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Land Registry

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Joined: 28/03/2008
Posts: 65

Message Posted:
03/04/2008 14:32

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Steve D and Myself land registered in Girne on the 25th March. Steve is still over there and as of 20 mins ago both Land registrations had not been completed (we were told to return in a week). People travelling to register and hoping to pick up the completed document would be well advised to do it as early as possible into the visit, due to the obvious backlog.

Living on Mars

Joined: 29/02/2008
Posts: 54

Message Posted:
03/04/2008 18:48

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Hi Speedypaul. I was there on the same day. We were well up in that famous 'Steve' que ...what a hero. Did he find his wallet?

We collected receipt with stamp on Monday (31 March), the receipt was dated 27th March. We were really shocked that there we were not told about any impediments ... we were told that there may be an impediment on the land. Can I rightly assume that since we were given the receipt with no hassle, we have no impediments????? What's your thoughts???


Joined: 28/03/2008
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Message Posted:
03/04/2008 18:58

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Hi, living on Mars. Im glad to confirm Steve did find his wallet. Unfortunately Im no autority on the stamped Land registry aplication. To my understanding the Tapu perform the search and if it comes back well and good, thats it. My Advocate (no comment) explained that this should protect against direct threat, ie the builder trying to raise a mortgage on the property or selling it, BUT would not protect against an indirect threat, ie the builder going bust and a court siezing his assets. My advise is to ask your advocate and post your findings, or ask Marion Stokes, she seems to have as good a handle on things as the Government (if not better). I hope all is well.

Living on Mars

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Posts: 54

Message Posted:
04/04/2008 13:53

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Hi Speedy ... thanks for this ...if you see the big guy ... tell him he did an excellent job last week at the Girne TAPU .... and let it be known to everyone that he offered to buy eveytone a drink that was waiting in the que .... a big guy with a huge generosity.

We gave copies of all our paperwork to our advocate, we asked him and he said that if there was anything at all on the land, the TAPU would have informed us there and then I think we are okay. Have you heard back with regards yours ???


Joined: 28/03/2008
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Message Posted:
04/04/2008 16:40

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Hi Living on Mars. Actually Steve turned up after retrieving his wallet with a bag full of cold drinks! As I type, am sat by my the phone awaiting a call, as of yesterday the forms had not been done. I believe Steve returns to the UK on Saturday so we could both be snookered. Fingers X. Good news about yours, where are you at with your build?

Living on Mars

Joined: 29/02/2008
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Message Posted:
04/04/2008 17:24

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Message 6 of 9 in Discussion

Hi Speedy Paul .... we are done and dusted ..electric on ...mains water .... cooking on gas !


Joined: 28/03/2008
Posts: 65

Message Posted:
04/04/2008 18:03

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Message 7 of 9 in Discussion

Just got good news, both mine and Steves registry are through and clean. A few pints tonight I think!


Living on Mars

Joined: 29/02/2008
Posts: 54

Message Posted:
04/04/2008 18:33

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Message 8 of 9 in Discussion

Well done .... great news ... have more than a couple !


Joined: 13/07/2007
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Message Posted:
08/04/2008 19:29

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Thanks to everyones help on that day, things went well hope you enjoyed your drinks ( who said scots were tight ) Living On Mars I`m back on 22/05/08 for three weeks if you fancy a few beers would like to meet up with you or anyone who was there that day i`ll buy you a few beers ( who said scots were tight.


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