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Trying to raise funds for a badly injured dog

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Joined: 24/02/2008
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Message Posted:
26/11/2009 23:21

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Hi folks, I have been asked to post this on behalf of Tolga's Bar in Karsiyaka.

An 11 month old labrador was hit by a car last night and very badly injured. The dog wasn't in the road but a car undertook another car right outside the bar and hit the dog. He was rushed to a vet but Tolga has been told that the only way he can be treated is for a vet to be flown here from Turkey to perform an operation at a cost of 2200TL. I don't have any more information at the moment as I just received a phone call about it tonight asking if I could post on CY44.

If you can find it in your hearts to help, any contributions would be gratefully received at the bar.

Thanks for listening.


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Message Posted:
27/11/2009 00:17

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bump please


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Message Posted:
27/11/2009 00:43

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back p;ease lets help


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Message Posted:
27/11/2009 07:22

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How sad this is but I have to ask, is this someones dog or a poor stray?


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Message Posted:
27/11/2009 07:38

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I am really surprised that the vets here can't do this it seems an awful lot of money!


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Message Posted:
27/11/2009 07:51

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I agree with Chris the Vets here can do most Surgery why have one flown in from Turkey, doesnt seem right somehow


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Message Posted:
27/11/2009 07:56

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Smithy, the vets here, by their own admission, are not surgeons. Turkish vets frequently visit and advise, we even flew our dog to istanbul as nothing could be done for him here.


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Message Posted:
27/11/2009 08:21

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Hi Jo Jelly

who is the vet?


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Message Posted:
27/11/2009 12:20

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Hi everyone, sorry but I have not spoken to Tolga directly yet so really don't have all the info. We got a phone call very late on Wed night from one of Tolga's friends who had dealt with the aftermath of the accident. They were at the vets but I don't know which one. All I know is that he has a very badly injured leg (or legs possibly). They have been told that as the dog is young, if he has the right surgery now he will have an excellent recovery. I know that Tolga considered euthanising the dog but apparently when he was discussing it with the vet the dog looked at him and cried and he couldn't bring himself to do it.

I am a little vague as to the ownership of this dog. I believe he belongs to a lady who is returning to the UK and she had asked Tolga to look after him. I think he has only been at the bar since Monday. Gail did tell me last night that the lady is trying to raise as much as she can and will hopefully be able to come up with half the money.

I will keep you posted.


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Message Posted:
27/11/2009 14:50

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I don't understand why a vet has to be brought from Turkey. Is it not possible to call Mehmet, the vet in Lefkosa (Animalia). In my experience he is more experienced than the vets around the Girne area (and cheaper!!) I will only use him now after two misdiagnosis with my animals. His phone number is 0392 227 7008 or 0542 851 1948. I really hope this helps for the poor dog.


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Message Posted:
27/11/2009 15:00

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Yet another animal being left behind by owners returning to UK!!!! The dog is only 11 months old, did she not know she would be leaving before she took on a pup, which she is now leaving - animals pine (and oftentimes end up with problematic dispositions due to feeling 'abandoned'). Even though the Bar owner has agreed to look after it, unless the new owner's heart is in it (the dog tethered at the Bar, has a warm comfy loving home and all found et cetera) then would it not be kinder to euthanase it?


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Message Posted:
27/11/2009 16:20

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Hi Earlybird, I will pass on the number for Mehmet but I would assume (perhaps wrongly) that if he is able to perform this kind of surgery, then the other vets here would know. Maybe not so will give them the number anyway.

MsGarnet I understand your frustration believe me I do but it easy to say go ahead and euthanise when we are not the ones having to make the decision.


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Message Posted:
27/11/2009 16:28

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Mehmet is the Regional Official Veterinarian so he should know


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Message Posted:
27/11/2009 16:28

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I just thought it was worth exploring every avenue before that huge expense.


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Message Posted:
27/11/2009 16:59

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I have to agree with message 11. If the funds need to be found before the vet is brought over, what happens to the dog meantime? If the legs are crushed or whatever, doesnt the dog need operating on straight away? It could be weeks before that amount is raised!! I understand what a painful decision this is, but what about the dogs pain? How on earth can an operation be guaranteed successful if the dog is maybe kept for weeks before the operation? Is is sedated? It must surely be on painkillers at least? I say put the poor animal out of its misery, NOW.


