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What percentage of ex-pats leave North Cyprus

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Joined: 28/11/2010
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Message Posted:
28/07/2011 15:41

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Many members are continually slagging off theTRNC, but appear to be content to stay here. Others have left because of the property swindles having lost all of their hard earned savings, some despite this stay and still love living in the TRNC. Others move to other ex-pat destinations and set up there.

As someone who is actively planning to move next year it would be good to know what my chances of success are.


Joined: 15/09/2008
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Message Posted:
28/07/2011 17:51

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Many people who live in the TRNC do criticise what is going on. Surely just because some criticise it doesn't mean they should leave, they hope that some good will eventually come of their concerns. If everyone who makes negative comments re their country, the world would be full of nomads


Joined: 28/11/2010
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Message Posted:
28/07/2011 18:03

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I never suggested that people should leave just because they slag off TRNC. I was making the point that the fact people are leaving is not necessarily because they are unhappy. If that was the case most Brits I know would be leaving the UK FOR the TRNC.

I am more interested in how many are leaving and the reasons why. I have found out much from Cyprus44 and it would be interesting to discover why and how many ex-pats (not just the British) are leaving for pastures new and for what reasons.

Hopefully some of these answers will assist me when I move.


Joined: 20/08/2008
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Message Posted:
28/07/2011 18:07

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Message 4 of 9 in Discussion

It could be that they at the age where healthcare insurance is no longer available ???


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Message Posted:
28/07/2011 18:16

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Message 5 of 9 in Discussion

Also, at the other end of the spectrum, the younger people find it difficult (those below pensionable age), because they can't work legally and if they have young children, the school fees are high, unless they want there child to go to a State school where they will be taught in Turkish.

If they do manage to find a job with a work permit, the hours are long and the wages are low,compared to the UK. So a lot return back to the UK.


Joined: 19/02/2011
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Message Posted:
28/07/2011 18:53

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I agree with Msg.4. We all think we're going to live to a healthy "old age" and won't need Ops. etc., but fate decrees otherwise and private healthcare costs are what is driving a lot of Ex-pats of a certain age, out of the country. Those who want to leave but can't sell their property (or tf they do, at a vast loss) are returning, those that can't sell their property at any price are trapped. Also it seems to me that there are/were and awful lot of people who thought the streets were paved with gold and moved over to here with young families, intending to run businesses etc. This Government and earlier Governments have made it so difficult for them, they too are returning to UK. The lucky ones being those that rented over here and didn't commit themselves re buying property.



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Message Posted:
28/07/2011 21:51

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lifes a little adventure and some peoples chaptors change all the time ,some change less often .But best to go for it and dont like it than never do it i suppose

go for what you want to do ,give a couple of years and decide yourself ......circumstances change for all ,but having a small trnc base and small uk is the best option .

rent in trnc ,rent out in uk ?



Joined: 17/08/2010
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Message Posted:
28/07/2011 22:12

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Message 8 of 9 in Discussion

DoctorW (mess 1)

Many leave before they get there! :-(


Joined: 30/03/2011
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Message Posted:
28/07/2011 22:49

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Message 9 of 9 in Discussion

we did it last week so far loving it good luck!!!

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