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Turtle Bay and SeaTerra

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» Read Turtle Bay Village North Cyprus property review

» Read SeaTerra Esentepe North Cyprus property review


Joined: 02/04/2007
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Message Posted:
02/04/2007 23:59

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I am coming out to North Cyprus (first time) at end of July to look around the different areas to see which would be my favourites with the view to coming out again later on a viewing trip (don't want to waste holiday viewing properties). I have been very taken with Turtle Bay beach properties and Sea Terra Properties from websites. Anyone bought in these areas? Any help much appreciated as I am very nervous about buying in NC but area sounds lovely and within my budget.


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Message Posted:
03/04/2007 00:05

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Hi KeenBuyer

We felt the same in April 2006 when we bought a property. We were very nervous but after viewing several sites and a show apartment at Turtle Bay Village we knew we were doing the right thing and felt very confident about it. We did actually buy a property at Turtle Bay Village and got a great lawyer - Naomi Mehmet. We went through Donaghy & Beyler (agents) looking for a property. We had very slight connections with this company so knew we would be fairly well looked after (and we were). Turtle Bay Village (Phase 1) is almost completed so go along in July and have a look at it - there are several apartments still for sale there and I think it will be a great site to buy on because of the new golf course - all the best!


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Message Posted:
03/04/2007 00:21

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thank you bored housewife. Nice to hear from someone who has gone through the same process. Is Turtle Bay Village the same as Turtle Bay Beach, I have looked on their site and can't actually see Turtle Bay Village advertised.


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Message Posted:
03/04/2007 14:51

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Do look through past posts on this forum too - lots of good advice on buying property in North Cyprus in general here! Remember that end of July is peak season, and once they go home, things do quieten down - which is why most of us love it here so much! If you enjoy the summer, chances are you'll love the winter too, but it's best to come back out of season just to make sure. Like many other posters, if you plan to live here, I suggest you rent for three months or so to really get the feel of this lovely country before making your final decision.


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Message Posted:
03/04/2007 15:27

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Try having a look at Turtle Bay Village at this website (property reference: 11731/1

I know Turtle Bay Properties had some info on their website but from what I know the management company arent dealing with these agents anymore neither Continental Estates - not sure why though!


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Message Posted:
03/04/2007 23:19

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We have bought on the Sea Terra marina site very good build


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Message Posted:
03/04/2007 23:40

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Thanks everyone for your comments, gratefully received. I am looking to buy somewhere to use for holidays at this stage and hopefully retire to in the future. Not sure whether to go for a villa, better for retiring to, or apartment which would be better for mixing and making friends on holiday.

Toon Army

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Message Posted:
09/04/2007 18:44

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Turtle bay village is NOT the same as Turtle bay beach.We have bought a apartment at Turtle bay village.Just had an E-mail to say out of the 400 or so apartment there are still round 65 left.Would highly recommend Turtle bay village .We went out May 2006 and looked at lots of sites but we were really impressed with turtle bay village. Ours should be ready July 2007.


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Message Posted:
09/04/2007 23:47

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We've bought an apartment on sea terra marina to be used for holidays. I haven't seen it yet but hubbie is very impressed, and so is everyone we have spoken to. We decided on an apartment on a complex because with two young boys we thought they would be able to socialise more than on a private villa. So far the buying process has been so easy. We are waiting for the snagging to be done then its ours. Good luck with whatever you go for.


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Message Posted:
11/04/2007 21:53

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Hi Bessie we have just done our snagging on the Marina we are in block c


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Message Posted:
12/04/2007 16:24

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We have just bought in Esentepe, very close to Turtle bay Village. Really pleased and excited about it, though have some time to wait for everything to be finished.

Initially we dealt with Turtle Bay propoerties, but had issues with how the dealt with us so bought thru a seperate estate agent.


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Message Posted:
12/04/2007 17:02

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Have a look at the sweetwater bay development next door to sea terra Marina

& sea terra bay - I went out in March and looked at these sites but chose Sweetwater after viewing show room.



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Message Posted:
20/04/2007 16:16

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I've bought on Turtle Bay Village, and as per the other comments I'm impressed.

I've been reading on an MSN forum that they're sorting out all the electric and water for us. Apparently, normally you have to present yourself in person and it takes 2 weeks beyond that point. A few people on MSN said the same. Sayvon (again to their credit) have acknowledged that people want to come and use the apartment on their 1st real visit (as such) and have taken the liberty or organising it. You still have to present yourself in person, but only to sign the contracts over to youself.

From an amenities perspective. From what I've read, the Bars and Restaurant(s) are underway, the shell's were up at Easter, and there is some landscaping being done, but I believe it's being kept to a minimum until later. I believe this is due to the climate.

From what people have said, any snags are turned around instantly (or pretty much) and I've read glowing feedback about their professionalism.

So it looks like I've done something right!

Probably see some of you over there in the coming months.


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Message Posted:
20/04/2007 17:49

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Hi KeenBuyer

We've just returned from our snagging trip having bought at the Seaterra Marina. That end of the coast is lovely, even if using the new road can be a bit 'interesting' by UK standards. And I would recommend Naomi Mehmet too, her team were great with us.

For you other Marina people, we are in block B btw


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Message Posted:
20/04/2007 21:57

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Hope your snagging went well


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Message Posted:
24/04/2007 03:32

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Sounds like a nice area down around Esenteppe and Talitsu. Can't wait for end of July when we go out there. I also like to play golf so can't wait to see the new golf course. Seems a bit expensive though. Good luck Jon G, have you now completed and received the keys to your place.


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Message Posted:
28/04/2007 21:23

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Hi Keenbuyer

We have bought at Seaterra Marina and are happy with the build. It just needs a few restaurants/bars around it. I am also a keen golfer and have visited the new course. I was taken round on a buggy and shown the 18 holes, it is fabulous but tuff. Over 7000 yards and designed for us to lose a lot of balls. They are aiming for the top end of the market with expensive green fees and amenities ie beer 3 times the price of a Cyprus bar. But you only live once !.


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Message Posted:
29/04/2007 19:20

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Have you thought about the west side of Kyrenia towards Lapta?

I went over about two years ago and was shown around the island and it's various developments and chose to buy in Lapta mainly because it is an established local village it is very green because of it's plentiful supply of water ( natural springs) and the fact that you are living amongst the local Turkish Cypriot people. I have been looked after by my builder (Alaska Construction) and any problems i.e snagging has been corrected virtually immiediately.


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Message Posted:
30/04/2007 14:46

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hi beverley, pleased to here things have moved on alittle since i viewed the site in JUNE 2005. just ablank canvas then. i was given an approximate location for my apartment ,just hope it tallies with the agents description. regards judge


Joined: 01/05/2007
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Message Posted:
01/05/2007 13:09

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Hi Keen buyer, dont panic....easier said than done, I know but we have just been through the process and please go through to the girls at Abbey Estates before you make a decision, it was the best thing that we ever did they were fab, helpful and informative and had a great network of people to sort things out. We used Dervise Cerkez as our lawyer and she was brilliant, made a point of explaining exactly what the process was before we signed anything. Good luck! Their website is:


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Message Posted:
02/05/2007 16:49

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Message 21 of 21 in Discussion

Hi Cloud9

Yes I have considered Lapta, I have seen some lovely villas in the area on North Cyprus International website. We will be looking around all areas whilst we are out in NC in July.

Thanks Young, first I have heard Abbey Estates mentioned, will look at their website.

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