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Message Posted:
27/11/2009 21:28

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I've just spoken to Gail from Tolga's Bar and got an update on Lucky. The vet is flying in from Turkey tomorrow to operate on another dog and the deal is that they will split the cost of his flight and hotel with the other owners plus 2000TL for the operation. Both her front legs are broken. One is completely smashed and needs external pinning (this is the bit that no-one her can do apparently) and the other front leg is broken at the shoulder and needs internal pins. She is currently back with Tolga, bandaged up and on pain killers. They have raised about 500TL so far but the vet will only operate if he is paid and because it is Bayram he wants to get in and get out as quickly as possible so has to be by tomorrow. The vet that has arranged all this for them is Firdez.

They have pretty much resigned themselves that she will have to be put down tomorrow unless they can persuade the vet to give them some time to come up with the money. They have taken the names of everyone who cont/d


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Message Posted:
27/11/2009 21:29

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who has contributed so far and they will return the money if the operation doesn't happen. She needs to be at the vets by 11.30 tomorrow so if you do want to contribute then please do so as soon as possible. Gail can be reached on 0533 885 6335.



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Message Posted:
27/11/2009 22:11

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I am a total animal lover but TL2200 is, I think excessive, and to keep asking people to foot the bill for "stray" animals is ludicrous. You would not dream of it in UK so why here....sometimes it does not work out and I for one, as much as I love animals, think the well is dry.


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Message Posted:
27/11/2009 22:15

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Please put this poor animal out of its misery.


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Message Posted:
27/11/2009 22:18

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Maybe your well is dry but please do not speak for other people and don't presume to know what people will do, either here or in the UK, in their support of animals. The fact that they have managed to raise 500TL in 2 days say it all really. There are some really lovely people out there. To be honest your attitude doesn't help when they are facing having the dog put to sleep tomorrow and I sincerely hope you never find yourself in this position.


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Message Posted:
27/11/2009 22:41

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Sorry but I LOVE my dog and would crawl over hot coals rather than have him suffer. ANYONE than leaves a so called " loved" pet behind in this country to a stranger that cannot or will not take on responsibility financially or otherwise is NOT a responsibile owner.


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Message Posted:
27/11/2009 22:45

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adagirl, dont you think you caused enough upset with your hurtful comments last week on the other animal thread ? please give it a rest !


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Message Posted:
27/11/2009 22:47

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Adagirl the owner left for Turkey today despite knowing the operation is supposed to be tomorrow and without coming up with a single kurus. Tolga is trying to do his best for this dog and has already spent a substantial amount of money on vets bills. Unfortunately he simply cannot come up with 2000TL by tomorrow.


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Message Posted:
27/11/2009 23:02

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I understand the concern for this dog and feel that the poor animal has been hard done by.

I do wonder if the same cocern is being shown TL for TL to the needs of the SOS families or the family with three new babes?

If not have we got our priorities right?


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Message Posted:
27/11/2009 23:06

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jandj im so very sorry to hear this. I would willingly give you 100tl as its all I have due to the fact the terrier was thrown out of a car by brits.With the vets bills etc its all I can give you. The lady od man in question should be responsible its not Tolgs fault. The driver gets off scott free another dog bites the dust. Its all so sad. Is there not a country yet at lefkcosia who could perform this op. What an uncaring person knowing this and still buggers off. I hope they feel free.You and I know what its like here, you have been shown some kindness which is not enough, We put an appeal out for clothing for a poor family whose mummy gave birth to triplets did one person living here come through, No only members from UK. Perhaps they have all had enough of the begging bowls.Time is not on any ones side with this poor soul. I can honsetly say when the poor souls turn up on my doorstep the pain and sadness I see in them rips my heart out.I am seeing it with litttle terrier who was


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Message Posted:
27/11/2009 23:10

