/2008 12:52

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Message 258 of 351 in Discussion

Pike, in my post no.271 I referred to your earlier post as no.242. This should of course have read no.246.


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Message Posted:
07/11/2008 14:36

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Message 259 of 351 in Discussion

Pte Pike re message 259

Stop what genocide? Provide a credible link to any genocide in 1974 (not including Turkish war crimes) and we'll see how that fits in with the Turkish invasion and associated atrocities. Which unit were you in and who was your commanding officer, BTW?

What about Greek Cypriot Antonis Angastinioti's documentary "Voice of Blood detailing the massacres of TC's in Aloa, Maratha and Sandalina near Famagusta. This was 1974. In addition isn't the "flag on the mountains" a commemoration of the TC village near Limassol where a big massacre of Tc's took place in 1974?


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Message Posted:
07/11/2008 15:19

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Message 260 of 351 in Discussion

Sorry the village Sandalina should be Sandalari. And the village "the flag on the mountains refers to is I believe Tochni.


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Message Posted:
07/11/2008 17:32

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Message 261 of 351 in Discussion

Lincsman - not like Pike to be stuck for an answer is it?


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Message Posted:
07/11/2008 17:44

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Message 262 of 351 in Discussion

Jimmy G We'll see maybe he's out shopping at the moment!


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Message Posted:
07/11/2008 18:13

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Message 263 of 351 in Discussion

Will we lose our Villa's?

No - but we could lose our minds!!


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Message Posted:
07/11/2008 18:41

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Message 264 of 351 in Discussion

No 1, please finish the longest joke before we do!!

mickey rourke

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Message Posted:
08/11/2008 07:29

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Message 265 of 351 in Discussion


you never cease to amaze me, 1st to answer your question (or not to) my unit was as Scottish as yours that is all you will get for now, However my OC was one Michael Cranbury, perhaps this will give you a clue.

Now PLEASE answer the posts from Lincsman who has done a fine job albeit a fraction off with his spelling.

Also you never answered my question re Ireland on another post and the role the British army played in the Irish situation, the black & Tans ?? the brutality and barbarism, the occupation of Ireland, (but that dont count do it) another thing you chose to sidestep, as tiggy said let those who are without sin cast the first stone !!


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Message Posted:
08/11/2008 13:59

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Message 266 of 351 in Discussion

Wynyardman: "Pikey, Allow me to ellucidate. You have whatever title Mr Christophias and Mr Talat decide."

Correction. YOU will end up with whatever the two leaders decide - as you and others like you chose to pay money for property that wasn't yours to buy. If you don't understand even this fundemental point, how can you be taken seriously (I know, rhetorical question)?

Myself and those like me who took the trouble to buy internationally recognised legal property will sit back and watch with interest.

andre 514

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Message Posted:
08/11/2008 14:59

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Message 267 of 351 in Discussion


I hear what you say about internationaly-recognised propery,

you have written about this many times I with great conviction

but what do you think the two leaders WILL decide, if anything?



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Message Posted:
08/11/2008 15:03

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Message 268 of 351 in Discussion

'Will we lose our villas?'

Well I manage to lose mine on a regular basis. Something to do with visiting the local hostelries.

Oh and I lost my car the other night, went to the Efes Blues Festival at the Jasmine Court Hotel and I only had one small cup of EFES (free with admission) came out at 11.30pm and had to walk around pressing my remote (pardon the expression) for half an hour before I found it.

What is it about the TRNC that turns you into a vegetable?

Oh yeh and can somebody remind me what day it is today?



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Message Posted:
08/11/2008 15:19

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Message 269 of 351 in Discussion

Stress is when you wake up screaming and then realize you haven't fallen asleep yet. That's the effect this thread is now having on me. What about you?


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Message Posted:
08/11/2008 15:51

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Message 270 of 351 in Discussion

I will have a large one, thankyou.

fire starter

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Message Posted:
08/11/2008 15:53

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Message 271 of 351 in Discussion

yes doyen i agree.

what is done is done.

what will be will be.

talking about it won't change it, only time will tell.

why stress out about it? deal with it if and when it happens.


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Message Posted:
08/11/2008 16:07

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Message 272 of 351 in Discussion

Spot on fire starter. It's out of our hands.


