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Meeting ref Turquoise bay and Lynx

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Joined: 17/07/2009
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Message Posted:
21/08/2009 14:34

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Can any one tell me how the meeting went on at Turquoise Bay with Lynx went yesterday. I am still waiting to find out, no email, nothing.


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Message Posted:
21/08/2009 21:18

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Let us hope it was positive , probably will hear something early next week together with any questions owners asked . Must say i was impressed that owners were invited to either attend the meeting or E-mail questions , shows to me that this is a very positive start .

Lazy days

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Message Posted:
09/10/2009 10:22

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Heard this morning that another meeting is set to take place on 29th October, 2 months since the first one about time as there is now a stagnant pool outside with mossie larvae and the indoor pool is stinking and green, me thinks there are a lot of shocks a coming

Well then ? some must now be thinking :(

Lynx need a lot of help not back biting, everybody needs to get behind the maintenance company as they will need a goodly amount of money to put things right again, talking is not what is required its action !! lol



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Message Posted:
09/10/2009 10:59

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Can you please tell me wheir the meeting will be held and the time of it please as i might like to attend


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Message Posted:
09/10/2009 17:04

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Very quiet ??? surley somebody knows or are they all secrets ??

Dixie Normus

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Message Posted:
09/10/2009 17:23

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At least Lynx will give it there best shot and wont bleed you dry in the process, not easy to keep all the punters happy all the time but they are one of the best, so give em a chance.



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Message Posted:
09/10/2009 17:47

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Hopefully all owners have received an email from Jackie (Lynx), sent yesterday.

If not check with Lynx, to confirm they have your correct email details.

Please respond to the email as we require views from all the owners.




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Message Posted:
09/10/2009 18:45

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Nice to hear positive feedback Dixie thankyou , must admit up to now we are impressed with the forward thinking and up to date E-mails from Lynx .


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Message Posted:
09/10/2009 18:56

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Lazy days .

I agree all need to support Lynx, quite right as you say it is shocking the way pools have previously been allowed to get into that state, Lynx have there work cut out here, let us hope they can get this complex up and running soon, but as Lynx informed us no maintenance had been carried out since May 09 9, so in all fairness we will have to be patient !!


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Message Posted:
09/10/2009 21:04

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Again all this dont answer my SIMPLE question where and what time is the meeting geez its not too hard to answer shurely ?? it dosent say on the e-mail highleygray ??


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Message Posted:
09/10/2009 22:21

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Oh yes it does 29/10/09 !!


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Message Posted:
10/10/2009 07:43

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pipie ???

I dont really want to respond to that, so please if you have nothing positive to add why bother


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Message Posted:
10/10/2009 10:41

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Tamand the meeting is 29/10/09 , I answered the question for you a nice thank you would have been in order.


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Message Posted:
10/10/2009 12:29

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I already new the date lets try this

Date of meet _ 29/10/09

Place of meet ______________________?

Time of meet ______________________?

Do you think you could answer now and then i will certainly thank you pipie


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Message Posted:
10/10/2009 12:34

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Nice one Tamand,

Talk you good .


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Message Posted:
10/10/2009 13:58

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No, Tamand you are not worth it !!


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Message Posted:
10/10/2009 17:31

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Pipie you do you self no favors you show youself up too much, i ask a simple question and wait for answers but you come in with all this c*ap now go away like a good lil girl u dont know what i am worth


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Message Posted:
10/10/2009 17:47

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Message 18 of 18 in Discussion

This thread is now closed.

Reason: Clearly there is a problem with pipie and tamand. Can I respectfully suggest you take it off this forum and eal with your differebces off board. It really isn't fair on the other forum members.

Hope you understand.

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