North Cyprus Tourist Board - Does anyone have any practical experience please? Advice needed!
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Does anyone have any practical experience please? Advice needed!

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Joined: 28/05/2008
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Message Posted:
20/07/2009 11:17

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Message 1 of 15 in Discussion

Does anyone have any experience and useful comments please about desalination of sea water for domestic use,to include swimming pools and garden watering etc?

Also, is desalination and water purification two entirely different things?

What are the costs and savings?

What specialised units and infrastructures would be required? Do the Belediyese need to agree to changes?

I would appreciate guidance and thoughts please.

Many thanks


Joined: 26/06/2009
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Message Posted:
20/07/2009 11:32

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Message 2 of 15 in Discussion

Desalination and water purification are the same things, it is basically to remove excess salt and other minerals from water. It takes un purified water and makes it ok for human consumption.

You can use sea water for domestic use once desalinated.

Boiling the water at less than atmospheric pressure is the way to go about it.

Sorry i dont no prices or where to find the equipment.


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Message Posted:
20/07/2009 11:41

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Message 3 of 15 in Discussion

Thank you for you comments


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Message Posted:
20/07/2009 11:47

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Message 4 of 15 in Discussion

Hi...the experts in the Israelies ( any future plants in NC would be built by them )

try viewing their websites via Google


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Message Posted:
20/07/2009 12:21

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Message 5 of 15 in Discussion

Desalination of water is very expensive and is not really appropriate for individual domestic use unless you have no other source. The capital and running costs are so high, you would be better off buying tankered water, which may come from a desalination plant which produces water "more cheaply" in bulk.


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Message Posted:
20/07/2009 12:36

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Message 6 of 15 in Discussion

Hi Stewart. Thanks for your comments but which sites on Google would you suggest please?

And TRNV Vaughan, thank you too. How many households do you think would need to agree to having the same plant before it became cost effective?


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Message Posted:
20/07/2009 13:03

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Message 7 of 15 in Discussion

Also, can I ask, how much would a tonne of water cost from a desalination plant?

Lambousa Gordon

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Message Posted:
20/07/2009 13:11

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Message 8 of 15 in Discussion

Desalination involves horrific electricity costs and terrible environmental damage as masses of salt removed from the water is discharged in huge concentration and "sterilizes" the immediate area surrounding the plant.

The way forward for Cyprus is better water husbandry, including rain-water collection and storage and recycling of grey and even black water.


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Message Posted:
20/07/2009 13:39

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Message 9 of 15 in Discussion

Msg 2 - I would not agree desalinated water is not the same as purified water but desalinated water might be purified.

Purification can be used for all "grades" of water so even foul water could be reused

All sorts of purification with filters sand beds etc followed by UV treatment can make most water potable (at a cost).

In all instances these are expensive processes from purchasing the technology through installation and running costs. They are not always ecologicaly sound either.

Msg 4 The US are also at the peak on this technology

Msg 5 Yes

Msg 6 How good an access to the sea have you - then a small village would probably be the best size

Msg 8 Second sentence would be a very good start point.

Good husbandry could start at home with: stop drinking bottled water, don't water your garden (unless it's for food) don't wash your car, patio or fill your pool; reuse all water that you can.



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Message Posted:
20/07/2009 13:50

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Message 10 of 15 in Discussion

Message 9 Tom,

Not a good idea to discourage people from drinking bottled water, as I see more than enough people suffering from de-hydration in this heat. If this is the drink of their choice so be it, better than fizzy drinks or alcohol.



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Message Posted:
20/07/2009 14:38

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Message 11 of 15 in Discussion

Thank you Tom.

I looked on the link you kindly supplied and will check it out further later, because it seems too involved in this heat for my little brain today!

I noticed a thank you letter to a 'Tom' and wandered if there was a connection? If so, perhaps you can save me the time of reading all the information on their site and point me to a system that removes the calcium from water too??

Also, to answer your question, I am near to the sea, but need to understand the practicalities and costings also if possible.

May I also repost the question 'can I ask, how much would a tonne of water cost from a desalination plant?'

Thank you all


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Message Posted:
20/07/2009 16:01

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Message 12 of 15 in Discussion

Msg 10 - It was the more general bottled water sittuation - yes I agree it is stupid to become dehidrated and best to keep away from most other things than water (Raki beer, soft drinks like Cola etc.) even excess quantities of fruit juices or Aryan are not well advised.

Msg 11 Yes we are softcleanwater - There is a good link from our site to the one from our main supplier Culligan. For desalination we would quote from an alternative source who are cheaper than Culligan.

The cost of desalinated water by the tonne I do not know. The cost will be affected by many things like the original instalation costs electricity costs etc etc. but in real terms I would expect it to be high as per Vaughans message earlier.



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Message Posted:
22/07/2009 08:44

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Message 13 of 15 in Discussion

Hi Tom,

Can you recommend a filter system that fits to the storage tank and removes the calcium deposits?

My friend has one and has to change the filter regularly. Apparently the filter crystals bind with the calcium to make them sperical to pass through the water system and not get left behind??

Advice would be welcomed


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Message Posted:
22/07/2009 09:00

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Message 14 of 15 in Discussion

You can purchase units for marine use, like on ocean-going yachts and so on. Typically 50 litres per hour, using disel oil as the fuel. I guess an Internet search will find a source.


Joined: 09/12/2008
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Message Posted:
22/07/2009 11:31

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Message 15 of 15 in Discussion

I have two Wrappa's supplied by Tom one in the UK and one in North Cyprus - there does seem to be signs of reducing the obvious calcium without any filtration.

The one in the UK certainley does but I am not over in the TRNC enough to be sure if its benefits yet.

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