North Cyprus Tourist Board - Digiturk Prices - Ekonomik package
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Digiturk Prices - Ekonomik package

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Joined: 23/03/2009
Posts: 106

Message Posted:
11/05/2009 11:05

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I finally got through to Digiturk on the phone and they told me the Ekonomik pakage is 22.90 YTL/month or 252 YTL if you pay in advance for a full year. They said another 72.40 YTL and another 154 YTL bringing the total price for the 1st year to 478.40 YTL. This equates to £200, is this correct ? I was under the impression there was a much better package available. It's not the 22.90 YTL/month that I querieing it's the other initial charges.

Can anybody enlighten me.



Joined: 14/06/2008
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Message Posted:
11/05/2009 19:52

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They sometimes do 'campaigns' where equipment/installation is free, you may have to sign up for a couple of years. I don't know where they advertise these, if you are an existing subscriber they send text messages but not much use to non subscribers. Sorry can't be of more help.


Joined: 23/03/2009
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Message Posted:
11/05/2009 21:05

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Ok Thanks...I'll see what deal thry come up with.




Joined: 14/02/2009
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Message Posted:
12/05/2009 05:45

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I'd look around a bit before committing to Dogiturk. Price keeps going up and content, especially sports go down. Took mine back last year and signed up with Dopi. Well satisfied apart from lack of schedules. You never know what time anything starts, apart from sports.


Joined: 24/02/2009
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Message Posted:
12/05/2009 06:18

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How much is Dopi? How do you receive it. I tried to cancel Digiturk last year and they wanted the box and card back. Do you use the same dish with Dopi? What English language channels can you get?


Joined: 30/12/2008
Posts: 186

Message Posted:
12/05/2009 12:43

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I agree - don't rush to sign up with Digiturk. I cancelled my contract with them last year. The sports package was reduced. Programmes kept disappearing and just recently I heard that the Hallmark channel no longer appeared. Also - far, far too many repeats !!!!

There are many other good options - shop around and read Cyprus today where many satellite options advertised.

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