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Blessing whilst in North Cyprus

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Joined: 13/10/2010
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Message Posted:
06/07/2011 17:18

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Our daughter and fiancee are coming over to see us on the 31st August until 14th September. Whilst here they would like to have a "blessing" on their relationship. Can anyone advise on how we can arrange this please?

All sensible suggestions would be welcome!


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Message Posted:
06/07/2011 17:21

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wedding planner would be first point of call I would think.......If they cant help you I am sure they know someone that can.......x


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Message Posted:
06/07/2011 18:34

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I am having a blessing at St Andrews church in Kyrenia, not sure if this helps but the number is +(90 392) 815 4329


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Message Posted:
06/07/2011 22:38

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I think i have been in contact with your daughter already, please feel free to call me on 05338673530



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Message Posted:
06/07/2011 22:55

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If you want church, do get in touch with the chaplain, but I think the church does blessings on those already married . when is your daughter planning to marry, or will they be having a U.K. ceremony for legalities. In that case, if you want Christian, congtact the chaplain, but if you want secular there are two people who do this.

You can use a planner, but it does rather depend on how many people are involved. Why not talk to Teresa as above, or try Vashti, or Carol or Angelic Events, or others. Depends on how simple, where and what. Easly done, but more info required, me thinks.

I will happily help more if you do not go down any of the other paths.


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Message Posted:
06/07/2011 23:18

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Sorry, I should have been a bit more helpful under the heading of 'suggestions'

1. You can book a restaurant or hotel if you do not want church on a Sunday (the chaplain goes out to venues, as to the other two 'celebrants')

2. You can arrange flowers,chairs, meal, drinks etc, somewhere like Kybele - a very popular venue in Bellapais, or others who will of course will cover chairs and table especially for the occasion, and can play music (as long as you choose their mukic or take your own CD , will order cars, cake etc. to take you there and back.

3. If it is just a blessing then no paper work required, or your timing could be fraught.

4. As you know N.cyprus, then choose a venue you think your daughter would like, depending on numbers. Do you want seaside, or round your own pool.

5. if you choose a planner then the headaches are taken away, and they will ensure =no hitches, but of course you pay them for that - that is their job.

Can't think of anything else. sounds a lovely i


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Message Posted:
07/07/2011 13:11

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Thanks everyone for your suggestions. There are only going to be 4 of us! She has had some awful operations and is still fighint liver cancer which initially was said to be inoperable and feels her days are numbered. I think she would like a simple beach blessing! Her name is Mel and she will be staying at The Club Simena to be close to us at Karsiyaka.

After the blessing we will of course want a special meal!


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Message Posted:
07/07/2011 13:19

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Whatever your daughter decides on, I wish you all a happy day with wonderful memories.



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Message Posted:
07/07/2011 15:12

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1friendly please call me on 0533 8673530, i have been in email contact with Mel and will sort out whatever she needs free of charge.


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Message Posted:
07/07/2011 16:10

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Teresa Msg 9 - What better advert for no wonder we so like working with you. In business a generous heart does not go amiss I hope that those who see this thread appreciate your offer for your services to Mel free.



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Message Posted:
07/07/2011 18:14

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Thanks everyone - we didn't mention mel's problems to get anything for free. Just explaining why she only wants a blessing. Hopefully they will be able to get married later in the UK if all goes well.


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Message Posted:
07/07/2011 18:25

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Teresa - Just ran out of credit on phone. Will contact you tomorrow.


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Message Posted:
07/07/2011 20:52

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Count me in for anything I can do to help with this special moment. am in conversation with Teresa, but in view of what you have said, I think the Island of Love can give everything for free - isn't that what love is all about. what about a nice hand fastening ceremony for something 'different'. and if you want the church, maybe Teresa can chat up the chaplain to do it for free.

Just hope that Mel is well enough to travel and that it is a special time as she obviously faces more challenges - she deserves great dollops of love.


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Message Posted:
08/07/2011 12:53

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Thanks Marion & Teresa - How wonderful that there are people like you out there! Still waiting to get e-mail from Teresa and will then forward her Mel's travel details. I think Mel wants a beach setting but have spoken to Teresa about that. I think they are going to exchange rings.

I am afraid that I wept buckets yesterday!***


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Message Posted:
08/07/2011 13:37

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Ann Msg 14 - Don't apologise about the water works! Teresa's email address is why not email her so she has your email address correct. I know both Marion & Teresa well and this does not surprise me from both of them.


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Message Posted:
08/07/2011 14:28

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Thankyou Tom! It takes one to know one! Blessings on you for saying nice things about us, and blessings on 1Friendly for showing such thought and consideration to Mel! Sometimes one can believe that it IS a lovely world.


