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qc calls for trnc intervention in orams case

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Joined: 26/06/2008
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Message Posted:
07/06/2009 19:13

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Message 1 of 31 in Discussion

a member of the london bar council ,alper riza ,is urging the trnc authorities to become a party in the orams case,so that the case could be turned in favour of the orams.

alper riza qc said according to hri news that if the trnc intervenes in the issue ,the case can be sent again to the european court of justices (ecj).

the participation of the trnc administration as a party will show that the case is political and alleged that the ecj which evaluated the case as a civil and trade case ,will have to express its views again within this framework.


long live the kktc


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Message Posted:
07/06/2009 19:17

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Message 2 of 31 in Discussion

Hi Mus,

Hopeful signs, do you have a link,



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Message Posted:
07/06/2009 19:34

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Message 3 of 31 in Discussion

Alpa Riza QC is a member of Goldsmith Chambers, Temple EC4. He became a barrister in 1973 and became a QC in 1991. He specialises in both criminal & civil law.

The issue for me is why hasn't the TRNC government got involved before? I think it is rather late in the day for the TRNC to become a party to the Orams case.

I have asked before without answer, what are the TRNC politicians doing about this? What is the TRNC government going to do to protect those affected by the case? Is there a policy? What about the Turkish government position? Who gained from the great exchange land give away or is that the reason for the silence?

Will I be once again be accused of being a GC sympathiser by Forum Admin (AJ) for daring to ask such questions?


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Message Posted:
07/06/2009 19:38

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Message 4 of 31 in Discussion


I hope you are not accused of being a gc sympathiser as these questions are all very valid.Unfortunateley i dont know the answers to them,



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Message Posted:
07/06/2009 19:42

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Message 5 of 31 in Discussion


Thanks. Just seems no one wants to answer any question that is not towing the party line of don't ask awkward or uncomfortable 'rock the boat' questions. Are people that frightened of upsetting someone in TRNC officialdom? Is the forum owner under such commercial pressure that he can't allow such questions to be asked?


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Message Posted:
07/06/2009 19:44

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Message 6 of 31 in Discussion

hi hector , msg3 , maybe turkey is waiting to see the outcome of theyre exceptance into eu , TRNC poloticians cant really do anything but speculate , until turkey get a posotive answer , TRNC poloticians still have to answer to ankara ,


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Message Posted:
07/06/2009 19:47

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Message 7 of 31 in Discussion

hi paul

you can try http://www.toplum ,i am pretty sure you can translate into english .


long live the kktc


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Message Posted:
07/06/2009 19:55

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Message 8 of 31 in Discussion


Then why don't the TRNC politicians at the least say so? They can still have views can't they or are they really just puppets of Turkey?


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Message Posted:
07/06/2009 20:02

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Message 9 of 31 in Discussion

msg 8

yes they are puppets of turkey, they are also the reason why the land issues are being disscussed, they have now pocketed lots of your hard earned cash by selling land to expats.. so of cause they are not going to help you.. in fact now the Orams case has come to the front you can bet half of these so called puppets are no where to be seen on the island.


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Message Posted:
07/06/2009 20:02

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Message 10 of 31 in Discussion

Hector just for you,



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Message Posted:
07/06/2009 20:07

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Message 11 of 31 in Discussion


I think you could be right


Thanks for that, needed a good laugh!


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Message Posted:
07/06/2009 20:11

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Message 12 of 31 in Discussion

msg 8 , hector , they are probably no more than peacekeepers , ie , overseeing the military , turkish military , i mean , who take their orders from the main land , its easy really ,stavros says we will invade trnc , phone call to ankara , what shall we do , put live ammo in the guns and look at them thru the sights , result, stavros also waits for the eu outcome , but buys loadsa pampers , LMAO ,, the morale of the story , who cares hehehe


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Message Posted:
07/06/2009 20:14

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Message 13 of 31 in Discussion

The Ormans wll come out of this OK. Ihave it on good authority. Lots going on now we are not hearing about but Im told (loose lips) Its all donev. The deal is agreed and signed. We wait and see. We will not change a thing no matter how many petition s we sign. Its decided for us xxxx


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Message Posted:
07/06/2009 20:21

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Message 14 of 31 in Discussion

msg 9


we all know your views on the subject of all things turkish ,mr anti turkish pro greek .

so mr pikey ,please give us a rest .


long live the kktc


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Message Posted:
07/06/2009 20:24

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Message 15 of 31 in Discussion

hiya hector we are not frightened but apathy setttles in when you do not get answes. It frustrating more than anything xxxx


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Message Posted:
07/06/2009 20:25

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Message 16 of 31 in Discussion

Lillie I so hope you are right, I too have faith that there will be some real big changes soon. Dublin by the way! LOL


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Message Posted:
07/06/2009 20:27

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Message 17 of 31 in Discussion


Have another chuckle,



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Message Posted:
07/06/2009 20:28

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Message 18 of 31 in Discussion


I greatly suspect that a deal is not done. The ECJ ruling has far deeper implications than just the Orams.