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seemingly dumped, picked up by the lady who saw this. She took him to her home but he became an escape artist and found me. The sorrow I see in him is unbearable. What Im trying to say is if the money could be found, will he have a home and love. I have known vets here perform on broken bones. Please be to god you can save him xxxxxxxx Please be to god he has a good life x


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Message Posted:
27/11/2009 23:25

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back to top please


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Message Posted:
27/11/2009 23:45

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COOPER, what do you mean? hurtful comments?? like what? suggesting ways to keep dogs contained and safe? As for this poor dog, keeping it alive and in pain for how long? until you great brits raise enough money (and tell everyone on here that you contributed ,for the collective, arent you a saint, God bless you's and all the pats on the backs) will this sorry saga go on?? Do you know that the hospital in Girne is DESPERATE for bed sheets? and Light bulbs?? For human beings? That children here are desperate for clothes? Nearly £800 for a dog with broken bones? that cant and wont receive treatment till the money is in someones pocket? SORRY!! Get a grip!!


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Message Posted:
28/11/2009 00:03

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Adagirl I know your are passionate about your pets.I also know there are many causes here. The BRS give money to the hospital. I have my appeal with Teresa for the children and a lot have come in with gifts and money for them/ I have to agree with you that is excessive as many of the animals i get to me need some sort of treatment and always has been done by the vets here. I even had a pooor dog with his stomach ripped open. He is still with me despite alll odds.Its an appeal for help and we all do what we can. The bloody government here should care for the hospitals and propvide for them. They collect enough social segorta. They should also provide a care system that poor people do not loose thier pride to beg for help instead of lining thier next mansion or hummer. Animals no one will care for. KAR get no help only donations. If I get a dog I do not put it here to be a saint only to find it a home. Sorry its the system thats wrong we only try to find a solution x


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Message Posted:
28/11/2009 04:16

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My opinion is that a law should be passed that anyone who owns an animal, should have that pet microchipped with the owners details, anyone found not doing so, will have a heavy fine. If the owner then leaves the Island, they must by LAW be made to ensure someone WILLINGLY takes over the pet's welfare, and that person's details should be confirmed by a dedicated Pet Welfare Officer who does a home visit. Should the original owner not be able to find someone to take the pet over, then a financial contribution (again confirmed by a Pet Welfare Officer) should be given with the animal, to KAR (or some org) to provide for its welfare for one year after the original owner leaves. Should the animal not be rehomed in that year, at the end of the period, then the animal should be euthanased. The original owner should not be allowed by law to leave the Island unless and until these conditions are fulfilled. Surely that would go a long way to stopping these animals being treated so shabbily.


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Message Posted:
28/11/2009 11:17

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I understand that some of the Belediyes deal with the problem by driving around shooting stray doys from the back of a pick-up truck

Unfortunately they don't have the cash available to buy the special bullets at the moment, so the problem is going unaddressed

Therefore it is highly unlikely that they could afford to take the actions suggested, even if they CARED (which they don't), or even if they could be bothered to get off their fat 'bottoms' to do anything at all (which they can't)

If you feel very strongly about this, then it's no good waiting for SOMEONE ELSE to do something - If you really feel that you know the solution, then cash would need to be raised, laws passed, staff appointed, and wages paid, and the entire thing organised - go for it!

Alternatively, just do what you can, when you can - I realise that the post was made at 4am, and that you may have been a little 'Tired and Emotional'

We all get a bit upset about the situation from time to time...


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Message Posted:
28/11/2009 12:20

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adagirl, we all know the hospitals are short on supplies but that doesn't mean we can dictate where people would like to give if they so wish.You seem to base alot of your views on assumptions, like you assumed that the lady last week just wanted to off load her dogs, like you assumed the dog had been poisoned pehaps in future it wouldn't do you any harm to find out a few facts beforhand. As for get a grip i think you need to look a little closer to home.

I will take one bit of advise you gave last week though,and that is, dont speak to bitches that are of no particular breed.


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Message Posted:
28/11/2009 12:27

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Cooper !!!!!!!

Well said by the way.


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Message Posted:
28/11/2009 12:56

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Re msg 31 "If you feel very strongly about this, then it's no good waiting for SOMEONE ELSE to do something - If you really feel that you know the solution, then cash would need to be raised, laws passed, staff appointed, and wages paid, and the entire thing organised - go for it!"

