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Golfers Homes now Recaioglu Sites

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» Korineum Golf Course, Esentepe, North Cyprus


Joined: 08/05/2009
Posts: 666

Message Posted:
05/09/2009 03:36

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Message 1 of 7 in Discussion

Nice site, nice fella but ..

Final five year snagging.

The swimming pool needs construction finish and filling and testing, like a boat.

The site will look yummy, when the pool is up and running.



Joined: 08/05/2009
Posts: 666

Message Posted:
05/09/2009 03:47

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The Vendors agree to fully complete the construction work to the Property and the communal swimming pool and to deliver full vacant possession of the completed Property together with a supply of electricity and water and all access roads to the purchasher by 30th September 2007 together with a 3 ( Three ) month grace period.

Recaioglu Ltd.

Damian Flynn.

Naomi Mehmet.


Joined: 08/05/2009
Posts: 666

Message Posted:
05/09/2009 04:05

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Message 3 of 7 in Discussion

2009 - the pool has still not been filled and tested.

Mr Recaioglu, maintenance amongst us limited people is our issue.


Joined: 08/05/2009
Posts: 666

Message Posted:
05/09/2009 04:21

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Message 4 of 7 in Discussion

One or two building cracks and wall surface distortions.

Water from the well and ' The Swimming Pool ' ...........

If you fancy it Mr Recaioglu.


Joined: 08/05/2009
Posts: 666

Message Posted:
05/09/2009 05:13

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Message 5 of 7 in Discussion

We all have a dream.

Ours is North Cyprus, for many reasons.

If only, Mr Recaioglu would sort out the swimming pool.


Joined: 08/05/2009
Posts: 666

Message Posted:
07/09/2009 01:53

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Message 6 of 7 in Discussion

A family man who understands, our complaint.

' The Swimming Pool' at least.


Then hand it over to us for maintenance.

Golfers Homes Recaioglu Sites


Joined: 08/05/2009
Posts: 666

Message Posted:
07/09/2009 02:18

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Message 7 of 7 in Discussion

I just lost my mates and work colleagues when the chopper went down in the North Sea.

Very hard to live with, but thats the nature of the beast.

Im still harping on about a swimming pool completion and local goats have needed recovery from the semi finished pool.

A fence would prevail.

The exposed well still gives me turmoil.

The thought of a goat or a child, being lost down a hole.

Mr RECAIOGLU Sites, please make an effort.

Indeed, commuicate your thoughts and wishes.

Recognised, times are tough.

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