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Message Posted:
08/11/2008 16:14

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Message 273 of 351 in Discussion

for you wyn


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Message Posted:
08/11/2008 17:16

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Message 274 of 351 in Discussion

Ww'll keep our villas and loose the plot!



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Message Posted:
08/11/2008 17:19

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Message 275 of 351 in Discussion

Lem I think a lot have lost the plot already, including me.



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Message Posted:
08/11/2008 18:59

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Message 276 of 351 in Discussion

I just wanted to say -- i dont have a villa--so how about some sympathy from all you rich b***ards!


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Message Posted:
08/11/2008 19:03

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Message 277 of 351 in Discussion

why is the third hand on a watch called the second hand?


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Message Posted:
08/11/2008 19:14

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Message 278 of 351 in Discussion

Karakum, you have just made me laugh thank you, and you have all my sympathy.


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Message Posted:
08/11/2008 19:34

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Message 279 of 351 in Discussion

If a word was misspelled in the dictionary how would we ever know?


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Message Posted:
08/11/2008 20:32

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Message 280 of 351 in Discussion


It appears that your last grossly offensive posting has been removed by the moderators.

Now you have switched to this thread. Equally offensive, and will no doubt receive the

moderators attention, in due course.

Personal offensive comments are against the boards rules. Try commenting on the subject

matter, if you can!



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Message Posted:
08/11/2008 21:05

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Message 281 of 351 in Discussion

Hello Mickey,

Msg 281, interesting to read. Funny thing about the British (class myself as one) is no matter where they went in the past they seemed to Fu@k the world!

Most do not realise that the Irish uprising in the eraly part of last century was the beginning of the end of the empire. Giving 26 counties back to the rightful owners (still kept 6) led other countries to understand the only way to get freedom and justice was by armed struggle as asking nicely never got any one anything. My Great Grandfather and family escaped with their lives from Co Antrim having to leave all behind them. Land was never returned and they accepted that they would have to resettle in Mayo and there they have stayed. No Exchange title deeds on offer !!!!!!! Like Cyprus it is a beautiful country and hopfully something good will come out of these talks.

So Mickey do not rise to people whos only intention is to stir up crap and go on like a stuck record.

A lovely evening to one and all.


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Message Posted:
08/11/2008 21:14

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Message 282 of 351 in Discussion

If at first you don't succeed - skydiving's not for you.


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Message Posted:
08/11/2008 22:07

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Message 283 of 351 in Discussion

I know that this thread was started originally regarding exchange property. However I feel that what is even more worrying than wondering what will happen to buyers of exchange property, is the buyers who have found out that their land and home is motgaged to a bank. Even more worrying for those that have not bothered to register their property because of bad advice from builders and solicitors and are continuing to make payments or have paid in full without even being aware of this fact.


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Message Posted:
08/11/2008 22:35

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Message 284 of 351 in Discussion

The moderators are coming! The moderators are coming!


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Message Posted:
08/11/2008 22:37

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Message 285 of 351 in Discussion


I could not agree more.



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Message Posted:
08/11/2008 22:41

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Message 286 of 351 in Discussion


Yeah, I'm telling on you! My brother's bigger than your brother too....

No come-backs...

Honestly some of the posts are {you fill in the gaps}


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Message Posted:
08/11/2008 23:21

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Message 287 of 351 in Discussion


I put my second hand toilet seat on this thread for sale in the middle of heated discussions for a little light hearted humour and it was removed by the mods. Anyway still for sale.How do you get the orange stars, Ive only got two but Ive noticed some people have got five even some of the boring people?

andre 514

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Message Posted:
09/11/2008 00:52

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Message 288 of 351 in Discussion

my message 283 repeated:


I hear what you say about internationaly-recognised property

you have written about this many times with great conviction

but what do you think the two leaders WILL decide, if anything?



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Message Posted:
09/11/2008 01:01

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Message 289 of 351 in Discussion

A little bird told me who was privy to the talks, that if you bought in the Kyrenia area, you are safe. If you bought anywhere else in the TRNC on exchange land, you had better like sex and travel.



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Message Posted:
09/11/2008 11:06

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Message 290 of 351 in Discussion


What is meant by the Kyrenia Area?


