North Cyprus Tourist Board - Setting up a new business
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Setting up a new business

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Joined: 26/06/2009
Posts: 3

Message Posted:
15/10/2009 21:46

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Hi all, sorry if I'm asking things that've been asked before - I'm new here, this is my first post! Anyway, I'm planning to come back to the TRNC to start up a business in a few months. My bank manager has told me I'll need a character reference for the application. Is that right? I'm not from the UK but can get a reference from my country. I'm wondering what happens to it, what checks are done? Is it used to consider approval for residency perhaps? Is a work permit automatically granted when you set up a business?

Also, will I be able to employ my wife to work for me in the business or will I have to apply for a work permit for her? What documents will she need. She is from the UK.

Are character references only needed when buying property?

Thanks for any advice.

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