North Cyprus Tourist Board - Payment of KDV & Deeds transfer fee - maybe a question for Elko
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Payment of KDV & Deeds transfer fee - maybe a question for Elko

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Joined: 12/04/2007
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Message Posted:
29/05/2009 20:32

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Well, good news our deeds are ready and we have to pay the above.

I am being asked for an additional £500.00 by my Advocat to cover for currency fluctuations, so am I correct in assuming that although I paid for my property in sterling that the final valuation of my property and thus the KDV and transfer fee is actually calculated in Turkish Lira.

I am a little uncomfortable in sending an extra £500 so I have asked them what the YTL figure is and am wondering if its worthwhile to transfer the money from my UK bank. Am awaiting their reply


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Message Posted:
29/05/2009 20:33

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Sorry, meant to say transfer from my UK bank in Turkish Lira instead of Sterling


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Message Posted:
29/05/2009 20:58

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Hi millzer we were asked to send over the extra £500 to cover currency fluctuations aswell which we did because wheather you send £'s or Turkish Lira it still amounts to £500 or thereabouts and you normally get more for your pound over there.



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Message Posted:
29/05/2009 21:40

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Cooper, how much of your 500 quid did you get back?


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Message Posted:
29/05/2009 22:45

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None yet because we are still waiting for transfer of title to take place.


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Message Posted:
29/05/2009 22:52

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Don't wish to appear cynical here but it sounds like advocates are sitting on your money & earning interest.

How long have they held your money cooper? It doesn't take long to transfer money here so why do they ask you to send it over before deeds are ready to be transferred. I'd rather see the money in a TRNC bank account in my name earning money for me rather than the lawyer?


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Message Posted:
29/05/2009 23:03

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Scruff there's no need for you to worry about my affairs, its all in hand thankyou.



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Message Posted:
29/05/2009 23:31

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HI scruff my solicitor has had in his client account for 2 years 20 grand of mine due to injunction and court case but has informed me i get no interest what so ever is this normal Nico


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Message Posted:
30/05/2009 00:05

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Message 9 of 21 in Discussion

nico44. You've made my point for me I'm sorry to say.


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Message Posted:
30/05/2009 00:55

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Back to my question. I presume that the bill awaiting payment of my fees WHEN PRODUCED was calculated in Turkish Lira, so I am left wondering what the rate of exchange was at the time the valution calculation was done hence why I would like to know what that amount is instead of blindly sending an extra 500 quid!!!!


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Message Posted:
30/05/2009 01:52

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You should really ask your lawyer to explain what it is instead of trying to guess. Unfortunately the lawyers are not the best people to explain accounts even if they want to. I have not met one yet who is good at figures.



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Message Posted:
30/05/2009 06:41

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Millzer/Yes the calculation is in lire. We paid for our property in 2004 and paid the KDV last year, all in sterling. We were also asked to pay more as there was a shortfall due to the currency variations, which was not a huge amount. We refused on account that our builder had sat on our KDV for a number of months' accruing interest before paying it to the tax office. Fortunately, we have a reasonable builder and common sense prevailed.

We received our Kocan last week.


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Message Posted:
30/05/2009 08:29

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Message 13 of 21 in Discussion

Thanks piggy and congrats on getting your Kocan.

I'll be interested in seeing what the 'Lira' valuation is from my advocat as £ to YTL has been quite variable in the last few months so this could end up costing us plus or minus a few hundred quid depending upon when the valuation was done!! Very annoying.

Mr Vince

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Message Posted:
30/05/2009 09:23

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We have recently paid our KDV and our other taxes. Our contract date was nov 2004 and we went to the tax office to find out what the rate shoud be. The rate for 2004 (they must take the average rate over the year) was 2.618.

Our builder charged us a larger amount than he paid and had given us a fraudulent receipt. We challenged him andhe refunded our money to both our neighbours and ourselves. he also overcharged us on our property tax and we received money back for this also. In total we received over 1600 TL. If you are here it would be worth checking for yourself. We were advised by the HBPG to check that the buider had paid or we would just have taken his word. He treatened to stop us getting our kocan but we have been to the land registry and it should be ready in the next few weeks. We thought we could trust our builder but how wrong we were.

Hope this helps

Mary (Mrs Vince)


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Message Posted:
30/05/2009 10:53

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Hello Mary (Mrs Vince) Thanks for that. Glad you got it sorted out and hope you get your Kocan soon. Isn't this just so typical though and makes it clear just WHY people are so untrusting when your are treated so poorly and ripped off. I question everything now and trust nobody.

Can I just ask did you pay your KDV in sterling or Lira? Some friends of ours paid their KDV in sterling to the developer which would make sense to me as it is they that collect this money and goes through their accounts to be offset against their KDV (if I am making sense)

I await with interest to see what my Advocat says.

Mr Vince

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Message Posted:
30/05/2009 12:31

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We paid in TL. It was calculated as Property Price x the exchange rate as date of contract and then 5% Vat. It was paid to the builder and the discrepency in the amounts was only clear when we checked that the builder had paid the VAT. We were told by the Tax office that it was calculated on the purchase price or the valuation which ever was higher.

So you should be able to work out your VAT yourself. If you want any further info please ask.

Hope this makes it clearer.



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Message Posted:
30/05/2009 15:39

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Thanks Mary. I'll see what my Advocat says and take it from therer.



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Message Posted:
30/05/2009 21:00

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As i uderstand the situation you pay kdv (vat) in sterling on contract price and transfer tax in tl at the rate when you signed your contract this is what we were told. Ours is currently at the land registry so we wil be coughing up in the near future fingers crossed, we signed in Dec 2006 rate then was 2.7 ish so at current rates we are going to have to find a few hundred pounds more.



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Message Posted:
30/05/2009 21:09

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Message 19 of 21 in Discussion

Thanks tigger, thats sort of the way i've been thinking now. ours was april 06 and rate was around about 2.30 then.


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Message Posted:
31/05/2009 00:07

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Message 20 of 21 in Discussion

Hi Millzer

We brought in July 2006 - land only. We paid the advocat £600 THEN. Now the PTP is through, we are ready to pay the transfer tax and taxes. We have been told that we also have to pay council tax - this we are told, will be approx £300. The TOTAL that we have to send is £2300. This includes the final payment to the advocat




Does this sound right?

How long after title transfer does it take for the kokan to come through? Will ther be ANYMORE charges?



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Message Posted:
31/05/2009 00:16

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Message 21 of 21 in Discussion

My above message is a bit mis-leading - figures dont add up:


£1400 to the advocat is the actual total we will pay her..............

The total figure we have to send NOW is £2300.

Is the transfer deadline still 8th July 09?



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