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Message Posted:
09/11/2008 11:36

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Message 291 of 351 in Discussion

Everything extending to the Morphou/Nicosia municipal boundaries.


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Message Posted:
09/11/2008 14:28

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What about east & west of Girne, i.e. to Lapta & Esentepe?


andre 514

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Message Posted:
09/11/2008 15:07

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Message 293 of 351 in Discussion

pikey did you see my message 283?


girne 29

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09/11/2008 20:02

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" Everything extending to the Morphou/Nicosia municipal boundaries."

From Turkish Republic North Cyprus to Turkish Republic Kyrenia?

andre 514

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Message Posted:
09/11/2008 20:56

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Message 295 of 351 in Discussion

is pikey scared to reply to message 283?



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Message Posted:
09/11/2008 21:12

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Message 296 of 351 in Discussion

<> No I'm not "scared" to reply to you, andre. You may not have realised that remembrance day parades were being held today. Also, perhaps you don't have a family of your own.

What do I think the two leaders will decide? I think they will decide to compromise and I could be here all night speculating on the minutae. But suffice to say the GCs are approaching the issue from a far stronger position and the TCs should fight for what they can get, as the Turkish taxpayers have had enough of backing the regime and Europe beckons to Ankara. I'd say foreigners and speculators in the north will be brushed aside and will find themselves on their own when it comes to protection of ill-gotten gains.


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Message Posted:
09/11/2008 21:35

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Message 297 of 351 in Discussion

No Pikey, this is what you want to happen not what you think will happen.

There is a difference


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Message Posted:
09/11/2008 21:39

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Message 298 of 351 in Discussion


were you selling poppys ,in north cyprus.

tut, tut, tut mr campbell thomas.


long live the kktc


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Message Posted:
09/11/2008 21:47

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Message 299 of 351 in Discussion

Wyn in answer to your question, who knows?

andre 514

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Message Posted:
09/11/2008 21:54

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Message 300 of 351 in Discussion


sorry if were at a ceremony...

so to summarize what you really think,

there will eventually be a deal

and turkey will stop financing north cyprus

it will be practical to reward real cypriots on the one hand

while throwing turkish mainlanders and expatriates to the wolves

and this will actually happen?



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Message Posted:
09/11/2008 22:23

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Message 301 of 351 in Discussion

Pikeys opinions are his (and reading this thread, only his)

316 postings express the interest members have in the subject.

What is happening is evolving on a daily basis.No one will know until the negotiations are

complete Then and only then will we know, and then if the negotiations are accepted as a

way forward, by the people of Cyprus I have every faith that they will stand by people who

have invested in the island, and will continue to contribute to the economy.



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Message Posted:
09/11/2008 22:31

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Message 302 of 351 in Discussion

Message 312.

Mr Pike, I have becone rather familiar with the format of your posts.

It is very clear that your aspirations and what is likely are very far apart.

Foreign investors will be very unlikely to be " brushed aside". The economic and indeed political implications across the European union let alone the TRNC would mean a veto upon any resolution that proposes what you aspire to.

I do think that you should endeavour to move foward with your aspirations and try to tollerate, understand and condone what the majority aspire to.


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Message Posted:
09/11/2008 22:40

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Message 303 of 351 in Discussion

andre: "so to summarize what you really think, there will eventually be a deal

and turkey will stop financing north cyprus

it will be practical to reward real cypriots on the one hand

while throwing turkish mainlanders and expatriates to the wolves

Pretty much so, I think. There is ZERO sympathy vote or loyalty from the TRNC towards foreigners, especially now a peace deal's pretty much on the table. The priority will be citizens and second generation citizens. In fact foreigners are going to be a thorn in the side if they occupy GC property which could in some way be traded off. I think the ground rent to GCs idea is excellent as it gives the expats a chance to remain with a roof over their heads, or at least be around to defend court actions if the owner wants their property back.


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Message Posted:
09/11/2008 22:46

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Message 304 of 351 in Discussion

musin: "pikey were you selling poppys ,in north cyprus."

Priceless, coming from someone who for the past 50 years has bravely defended the Turkish Cypriot people from the safety of north London. Not so much Green Line, more Green Lanes.


