North Cyprus Tourist Board - Cyprus44 Notice about FOR S-A-L-E posts
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Cyprus44 Notice about FOR S-A-L-E posts

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Joined: 01/12/2006
Posts: 920

Message Posted:
31/01/2009 15:29

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Message 1 of 1 in Discussion

For sale threads are no longer displayed within the forum homepage.

There is "See All FOR SALE posts" link at the bottom of the list of threads.

These threads are also accessible by the popular tag, "for sale"

The direct URL is this:

Please remember to write "For Sale: " in front of all for sale posts, as per forum rules. Moderators reserve the right to delete posts without "For Sale: ", without notice.

If you are not trying to sell anything, refrain from using the word "sale" in the subject line of a new thread, or your thread will not show on homepage as well.

Any questions or problems, email me off board please.


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