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Bayrak International: Cypriot Weddings - what do you think of them?

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» See all North Cyprus Weddings threads posted so far


Joined: 19/09/2010
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Message Posted:
02/07/2011 18:32

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Hi people, Şirin here. The topic for next Saturday's Drive Time is Cypriot weddings - mainly because I dread them!

What are your experiences?

Is it just a queue to pay money and leave?!

Does anyone remember the traditional weddings when there weren't a thousand people turning up?

Why do people wait until the summer to have their weddings, and on week nights?

Share you thoughts



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Message Posted:
02/07/2011 21:14

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Hey Sirin. why not ask me! You know I have a lot of thoughts. Personally I think one of the main reasons is commerce. There is a lot of money in weddings. Just look at the number of wedding gardens. Personally I prefer a good old march through the village and keep it as a family affair, but that is long gone.

I am due to go to a wedding next weekend, and will go becuase it is someone I really like, but in the main, alan can't stand for three hours just to say 'Hi' and hand over the envelope.

But more and more London Cyps are breaking away from tradition. I was at a wedding at Cratos lost week and it was kinda English with a sit down meal, and a box up front for envelopes to be placed. Much better. Hopefully that might catch on! And a thousand more thoughts - so try me. As a bit of a big mouth - I am always happy to share my thoughts, as long as it will help. x x x x


Joined: 21/04/2011
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Message Posted:
03/07/2011 16:29

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Message 3 of 15 in Discussion

i always make on piss off, just dosent do it for me :(


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Message Posted:
03/07/2011 21:47

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Surely more people have thoughts on this for Sirin. How many people do not bother to accept invitations because the way the weddings are conducted is so out of British culture? And getting dressed up to be surrounded by non English speakers, and just to ensure that you give them a good financial start. Come on, guys - share your thoughts . Sirin is a great girl who just loves doing her programme, but she can't do it without you.


Joined: 25/06/2009
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Message Posted:
03/07/2011 22:08

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The best Turkish Cypriot weddings are back in London,They are nothing like the weddings done here.


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Message Posted:
03/07/2011 22:11

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What's the difference Vonny? Do tell. I am very interested. I do notice that many London Cyps who come over to celebrate theiir marriage here have a very different ceremony/event than the trads here. Sit down meals, music, posh frocks, no plastic chairs and queues. But do, tell, please.


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Message Posted:
03/07/2011 22:29

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well i found that the cypriots (people ive known)get married but can have their reception up to a year later which is a very expensive do.they can have around 500 people there and they give a 3 course meal plus put bottles of wine ,beer ect on everyones table,they all have a live band playing too. Some i found do get registered in cyprus because they have family here that cant travel to the uk. my 1st wedding i attended here was 27yrs ago and i was really excited as i thought it was going to be something better than the ones in the uk & this was a rich family, but it was a bit of a let down as it was the same as it is of today.BUT i understand it because if you live here with your family and do not attend these weddings,when your son/daughter get married nobody would come, there is a lot of money involved and its a good start for the newly married couple unlike british weddings where you can recieve 2 toasters or 2 irons or a lot of unwanted gifts,i think money is far better


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Message Posted:
03/07/2011 22:39

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Understand what you say, Vonny, and I hope Sirin takes on board what you are saying.

But as I said earlier, much is changing here. Several Cypriots are having a 'bash' out here as you described, and at 5 star hotels, as it is cheaper than U.K. the one at Cratos last week had a ceremony, followed by dinner, dancing, etc, etc and it was so like British ones. I think it is because they grow up in the British system with Registry office ceremonies and they like to repeat that here. Just wish I could afford to do that for my family. All my weddings have been 'homely' and cheap! As to two toasters, I had four! But managed to get some changed!!!!


Joined: 25/06/2009
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Message Posted:
03/07/2011 22:55

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yes i think weddings in 5 star hotels here must be expensive as in the uk, my own wedding over 30yrs ago wasnt as big as some of them are but me being british and my husband being turkish we did quite well at our wedding because many of the brits bought presents for us but when the cypriots started pinning money on us,the brits got up and did the same. i felt a bit guilty about that

Also about 5 yrs ago i attended a cypriot familys engagment ( they,never been to the uk) here in cyprus and this was only for close friends and family,we were all fed and could drink what we liked,there was a live band with plenty of dancing,it was a great night,and you didnt pin money on them but you gave them gold


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Message Posted:
04/07/2011 13:00

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Message 10 of 15 in Discussion

Anyon else got any thoughts fo r sirin


Joined: 27/02/2011
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Message Posted:
04/07/2011 13:27

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Most wedding invite family and close friends which seems not to be the case in TRNC I have received stacks of wedding invitations from persons I hardly even know. It seems as if hundreds are invited just to pin on money . . . After my third wedding I say thanks but no thanks after having not even received a glass of water at any of the three attended for the 50 TL's I pin on to strangers.


Joined: 12/06/2009
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Message Posted:
04/07/2011 14:21

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I have been invited to weddings by people I dont know and assume the object is to get lots of people there to pin on money. Also invited to a wedding in Kumlu,Turkey and were told not to give presents as were the other guests. Our hosts accommodated us with their uncle and aunt for 4 days and could not ask for a better time. The whole village were invited and not one gift given as per the request.

My son is getting married out here next year and think it would be a good idea to give money as it would be difficult taking lots of presents back in the aircraft.

The guests at his wedding will be people known to us from Cyprus, Ireland and England.

Looking forward to it.


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Message Posted:
04/07/2011 17:37

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Come on, Sirin, take a look at the responses. haven't I done you well????

I do personally feel that many traditions are changing out here, and the old days of all the village attending have been replaced with all the people one can think of! And so that is now dying out as well, as more and more people are not keen on dressing up, going out, pinning on money to two beautiful,. formerly unkinown, people and not so much as a nibble over a Cypriot biscuit (if you are lucky).

any more comments for Sirin. (you owe me, Sirin!)


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Message Posted:
04/07/2011 22:27

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Message 14 of 15 in Discussion

Marion - thank you, you fantastic woman! Owe you big time, or an extra big coffee at least ; )

Thanks to everyone for sharing their thoughts.

I will read them out on Drivetime this Saturday from 6pm.

Tune in on 87.8 or 105fm - or .


P.S. I would like a traditional wedding in my village of Lourijina, where I enter on a donkey and everyone brings food and we eat, drink and dance all night


Joined: 06/03/2011
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Message Posted:
04/07/2011 22:45

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Message 15 of 15 in Discussion

You are not going to believe this, but I can't listen to the programme because I will be at a wedding!

as to the trad wedding, please can I come. a REAL trad wedding is fab. Dare I say I went to some when I lived in the south, but now people don't all live in the same community any more. But for you, we could pretend.

One silly question. Is this likely to happen soon?????

Oh yes, a second silly question. How long can I wait for this coffee, I am suffering withdrawal symptons already.

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