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Message Posted:
09/11/2008 22:52

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Message 305 of 351 in Discussion


Good points, but there is a big difference between foreign investors as you describe and foreigners whose investment (in property which they do not legally own) is at the cheap end of the scale. Most are holiday homes which in the event of being a barrier to settlement in any way should be forfeited by the authorities.


Joined: 26/01/2008
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Message Posted:
09/11/2008 22:54

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Message 306 of 351 in Discussion

Round and round and round (See msge 2)


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Message Posted:
09/11/2008 23:05

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Message 307 of 351 in Discussion

Pike, Msg 321

I fear that your view is very unrealistic. Holiday homes, residences, buisnesses or land ownership. The economic implication to disruption of valuable revenue ( to the government) would not at all be conjusive to an enhancment of the region. This fact will almost certainly be considered in any negotiations and any settlement must enhance the economic position of GC, TC and imigrants, as well as investiors. All these factions are important to economic and political convergence.

andre 514

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Message Posted:
09/11/2008 23:12

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Message 308 of 351 in Discussion

msg 319

you make compelling case pikey

but you don't mention the 100,000 mainland turks:

maybe teach them to swim?

you talk about a peace deal being "pretty much on the table"

I am still all at sea on this one:

learn me to study the news reports better?




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Message Posted:
09/11/2008 23:16

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Message 309 of 351 in Discussion


How much value are the expats to the TRNC? Do they mean as much to the authorities as, say, the casinos? Can you put a price on them compared to the begging bowl to Ankara, or even one-off EU grants or cash from USAid and UNops? They just aren't buying the properties like they were, they shop frequently on the Greek side, many pay no tax worth speaking of. There has to be a fresh start in Cyprus and that includes the north. They hardly contribute to the hotels or tourism industry because they are staying elsewhere. And they are worthless in terms of politics as most can't vote.


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Message Posted:
09/11/2008 23:21

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Message 310 of 351 in Discussion


I did mention the mainland Turks. That's what I meant by second generation citizens (by birth). But loads will have to head on back to Anatolia, and I think that's accepted by both sides given their plantation in Cyprus was a war crime.


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Message Posted:
10/11/2008 00:37

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Message 311 of 351 in Discussion


The Island is no different to other mediteranean coastal fringes.

Tourism and external investment into property, buisness and capitalism provides a large proportion of GDP for these regions.

Southern cyprus already benefits fom such input as well as EU support and associated benefits.

The North has the fondations ready prepared for similar benefits. Tourism needs to be promoted and encouraged. TRNC should think carefully about alienating an important contributor to the economy. The potential for the North to flourish and become a real mediteranean gem is on the cards. I firmly disagree with your opinion that the Norths ex-pats provide no benefit to the economy, you should really try and take a view of the future.

Pike, Your posts seems to dwell on past events of history and upon current issues that in your eyes seem insumountable. Please try and put a more positve slant on your posts and bring to this forum solutions as opposed to problems.


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Message Posted:
10/11/2008 00:46

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Message 312 of 351 in Discussion

WAZ 24-7,

Spoken like a businessman with an International outlook!


andre 514

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Message Posted:
10/11/2008 01:40

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Message 313 of 351 in Discussion


maybe there were indeed war crimes in cyprus

committed by one side or another...

but you appear to be confident

there is some sort of deal "on the table" (your words not mine)

I have only heard that the negociators are making little progress,

because each side's bare minimum conditions

are irreconcilable, ie cannot be met by the other party

perhaps you find the bleedin' obvious difficult to accept?

I apologise to all board (or bored) members

for my coarse language


mickey rourke

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Message Posted:
10/11/2008 07:02

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Message 314 of 351 in Discussion


Pike was born with a slanted spoon in his mouth, his opinion is really of little relevance or consequence, he has a blinkered viewpoint, seeing only what he wants to see and sidestepping anything that he cannot handle or if it will not fit in with his fixated views.

I ask him once again what is the difference between a united Ireland and a united Cyprus.

What was the difference between the AOKA B (who 'factually' kicked it all off in Cyprus) and the Black & Tans.

It suits him to peddle his trash about Cyprus, and then attend a remembrance day service to commerate British servicemen & women who gave their lives for their country in many theatres, including at the hands of AOKA B a GC inspired terror organisation who kicked off all the Cypriot problems, FACT.