Well said Keithcaley, too many people have a lot to punch out on their computer keyboards but don't want to make the effort to actually do something about it.


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Message Posted:
28/11/2009 13:26

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It really wasn't intended to be criticism - well, not by the time I'd re-read and edited it a few times before posting

It's just that people do forget that we're not living in a Nanny State here, TC's have other priorities, and a different outlook and attitude - & not just to Animal Welfare...

So while we all might make suggestions, generally speaking it's the ones who care enough to DO something who get results, not the ones who sit on the sidelines shouting advice

Each of us can consider what is within our capability, and what is a 'sustainable effort' in our own, individual case - if we all do 'a bit' then I think that's a lot better than waiting for the Authorities to do it all in one fell swoop.

I have taken in the odd cat (5!), I've made a commitment to help people post pictures of 'Lost & Found' pets etc, and I bung 10TL in KAR's collecting tin to salve my conscience - I know I'm not going to change the World, but 'Every Little Helps' as Tesco say


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Message Posted:
28/11/2009 14:23

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Re msg 31 and 34. My health at the moment has prevented me from coming back to the Island for a while, but when I do, I have no intention of picking up the pieces financially morally physically or psychologically for ADULTS who have pets, and then - for whatever reason, leave the Island and expect others to sort out THEIR problem of an unwanted animal. We should all take responsibility for our actions; I simply do not believe that everyone who leaves a pet, REALLY had no idea they wouldn't be living there for the lifetime of that animal ergo would at some juncture have to make alternative arrangements. It is obvious to everyone there is a HUGE problem with feral and unwanted animals, so to exacerbate and contribute to that problem, is unconscionable on anyone's part. It shouldn't be "a TC" problem, as one would think the largest amount of these unfortunate animals are due to ex.pat actions. I am not "shouting" advice, I am merely giving an opinion, which we are all entitled to.


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Message Posted:
28/11/2009 14:57

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Thank you for your very clear answer to my post

I am sorry to hear of your health problems and hope that things improve on that front

I did think that in your first post you gave the impression that you thought it WAS up to TC's to sort this out, and I quote:

"My opinion is that a law should be passed that anyone who owns an animal, should have that pet microchipped with the owners details, anyone found not doing so, will have a heavy fine. If the owner then leaves the Island, they must by LAW be made to ensure someone WILLINGLY takes over the pet's welfare, and that person's details should be confirmed by a dedicated Pet Welfare Officer who does a home visit. Should the original owner not be able to find someone to take the pet over, then a financial contribution (again confirmed by a Pet Welfare Officer...)"

"The original owner should not be allowed by law to leave the Island..." etc...

If the TC's are not to Enact & Fund these Laws, then who do you suggest?



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Message Posted:
28/11/2009 14:57

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As I am now well into my Sixties, it is statistically improbable that I shall live long enough to give all my cats a 'decent burial' under the Pomegranate trees in the Garden.

Can I ask your advice on this?

Should I NOT have taken them in as young helpless kittens, in the first place? - and left them to die?

Should I have them put down in plenty of time, while I still have my marbles?

Should I set up a Trust Fund to ensure their future Well-being?

Finally, although my original post was not intended as a criticism of your views, and I did suppose that you had the creature's Welfare at Heart, I note that you now say that you will not be prepared to help "financially morally physically or psychologically"

This thread is about helping a specific animal in NEED

If you are not prepared to help, might not your posts be better located on another thread? - Leaving this one for people who DO want to help?




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Message Posted:
28/11/2009 15:03

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Does anyone actually know if this dog was operated on today or did the vet have to put him to sleep?


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Message Posted:
28/11/2009 15:05

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That's a sobering thought, while we're arguing the toss...


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Message Posted:
28/11/2009 15:08

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Everyone is entitled to their opinion Keith, its just that sometimes we forget the actual issue at hand and that others are entitled to their opinions as well.


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Message Posted:
28/11/2009 15:25

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well was it operated on if so how is it xx


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Message Posted:
28/11/2009 16:11

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You're quite right, of course, about everyone being entitled to an opinion, and I would never deny anyone that right, or indeed, forget it...