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Message Posted:
08/07/2011 18:09

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Just to let anyone know who is reading this thread, that the island of love is living up to its name. So far, Teresa has managed to pull out all the stops of the generosity of others, and Ada Hotel will be the venue who will give food; the ceremony will be whatever the couple want; Chicago Hair Club are giving the bride a hair do and anything else to make her beautiful on the day; hopefully a photogrtapher will come up trumps, but if anyone knows of a florist and/or cake maker that would like to complete the day, please volunteer now.

Cyprus 44 certainly has its good points, doesn't it, and this thread has proved that there is as much love , if not more, than the sarcasm which sometimes flows here. Greazt stuff. Just hope that Mel is well enough to travel and have some wonderful memories of Northern Cyprus. Oops, I will be in tears myself soon.


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Message Posted:
09/07/2011 12:17

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Regarding Photographer: Please post an email address where I can contact you. Happy to help with this.


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Message Posted:
09/07/2011 12:32

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i was always lead to believe that you had to be married to have a blessing.



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Message Posted:
09/07/2011 14:01

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givecoffeenow thankyou for your offer you can contact me or my number is 0533 8673530


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Message Posted:
09/07/2011 21:51

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Know what you are saying flamefabs, and you are correct, but this couple want a ceremony of commitment - 'blessing' their relationship. In a way it is a bit like a Greek Orthodox engagement, but not in a church. In the circumstances of the situation, I see it as promises of love. In any case, only god can bless, whilst the couple's love can be a blessing to each other.

complicated isn't it, but if two people want to make promises to each other on the island of love, then I am sure it will do their soul good and might help in the healing process of the lady involved who has had a bit of a rotten run healthwise.

On a theological level, I always think that 'blessings' are interesting. The church is endorsing what the state has done and blessing a secular action. I see it more as a public commitgment which says 'hands off everyone else!' or am I being too secular? there is nothing to stop anyone standing on a beach and declaring their love to each other, but some folk don't know


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Message Posted:
09/07/2011 21:52

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.... what to say, so in this case it looks as if will be 'with a little help from my friends'. Lovely isn't it.

any cake makers out there, or florists who would like to help.


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Message Posted:
10/07/2011 15:20

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Message 23 of 41 in Discussion

Hi Everyone

We can't believe what wonderful people you are out here. Our daughter is over the moon and

is in touch with Teresa direct so that they can sort it out between them and Marion as well, of course.

We have only been here 6 weeks living in Karsiyaka and since asking about the blessing must admit

have shed alot of tears because of all the kindness shown.

Ann & Ralph x


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Message Posted:
10/07/2011 18:47

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Tears of joy, I hope Ann! Just hope that your daughter travels safely. And I am glad you have found the good people here on arrival - may it stay so.


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Message Posted:
10/07/2011 18:49

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"but this couple want a ceremony of commitment"

i'd like to pull the bloke to one side and explain where it goes from here..........


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Message Posted:
10/07/2011 19:33

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Message 26 of 41 in Discussion

Is that supposed to be a joke negativenick, you insensitive *******. May I refer you to message 7!!!

If you've got nothing better to say, butt out.


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Message Posted:
10/07/2011 19:39

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My name is Mel and i cannot believe the love and generosity flowing our way. You cannot imagine what this means to us. After a really difficult 18 months, focusing on this special day and holiday has kept me going. I have heard so much about your beautiful country and the people and this is confirmation.

We decided on a small blessing because to get married is very expensive and lots of paperwork to get in the way. The hand fastening ceremony sounds interesting.

We just want to "belong" to each other. To feel complete and dependant on the operations later in the year we hope to get married. Time is precious and this seemed like a perfect choice.

Thank you all those who have been so generous. Cant wait to meet you all.

Mel and Kristian xx


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Message Posted:
10/07/2011 19:45

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I wish you all the very best for the future.



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Message Posted:
11/07/2011 00:24

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Lovely to hear from you Mel. I have taken the liberty of noting your e mail address and will write to you soon. It has been so hot here today that I am way behind on my work. I am normally lov ing the heat, but the humidity today has got the sweat going.

I quite understand where you are coming from, and I am sure that the challenges you have faced these last few months have given you a deeper understanding of life and what you feel are your priorities. Time is precious to all of us, but some of us are not challenged enough to make the most of whatever time we have, so I am sur eyou could teach many of us a lesson! Looking forward to talking to you and looking forward to meeting you.

Just a thought, but maybe some of those on Cyuprus 44 who have taken an interest in you, might like to come and share your special moment! Of course, not everyone who writes here lives here and so maybe can only send love via cyberspace.


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Message Posted:
11/07/2011 19:38

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Look forward to hearing from you soon. I try and stay positive and it seems to be the only way to get throught this. And i am positive that with all the offers from the wonderful people on this forum its going to be a fantastic day.

Oh and we would love the lovely people from this forum who live nearby to come along. The more the merrier. Oh except perhaps negative nick who sounds like he wouldnt enjoy it much lol!