Please also remember the atrocities carried out by these people and how armed GC's went into Nicosia hospital staff quarters and butchered innocent civilians in cold blood, FACT.

andre 514

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Message Posted:
10/11/2008 10:32

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Message 315 of 351 in Discussion

pike is entitled to his opinions and he has gathered printed material

which he uses to illustrate his point of view

we can argue the rights and wrongs of the island's past history

until the cows come home, but what would that achieve?

what really jars is all this hyping-up of a possible deal

between the sides while there is nothing on the table

what leaks there are, seem quite pessimistic

yet many responsible people on this board act

as if it were all done and dusted...

indeed the balance of probability is that the CHR decision

to be announced next month

will re-inforce the existing principle that the ROC

has no juristiction over north cyprus on property questions

can the chimera of a single cyprus only be pike's wishful thinking?



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Message Posted:
10/11/2008 12:04

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Message 316 of 351 in Discussion

Pte Pike, you still haven't provided a response to my posts 275/276.


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Message Posted:
10/11/2008 12:30

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Message 317 of 351 in Discussion


The killings of the villagers in Famagusta district and Tochni were massacres, but not genocide. This is something I know about as I interviewed survivors of the atrocities more than 10 years ago. The international community have parameters which define genocide (usually a question of scale and whether the killings were part of a wider government policy) and these ones don't fall under the category. By all accounts they were carried out by irregulars or EOKA, who were not representing the government of Cyprus as they had overthrown it the previous month. Both sides committed the most appalling atrocities and it's inexcusable for individuals to use incidents as point-scoring exercises. Hope that clears it up for you.


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Message Posted:
10/11/2008 12:35

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Message 318 of 351 in Discussion


Potential is not the same as reality. North Cyprus lacks infrastructure and lags far behind other Mediterranean areas. It is an illegal territory with chronic underinvestment as a direct result of the Turkish occupation and consequent corruption and disorganisation from the puppet administration. Nothing works - you only have to spend some time there or try and form a business to realise what a disaster the place is. Root and branch reform is needed. The expat population has a negligable effect on future plans.


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Message Posted:
10/11/2008 12:43

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Message 319 of 351 in Discussion

mickey rourke: "I ask him once again what is the difference between a united Ireland and a united Cyprus. What was the difference between the AOKA B (who 'factually' kicked it all off in Cyprus) and the Black & Tans."

It's ludicrous to compare Ireland with Cyprus the way you have. Ireland has two democratically elected goverments comprising two states. Cyprus has one government but is unable to exercise effective control in the north because of the Turkish occupation. The Black and Tans were a paramilitary force raised by the elected government. EOKA-B (not AOKA B) were a clandestine organisation raised by a foreign country aimed at overthrowing the government of Cyprus. Read up a bit more on history and adopt a more enlightened outlook.


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Message Posted:
10/11/2008 15:48

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Message 320 of 351 in Discussion

Ireland has one true democratic government that sits in Dublin. the other sits in Stormont now run by the Northern Ireland assembly, with the majority being Protestant. The other side which are Catholics are at present joining in and trying to make things work. The majority still have the veto and anytime like at the present, they take the football home as things do not suit, which means and no one can play.

So years ago the Protestants & British Army had a band of murderers called the "Black & Tans" similar to AOKA B which were heroes. The outnumbered Irish citizens put an army of defiance together called the "IRA" to fight for their land and they were known as Terrorists!.

So if the AOKA were organised by a foreign government (greece) then the GREEK Cypriot people on the Island did not do to much to stop their killing activities. This organisation still has followers in the south and most are not from main land Greece.


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Message Posted:
10/11/2008 15:56

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Message 321 of 351 in Discussion

"Cyprus has one government but is unable to exercise effective control in the north because of the Turkish occupation"... Pikes words.

Effective contol....this will mean 2nd class citizens with less rights and the same old stalling tactics if the GC do not get their own way.

The TC have control of there own destiny and better relations/trade with more freedom of movement being the big issue to resolve and keep the Island as it is. That way no one can rule with their own agenda coming first.

Bless all Cypriots.


