North Cyprus Tourist Board - The Forgotton Turtles
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The Forgotton Turtles

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Joined: 23/06/2008
Posts: 757

Message Posted:
19/10/2009 09:48

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I always thought that it was dogs and cats that are thrown out of cars or dumped miles from home, but to my suprise the Nicosia waterways are populated with terrapin turtles, I saw a few the other day ranging in size from 10 - 14 inches long basking in the sun on a tyre semi submerged in the swamp like stream, these creatures once popular during the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle cartoon era have either outgrown their aquatic tank or lost popularity with their teenage owners. I am not sure of the environmental impact they could have on the Cyprus waterways, the eggs need to be in 25 degrees for 60 days during the summer to hatch and Cyprus is the perfect environment.

Do you think Cyprus should ban the breeding, import and sale of the terrapin?


Joined: 18/09/2008
Posts: 308

Message Posted:
19/10/2009 11:57

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They've been in Cyprus for years in the wild, we had one in our garden last year.


Joined: 27/04/2008
Posts: 4578

Message Posted:
19/10/2009 12:18

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Message 3 of 3 in Discussion

10-14 inches long? Sounds like a decent bowl of soup in there, somewhere.

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