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Interest rates down again

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Joined: 10/11/2008
Posts: 6023

Message Posted:
01/03/2009 17:02

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Turkey's base rate down to 11.5%.....

Was talking to a friend who's a money trader in the city and he reccons that Turkey interest rates are going to fall further still - base rate could be 5-6% by the end of the year, meaning 7-8% (less 8% tax) income yeild on your savings.

Good job everyone has got alternative sources of income and prices aren't spiriling out of control........

Then again there are loads of job oppertunities for expats over here.



Joined: 12/10/2008
Posts: 4796

Message Posted:
01/03/2009 18:52

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still 10.5 better than uk.

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