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Message Posted:
10/11/2008 16:05

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Message 322 of 351 in Discussion

Having spent a few days reading up on Gödel’s theorems. I only got to the incompleteness theorems on the last day, when I introduced Gödel numbering, which showed that some syntactic relations were definable and suggested that provability was therefore definable, and showed that truth (in the standard interpretation) is not definable. Thus, I didn’t get to anything like the full incompleteness theorems, but just showed that there is no recursive set of axioms such that truth in the standard interpretation corresponds to provability from those axioms. Anyway the point is that I was so engrossed in this I have completely lost the plot regarding whether we will lose our Villas. Can anyone advise me?


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Message Posted:
10/11/2008 21:00

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Message 323 of 351 in Discussion

Pte Pike whilst I bow to your great knowledge on matters Cyprus it does not mean that I agree with your opinions. I try to listen to the arguments on both sides and try and form opinions based on balance. On the particular matter of "genocide" as you call it, the catagory it fell under made little difference to the villagers that were killed. Whilst I am also aware of "atrocities" committed by the other side I still contend that the TC's were the "victims" in the years between 1963-1974 and I get the sense that the GC community are in denial about this period. Notwithstanding this I do hope that there is a settlement for the sake of both communities, but IMO you can't move forward without addressing the past.

mickey rourke

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Message Posted:
11/11/2008 02:16

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Message 324 of 351 in Discussion


When you make a mistake it is a 'typo' what was mine then eh??


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Message Posted:
11/11/2008 03:08

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Message 325 of 351 in Discussion

Pike ref: message 334.

Your views are acknowledged but again you fail to look positively to the future.

Potential is an advancment upon the reality of the status quo. The level of investment in the North, for example by Israel, is a reflection of the potential for development and growth.

Yes the infrastructure is lacking. Ex-pat or external investment, call it as you will,does and will have very significant effect upon the growth and economic development of the region. Your root and branch proposal needs to be combined with what is already under way. You cannot simply ethnic clense the region and hope to be able to start afresh without repercussions that would return us to the unfortunate situation we had 30 years ago.

Please be realistic yourself and help turn your "disaster" into the success that it and its people deserve.


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Message Posted:
11/11/2008 12:30

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Message 326 of 351 in Discussion

WAZ: "You cannot simply ethnic clense the region and hope to be able to start afresh without repercussions that would return us to the unfortunate situation we had 30 years ago."

North Cyprus was ethnically cleansed of the majority of its inhabitants - some 180,000 people - by Turkey after it invaded. So it's already been done. Not sure what you mean here.


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Message Posted:
11/11/2008 12:59

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Message 327 of 351 in Discussion


I suppose a prime example of Godel's theorem would be,

"This statement is false".



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Message Posted:
11/11/2008 13:14

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Message 328 of 351 in Discussion

Lem - but "Will we lose our Villa's?"

By the way The theorem is theoretically correct

fire starter

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Message Posted:
11/11/2008 15:20

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Message 329 of 351 in Discussion


gc's did object to killing there tc neighbours. lots of them died because of it.

they didn't have a lot of choice in the matter.

you say under the roc tc's would be second class citizens. the roc does still provide for tc's, if they wish to accept that help.many do not.

as for being 2nd class citizens, if you are an expat here right now i would say you are a third class citizen!

tc's are first. turkish are second. us brits are third. thats how it is.

mr talat has already said that he is working for a solution for the cypriot people and know one else.

why do you think he will look after the interests of a few expats?

he won't, we are on our own.

no vote and no voice.

the truth is they don't trust us.

why did they just give lots and lots of turkish people kimlik cards?

because they know which way they will go in the event of a vote.

mickey rourke

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Message Posted:
11/11/2008 19:51

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Message 330 of 351 in Discussion


let me get this straight, the Turks who intervened to prevent the wholesale slaughter of Turkish speaking cypriots who pleaded for their assistance, 'ethnically cleansed' the north, (some 180000 people your figures) while the Greek speaking Cypriots were quite happy to let the Turkish speaking populace (that were left after their slaughter, my words) stay where they were when the UN set the border, 'I DONT THINK SO' waken up pike, your arguments have been rubbished relentlessly and you should give up your crusade, we know popular worldwide opinion AT THE TIME backed the Greek argument but as time has elapsed the truth has started to unfold and with the advent of the internet the other side of the story is at last being heard.