The Court of Appeal ruling due in October 2009 will be another important benchmark for anyone with interests in the TRNC and ROC.

I fear that your complacent attitude to the petition could instill a feeling of hopfullness for many. This I think is illfounded.

Certainly, it is due time that the TRNC admin. and indeed Ankara took a lead to put this case into the international political arena. I fear that complacency and appathy may be the culprit.


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Message Posted:
07/06/2009 20:28

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Message 19 of 31 in Discussion

Mus-mess 7 couldnt open the link,



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Message Posted:
07/06/2009 20:31

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Message 20 of 31 in Discussion


Interesting post mess 13,you sound quietly confident,



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Message Posted:
07/06/2009 20:35

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Message 21 of 31 in Discussion

Hi Musin re msg 1

HOW can "TRNC" get involved in a civil action between Mr Apostolides and the Orams' - under what legal grounds could they get "involved"?


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Message Posted:
07/06/2009 20:35

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Message 22 of 31 in Discussion

long live KKTC xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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Message Posted:
07/06/2009 20:35

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Message 23 of 31 in Discussion


have you typed at the end ,it should work.


long live the kktc


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Message Posted:
07/06/2009 20:39

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Message 24 of 31 in Discussion

Hector has a very valid point. If the case does not go their way, the Orams' on there own can't just be hung out to dry as the only guilty party in all this because................

..........A 'TRNC' citizen 'sold' them the land and the sale was allowed to proceed through the defacto 'TRNC' authorities. A 'TRNC' solicitor did the conveyance, the 'TRNC' authorities gave the Orams' the permission to purchase, took their money for KDV and land registry fees, issued their 'deeds', and take their money annually in the form of municipality and annual property taxes etc etc etc etc.

This is surely the reason why this QC has a valid point that the 'TRNC' authorities should also intervene in this case, which would then put the 'political' stamp on this whole issue and could undoubtedly change the outcome.


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Message Posted:
07/06/2009 20:41

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Message 25 of 31 in Discussion

Here here Rowlo Long live the TRNC


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Message Posted:
07/06/2009 20:49

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Message 26 of 31 in Discussion

hi mmmmmm

on the grounds that this is not really a civil case ,but political ,how do you really see it mmmmmm

do you believe it,s a civil matter,and if you really do was or is it really worth the cost.

i think everyone knows it,s political ,so that,s your grounds to get involved.


long live the kktc


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Message Posted:
07/06/2009 21:06

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Message 27 of 31 in Discussion


In the case Cyprus Turkish Airlines v Dept of Transport, ROC got involved even though they were neither side of the case.

I'm guessing that the TRNC could therefore get involved with the Orams case if the judge agreed. TRNC did issue the title deeds to the Orams, issue the building permit, and collect the taxes so they are already involved!


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Message Posted:
07/06/2009 21:40

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Message 28 of 31 in Discussion

So I ask again, why haven't the TRNC government got involved so far? On what grounds can they persuade a Judge (which court?) to let them get involved now? That they don't like the ECJ decision? It's 5 years down the line. Will they offer to pay all the legal costs so far? Remember, it was the fact that the Orams lawyer failed to enter a statement in time that they lost the case in the first place.


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Message Posted:
07/06/2009 22:12

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Message 29 of 31 in Discussion

Msg 3 - sorry to be pedantic about the issue but as I am aware Alper's main 'bread & butter' practice, and where he made his name is in Immigration law.


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Message Posted:
07/06/2009 22:23

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Message 30 of 31 in Discussion

hector msg 28 , why should they get involved ?? just to satisfy small minded people like you ? i think not ? bigger fish to fry my friend , long live KKTC ,

girne 29

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Message Posted:
07/06/2009 23:11

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Message 31 of 31 in Discussion

Hector message 3.

whether you are a GC sympathiser or not ,the point you make is valid.I have asked that question myself.

As I have stated often in the past ,I think that for some on the ROC side going to the EU was designed to lessen the chance of a settlement.I think also that it suits people in both sides .

If the die hards on both sides had come together to muddy the waters i wouldnt be surprised.

It certainly wrongfooted Talat , weakened his position and strengthened the position of the hardliners ,who could claim to the electorate "we told you so". "so much for T's friendship with C,he got shafted"

Reminds me of those films where the hardliners in the USSR and USA conspire together to prevent a treaty ,in order that they can play with their weapons.

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