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Advice on work permit

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Joined: 23/05/2009
Posts: 11

Message Posted:
24/05/2009 16:10

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I have just started a new job, i dont have a work permit yet but my new boss has said he will arrange it however im worried because he has been saying that to another work colleague for a year. Im obviously going to press him more than she probably has so i dont get myself in trouble but can i get into trouble while i wait for him to do it? He also isnt paying me minimum wage, is this legal? When i lived in Cyprus years ago, it wasnt so much of a problem, in fact it wasn't really an issue at all but now im back and things have changed and i dont really know all the ins and outs. Could someone please give me some info on what i can do and what would happen should i get caught before its processed...

Thank you


Joined: 01/08/2008
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Message Posted:
25/05/2009 17:01

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Hi Luckycik

Yes, you could get in to trouble indeed, in the worst case you could be banned from entering the island for working illegally! To get a work permit, first of all the company has to have all their staff`s insurance paid for, if not they can not give you a work permit. If that is all clear, then you leave the country for a few days while they sort out your pre-permit, once that is done you enter the country and your full work permit needs to be sorted within 30 days and if it exceeds you pay a penalty for every extra day you stay without your permit just like when it happens with your visa and im not sure but you may need to do it from scratch (but not sure)

your collegue must have been leaving the country then coming back after a few days with a new visa, i have heard of many people who go through that. But why should you? dont forget while he makes you guys work without a permit he is avoiding the social security and his business could even be shut down for doing this.


Joined: 01/08/2008
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Message Posted:
25/05/2009 17:09

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And your insurance is not being paid for - thats approximately 300 - 350tl a month that your employer needs to pay and some of it goes to tax and some is saved up for your retirement and you could even get money out of it whenever you like as long as you have a permit.

I would suggest sorting it out asap or look for somewhere who does not make you work illegally just so they dont pay what is their responsibility!!

Good Luck


Joined: 10/11/2008
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Message Posted:
25/05/2009 18:18

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Mess 1 - there is a lot of time, effort and money involved for an employer to get a work permit and many don't bother, just string you along until you start becoming a pain in the arse and they replace you with another sucker that they'll find to replace you.

I'd get out of there pronto, because if you get caught you can gess who is going to be in the most trouble - and it wor't be your boss !

you have been warned !


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