North Cyprus Tourist Board - Plumeting Interest rates
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Plumeting Interest rates

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Joined: 10/11/2008
Posts: 6023

Message Posted:
25/09/2009 12:30

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With talk of interest rates dropping to 5% within the next 12 months and house sales none existant...

How many forum members feel that there is a massive car crash just round the corner ??


Joined: 27/08/2009
Posts: 973

Message Posted:
25/09/2009 12:31

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Message 2 of 4 in Discussion

Not really.


Joined: 01/12/2008
Posts: 499

Message Posted:
25/09/2009 12:32

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Message 3 of 4 in Discussion

Think we are starting to feel the recession here now. Took a while to reach us fully but like you Nick, feel like its on the way!


Joined: 19/07/2008
Posts: 1107

Message Posted:
25/09/2009 12:34

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Message 4 of 4 in Discussion

Dropping...... to a rate exceptable to the may also help TC,s to get a mortgage.

Not much good if you rely on the interest for an income.

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