North Cyprus Tourist Board - The black rat or tree rat here in Cyprus
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The black rat or tree rat here in Cyprus

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Joined: 07/07/2009
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Message Posted:
02/09/2011 12:07

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I have looked through previous posts concerning these rats but noone seems to mention what one should do about them. I have a very large laurel tree in close proximity to the house and these creatures have now moved into it, eating the berries. They were previously living in the pine and the palm trees further away from the house but now that they are much closer I am concerned if they can do any harm, healthwise. The internet suggests that the black rat is the one that carried the bubonic plague! Anyone any experience of these creatures and advice as to whether i need to do anything?


Joined: 16/03/2008
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Message Posted:
02/09/2011 12:50

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Message 2 of 4 in Discussion

A good tip is to spray the area with cinnamon oil, if it can be found in TRNC am not sure but they dont like it but if you google it you will find lots of answers, here in England we call the grey squirrel a tree rat.


Joined: 22/12/2009
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Message Posted:
02/09/2011 13:20

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As far as I know the garden rats here aren't carrying disease like sewer rats, but they will start coming in your house if they can. I have 4 pomegranate trees and not one single fruit, that I can see, has been left untouched, they are a bloody nuisance but not (as far as I know) dangerous.


Joined: 29/11/2009
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Message Posted:
02/09/2011 15:34

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Our placid English Dalmation watched our two Cypriot hunters playing cat and mouse with a large tree rat the other week, he charged in and dispatched it rapidly and cleanly.

Seems he has learnt hunting skills from the other two!

Do you have a cat or dog? They would keep the rats down as of course do the black snakes who were introduced by the British to kill the rats.

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