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Turkcell 3G - what do I not do to keep under download limit?

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Joined: 26/08/2008
Posts: 2352

Message Posted:
27/09/2009 21:04

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Ok all you computer buffs. I've invested 90ytl for a months internet but there is now a 10gigabit limit. I've read about people moaning about being cut off for doing too much but what is it that uses up this limit? I'm sure downloading a movie would'nt be a good idea but does just being on the internet looking at my emails or this forum use a lot? Should I shut down when I go for lunch? If I looked at Utube would I be tempting fate? Should I restrict my online time per day?

Really appreciate some advice.


Joined: 07/12/2008
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Message Posted:
27/09/2009 21:34

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Hi Hector

Normal day to day use such as checking emails, browsing the web and visiting utube on the odd occasion should not be a problem.

What eats up the allocation is downloading movies, some movie clips, music and on-line streaming, such as listening to the radio or watching your favourite tv programs, regular use of these will reduce your allocation in a matter of days.

I also understand that using facebook etc. to upload photos can also affect the limit, as some pictures are stored in a large format file size.

If you do send a lot of information via email, try compressing the files and then sending them.

Hope this helps


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Message Posted:
27/09/2009 21:43

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Yes thank you. I've looked at a 10 minute video thingy on the Gadget Show website, latest gadgets & all that. Does that take a lot, same as downloading say a 10 minute movie?


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Message Posted:
28/09/2009 10:17

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Everything you look at or download adds up, but a lot depends on how the files are stored for downloading/viewing, some vidieo clips are compressed and therefore smaller in size (you can tell this when you view them they suddenly stop momentarily and then resume) others play without stopping (these are usually larger files).

Movies are the worst files to download they are usually uncompressed.

You mentioned swithching off your computer, this will probably make very lilttle difference to your limit as you are unlikely to leave it linked to a web site which is constantly updating the screen with adverts etc.

What you may like to try is to place the PC into hibernate mode after a period of time when not in use, which on most systems shuts down any non essential running programs.

I spend a lot of time researching the web visiting lots of different sites and have not had this affect my limit as yet.


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Message Posted:
28/09/2009 10:27

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you may also want to try using a web browser (such as firefox) which allows you to clear your private data on exiting the browser. This will clear any cookies which are stored and 'kick in' when you visit the site again, and download ads. etc

You could also dowload/install this program via the link below (if you are running windows)

Running it after a session on the web also clears out a lot of the coookies & other rubbish which are stored & automatically run when visiting the web sites again, and depending on your system it can help keep it running more efficiently.

Whatever you do, ensure you have an up to date virus program which will ensure you don't download a file which contains malicious programs which can damage your sytem.

Hope this helps


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Message Posted:
28/09/2009 10:33

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It also helps to use a web browser with the option to show "text/pics" or "text only". You can toggle between the two options easily.


Joined: 19/05/2008
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Message Posted:
28/09/2009 12:56

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RE msg 1: Hector you may also benefit from the info on this thread:


Joined: 26/08/2008
Posts: 2352

Message Posted:
28/09/2009 17:23

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Message 8 of 8 in Discussion

Thanks all.

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