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Message Posted:
11/11/2008 20:17

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Message 331 of 351 in Discussion

mickey rourke: "...when the UN set the border, 'I DONT THINK SO' waken up pike, your arguments have been rubbished relentlessly and you should give up your crusade....the other side of the story is at last being heard."

This kind of post from you shows how little you know about the Cyprus issue. Accusing me of having my arguments "rubbished" is laughable. I make sure I know the facts so my attackers can't prove me wrong - they simply don't like my (internationally accepted) fact-based opinions. Big deal. Many expats are incredibly ignorant - and obnoxious with it.

In your case you're just plain wrong - and have much to learn before lecturing others about the facts. FACT: The UN set no border after 1974 as you wrongly claim. The UN recognises no border in Cyprus for the simple fact it is one country surrounded by the sea. There is a ceasefire line marking the limit of the Turkish advance which I'm fairly familiar with having gone on a few patrols.


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Message Posted:
11/11/2008 23:34

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Message 332 of 351 in Discussion

Pike the Greeks are saying you are a thief and have stolen your property from a Greek owner. Looks like your days are numbered BOYO!

mickey rourke

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Message Posted:
12/11/2008 07:09

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Message 333 of 351 in Discussion


Please please stop peddling your pi** everyone knows that the 'border' 'green line' whatever it is called for want of splitting hairs was designated by the peace keeping force

Unfortunately for you 'you dont KNOW your facts, you only think you know them, you have deluded yourself into believing the piffle, you in a recent post went to great lengths to point out a single event where a Turkish officer showed great cruelty to a GC, this shows the futility of your arguments as we can all point to great cruelty by many, not so long ago either, think Iraq, think British troops.

You may be a columnist but as the vast majority know, that is a ticket to put into print what you want the wider world to believe, now go and research some little known files that were released in 04 with regard to the cyprus issue, then your smugness may well disappear, and it may well give you a new idea of what will be forthcoming.

mickey rourke

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Message Posted:
12/11/2008 16:09

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Message 334 of 351 in Discussion

Let me try to to establish fact from fiction, General young was the actual person who drew a green line through Lefkosia and announced that the GC's would stay to the south of it and the TC's would stay to the north of it 'FACT'

Makarios was the person who refused to have a NATO force to oversee things, but he accepted a much inferior force from UNFICYP, which could only do anything with 'HIS SAY SO'

The GC's at this point held all the power on the island 'FACT'

In 63 Makarios was trying his utmost to amend the constitution to REMOVE THE TC MINORITIES RIGHTS

As recently as 2007the GC goverment of ROC, many of whom were former EOKA (spelt right this time?) were still clinging to power, PAPADOPOLUS the president was one of the top men in EOKA in 1964 and he himself wanted the immediate extermination of ALL TURKISH CYPRIOTS should Turkey intervene (or as you say invade)'FACT'

To be continued

mickey rourke

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Message Posted:
12/11/2008 16:25

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Message 335 of 351 in Discussion

ECEVIT (hope it is spelt correctly in case it is picked up ) the Turkish prime minister at the time went on an urgent diplomatic visit to Britain to meet with Wilson and then Foreign minister James Callaghan to try to implement the 1960 treaty of guarantee, either the UK on it's own or together with Turkey to intervene fearing that Sampson the new PRESIDENT of ROC (EOKA) would use military means to exterminate TC's, but Wilson & Callaghan didn't want to know (perhaps they were too wrapped up in the red flag that at the time was enveloping the UK and Greece)

With no time to debate issues any further ECEVIT returned to Turkey and in consultation with his military advisors he was advised that the forces could be mobilised in seven days, and as is now history, they did on 20th July.

Then of course the courageous Nicos Sampson subsequently quit as president of ROC just as the Greek army top brass also gave up power on the mainland to a civilian goverment

All facts, The people can judge

mickey rourke

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Message Posted:
12/11/2008 16:33

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Message 336 of 351 in Discussion

my very last post on the matter

Hope all you people have not become too bored with this, but all the mis information and tainted viewpoints must not be allowed to sully what ACTUALLY happened, Pike was probably at most a full screw at the time (apologies if he had risen to the high and sublime , but it is doubtful) and was not privvy to all the facts, albeit he has a reasonably well informed knowledge


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Message Posted:
12/11/2008 18:27

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Message 337 of 351 in Discussion


Excellent history lesson but of course it is only history and you are going back some 40 years. Ordinary Cypriots want progress, not history lessons from foreigners who realise that once Turkey withdraws most of its troops their exchange properties won't look such a clever idea after all.

