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Flash floods in Turkey

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Joined: 01/06/2008
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Message Posted:
10/09/2009 08:11

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At least 23 people have been killed and a number of others are missing after flash floods in north-west Turkey.

The flooding struck districts in and around Turkey's largest city of Istanbul, swamping houses and roads.

Cars were swept away and some drivers were trapped inside their vehicles.

TV pictures showed roads near Istanbul's main airport submerged by deep water.

The flooding was caused by two days of torrential rainfall - the worst in 80 years.

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Joined: 31/03/2009
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Message Posted:
10/09/2009 08:14

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I have been watching on the news the past 2 days, does anyone know if there is anything we can do to help these people/make a donation, it's devastating.



Joined: 01/06/2009
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Message Posted:
10/09/2009 08:45

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When there are disasters like this, turkcell often make donations for you from your phone, hopefully they will be texting all their customers soon - you reply to the text and 5 tl is donated and charged to your phone. How many times you reply is up to you. I was in Istanbul a couple of mths ago, its so heavily populated its a miracle really that there weren't more deaths.


Joined: 21/09/2007
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Message Posted:
10/09/2009 10:57

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Just saw this last night after friend here phoned me. It looks bad. I emailed my friend in Istanbul

to see how they were. Luckily for them they live in high rise flats but they are near Ataturk airport.

Will be staying there myself next month for few days en route to Kibris.


Joined: 21/09/2007
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Message Posted:
10/09/2009 13:34

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Just heard from friends, who are fine, but say they had never seen anything like it in Istanbul

Their met. office gave warning of it but no-one believed it, even though they are "100% accurate"!

Government are helping them and things are getting better but more heavy rain is forecast.

There have been the first heavy autumn rains in Kibris too, and warnings about flooding of patios at TBV


Joined: 09/12/2008
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Message Posted:
11/09/2009 11:56

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Affected Pegasus badly from what I have heard

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