North Cyprus Tourist Board - World and TRNC daily news - All Doom and Gloom ?
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World and TRNC daily news - All Doom and Gloom ?

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Joined: 30/03/2010
Posts: 1727

Message Posted:
04/11/2011 00:51

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As I awake each morning I am grateful for another day on earth to enjoy but I spoil my happy mood by taking in the World and TRNC news. It is so depressing that I have started to try and avoid it by following the trivia reports or anything amusing. Today I learned that a former Miss Columbia has been charged with drug smuggling. Now why should that cheer me up ? Because I can now search the news each day to see if she asks for more offences to be taken into consideration such as "smuggling of silicone, plastic, botox" and maybe even a worn out, jewelled, tiara !

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