You're still getting your facts wrong, BTW. The Green Line only applies to Nicosia city. The ceasefire line extending across the northern third of the island is not designated as a legal border anywhere, which is what counts.


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Message Posted:
14/11/2008 21:59

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Message 338 of 351 in Discussion

who says turkey will withdraw its troops why did they deploye in first place turks were being ethnicly cleansed pikey ure a bull shi**ing bas**rd larnaca airport is built on tc land greeks want it all theyre economy is failling because they got greedy now they want the north back to further exploit tourism and sell to as u call expats the south is full of expats waiting to buy in the north pikey u probably need a good screw by the way i was in the 2nd battallion parachute regiment which ethnicly cleansed belfast god save the queen long live the trnc


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Message Posted:
14/11/2008 22:07

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Message 339 of 351 in Discussion

Never said a word!



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Message Posted:
14/11/2008 22:21

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Message 340 of 351 in Discussion

have a nother efes wyn im having a tennents its freezin here in edinburgh but will be back in march if pikeys so pissed of with the place might meet him and buy his place also will exchange

andre 514

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Message Posted:
14/11/2008 23:30

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Message 341 of 351 in Discussion

rowlo msg 354:

your posting is unintentionaly hilarious:

please don't think I am ***i** *** ****

any more than I would label pikey a complete ***e****

because every organism needs one of those,

the tiny minority of renegades on this board

*** **s**** **** *** **n*

if they think this sort of biased claptrap

will *** **** back ***** ******

why don't they just ***e ** * *r***

and stop wasting our time?



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Message Posted:
14/11/2008 23:41

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Message 342 of 351 in Discussion


Looks as if your having a hard time tonight!!!!


Its warmer here in Dundee!!!


Diplomatic as ever!!!


Can I fill in the blanks!!


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Message Posted:
14/11/2008 23:44

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Message 343 of 351 in Discussion


In my view-----------, ------------ but there again, in my opinion-------------I do not think

----------it stretches the imagination------------------but given the events that followed

------------ that I cannot condone that.What are your views



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Message Posted:
14/11/2008 23:46

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Message 344 of 351 in Discussion


It was only my big mouth, that kept me out of the Diplomatic Corps.



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Message Posted:
14/11/2008 23:49

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Message 345 of 351 in Discussion



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Message Posted:
15/11/2008 18:44

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Message 346 of 351 in Discussion

msg 355 best not to eh, or you will get another warning lmao


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Message Posted:
15/11/2008 22:31

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Message 347 of 351 in Discussion


Read ...A Turkish Cypriot speaks out Msgs 90/91 If its the truth that you seek.

but there again reading your previous postings, I doubt it is!



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Message Posted:
16/11/2008 21:11

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Message 348 of 351 in Discussion

msg 357 can someone fill in the blancks or is it seedless theres a jaffa joke in their somewhere


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Message Posted:
16/11/2008 22:32

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Message 349 of 351 in Discussion

back to ure 1st post wyn usa now have nuclear bases in turkey to deal with the terrorist threat from the middle east and beyond uk also have listening posts in troodus mountains we all bought in good faith greeks had no balls to begin with tried to murder turks with theyre 2 bit army and shit themselves when the turkish army went in to protect its people ran to the south now say they were robbed thing is theyve sold all the south to anyone who would buy now they want the north to do same as long as usa are in turkey trnc will hold all the aces and they will be theyre for a while pike is a scaremonger at the end of the day we all have human rights also we who bought never went and killed anybody or forced them to leave relax enjoy


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Message Posted:
16/11/2008 22:49

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Message 350 of 351 in Discussion

i thougt pike was a 5 star genital not a manwearing


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Message Posted:
16/11/2008 22:58

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Message 351 of 351 in Discussion

meant to say 5 star general wearing a sailor suit u no what i mean we dont have 5 star generals only usa do and most of them are in ankora wonder why

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