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TV Licence Excuses.

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Joined: 13/12/2007
Posts: 1040

Message Posted:
21/09/2009 20:58

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The top 10 excuses for not paying your TV Licence fee. Can you think of any better ones?

1. "A pigeon fell down the chimney and broke the aerial so I have bad reception."

2. "My 11-year-old son must have bought the TV during the night. It wasn't there when I went to bed."

3. "My payment card's been stuck in the washing machine so I can't pay."

4. "I've not paid due to my shop only accepting £5 and £10 notes and I haven't got any of those."

5. "I've not been making payments as a baby magpie flew into my house and I had to stay in and feed it until it was ok."

6. "I only use the TV to keep the horses company and one of them is blind so I should only pay half if I have to pay at all."

7. "I can't get the TV out of the box - can you help me?"

8. "My dog watches it when I'm at work to keep him company - not me."

9. "My mum told me to tell you she's not in."

10. "I've not bought a licence as I dreamt I didn't have to and the saying is you've to follow your dreams"


Joined: 04/04/2009
Posts: 6858

Message Posted:
21/09/2009 21:10

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BBC transmission doesn't reach parts of Wales and Scotland so why should anyone pay when living in these zones?

Sounds like the Belediyesi, no water to give you but must still pay!


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