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Message Posted:
11/07/2011 23:15

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Yes, I will write soon, Mel, and send some ideas of 'vows'/ engagement promises - call it what you will.

In the meantime, maybe it could be the 'conversion' of negative Nick! I believe in miracles - but does he?

When we are all fixed up, perfhaps you can offer an official inv iitation on Cyprus 44, just in case people are not reading this thread.

You are being very positive, and that is a good 50% of the battle! The rest is that miracle which you deserve.


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Message Posted:
12/07/2011 00:18

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Message 32 of 41 in Discussion

Why do they have to pronounce their Love after all, No one up there is Listening.........If they Love each other then great, but why do it in front of a higher power that may or may not be...I'm am sometimes baffled by the human race....


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Message Posted:
12/07/2011 01:14

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I think, martin , it is because that is what THEY want to do, and it matters to them, and that is all that does matter. In view of the medical history of the lady, I think it is even more important that soemthing that matters to her happens to give her hope and increase her vision of life.

we all have our own ideas about life and love, and I would never knock anyone who chooses to see things on a level other than feet of clay.

Hoswever, I am often 'baffled by the human race' but who am I to understand, as I am but another member of the human race, and I am sure many people are baffled by me too!

Plus one has to ask as to what is anyone's understanding of the source of love. If it is a gift to the human race, then there is no harm in saying 'thank you'. and how do you know for sure 'no one is listening'. another cause for bafflement, no doubt.


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Message Posted:
12/07/2011 14:45

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Martin it is your opinion there is nobody there. I personally believe there is.

This blessing is to openly bond our love. We didnt have time to get the paperwork in order to marry. You wouldnt believe in that either i guess.

I have always believed and more than ever now that somebody is there looking after me. He didnt give me cancer, he gives me the strength to stay strong, the peace to keep calm, the power to fight this illness.

Through radiotherapy and chemotherapy i continued to bodybuild at my gym, after my op two weeks ago he has given me the strength and health to train again every day. I am happy even though i have this awful prognosis, not sure how long i have left, thats not easy and i am not alone! People supporting me has kept me going. Thank you everyone x


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Message Posted:
14/07/2011 00:30

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Well said Mel. Met your Mum today so feel I am beginning to know you, and will get to see her soon. And don't forget that quality of life and hope can bring about a cure. Miracles happen, but not always when and how one wants, but they DO happen. And you most certainly are NOT alone, for love is all around (and above!).


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Message Posted:
23/07/2011 23:32

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for anyone interested in mel's happy day, it will be 7th September at the Ada Hotel, possibly around 5p.m. (watch this space), and talking with Mum and Dad, it was agreed that it would be great to have some loving support at the occasion. Having heard fully Mel's struggle which is not yet over, I think that every dose of love form every source will help her face the next part of her struggle.


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Message Posted:
06/08/2011 18:12

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Hi I would like to invite the lovely people on this forum to my blessing ceremony to Kristian at 5pm on 7th September at the Ada Hotel. We are flying out on 31st August and staying at a nearby hotel and catching up with my lovely mum and dad who i have missed so much. Had more bad news from consultant yesterday that cancer has spread so knocked me down a little but am back up fighting again today. Onwards and Upwards. Cant wait to meet you all x


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Message Posted:
06/08/2011 18:14

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Hope you have a good day

all the best for the future


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Message Posted:
06/08/2011 19:42

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Mel you are going to have a great day and make a beautiful bride despite the devastating news yesterday.

To everyone reading this i know it is not the norm to attend the wedding of complete strangers but it would be good if the people of cyprus could spare an hour of their time to attend and wish Mel and Kristian good luck.

Stay strong Mel and cant wait to meet you both in person.


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Message Posted:
07/08/2011 00:31

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I say 'Amen' to that! I know that everyone involved will rally round to give you the greatest dollop of love that we can on the 7th, and it would be wonderful if anyone who was around and near the Ada Hotel could pop in and share a bit of their love too. Just being there will be a great encouragement to you, I am sure.

so sorry to hear the bad news about your health - and I mean 'sorry'. I wish I could wave a magic wand, but I do not have one, but I can at least pray that you will have all the spiritual strength and courage to face every day knowing that a lot of people love you and wish you well. Looking forward to our meeting - and until then, as they say 'May the Force go with you!'


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Message Posted:
08/08/2011 11:42

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Message 41 of 41 in Discussion

Thanks Teresa & Marion. Must admit we both feel a bit shell shocked. The outlook had been so much better. The people here have been amazing in their support of Mel & Kristian without even knowing them or us and we cannot thank you all enough.

Everyone who would like to come will be most welcome to toast their future. It will give her such a lift and we know she will be overjoyed to see you. Ann & Ralph xxx

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