When you post an opinion on a public forum such as this, you are in effect inviting a response - some will agree and support the opinion, while others will disagree - and may express their opinion in reply

So just because I entered into a debate about MsGarnet's view that we should NOT be supporting efforts to help any animals whose owners have 'left' does not mean that I do not respect MsGarnet's right to an opinion

- it simply means that I do not agree with that opinion, and that this particular thread may not be the best place for it.

At least this is keeping the subject near the top of the list!

Has anyone got any News?


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Message Posted:
28/11/2009 17:15

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Hi Guys, I'm waiting for an update and will post when I have news. I'm not optimistic though as I know the last resort was trying to persuade the vet to operate today and give them some time to come up with all the money.


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Message Posted:
28/11/2009 18:36

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keith - you are right, my response was ambiguous - of course it would be up to TC's to pass the law, yet - I do feel the vast majority of animals on the loose are probably caused by folk other than indigenous ones, so perhaps we should police ourselves a little better? I am a dog lover - as is my daughter; I posted on here only a few months ago that my daughter's pup was poisoned/killed in Girne last year, her heart was broken so badly, she may never get another, although I have told her, time does heal - and one doesn't replace a loved pet, they are irreplaceable, one gets a whole new bundle of joy, with its own unique personality and charm. Of course we should all have animals whatever age we are, but you and I and most other folk if we became unwell or realised we had to leave, would move heaven and earth to re-home our 'extended family' if we couldn't, or it wasn't feasible - take them to UK or wherever....... Again, I think I was too vague, in as much as, I wouldn't pay the


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Message Posted:
28/11/2009 18:42

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bill of boarding someone's animal if they could, but didn't, contribute to its welfare post abandoning it..this is where I feel they should be forced to leave funds, after all, we don't leave our children to be cared for by strangers - we would be charged for desertion, animals in our care, are just as much our responsibility. As regards this pup - personally I would need to be assured the new owner really wanted to take on the responsibility, and felt (in light of reading of its broken legs) and the cost needed to be raised to operate on it, that perhaps it may have been kinder to euthanase it - but seemingly since our last postings, things have moved on. I have had two rescue dogs as well as pups in my lifetime, and of course couldn't walk past a starving or injured animal, I just would like to see put in place, some legislation that would stop adults leaving unwanted pets in the knowledge someone else will pick up the pieces. My health? I get a new hip in February - yaaaaaay!!!!!!


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Message Posted:
28/11/2009 19:44

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If you contact Ersan Korudag who has a vet's practice in Nicosia he may be able to help, or know of a surgeon in TRNC who could do the operation. Just google his name on the internet.


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Message Posted:
28/11/2009 19:48

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MsGarnet, I'm pleased to hear about the hip - the replacement, that is, not the problem with it!

I think a lot of folks who sold up everything in UK, and thought that they were going to be here for Life, have been forced to return by Economics - rising prices, poor exchange rate etc, which puts them in a very poor position to consider taking an animal back to UK, what with Shipment & Quarantine fees...

I do see where you're coming from, but I think that the number of animals abandoned by departing Ex-Pats is probably tiny compared to the indigenous 'wild ' dog population - and apparently the number of dogs was even greater before KAR started the 'Neuter & return' programme

Also bear in mind that if these expat's dogs had not been given homes in the first place by well-meaning people, they would still be on the street anyway!

All this just nibbles away at the edges of the greater dog issue - I debated this with 'Pikey' (remember him?) -& concluded that what is really contd...


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Message Posted:
28/11/2009 19:49

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needed is a campaign to educate TC's on Animal Welfare.

You would have to start in the schools, at Primary age - before ideas & attitudes were set like concrete in their heads - and in 20 or 30 years you would have a whole generation of people who understood the NEED for legislation on these matters.

THEN you might stand a chance of getting your legislation passed, but 'Sure as Hell' you don't stand any chance now, because they don't even recognise that there IS a problem...

I do hope that your Hip Job goes OK, and thanks for the debate!

Best wishes,



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Message Posted:
28/11/2009 23:06

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Keith and Ms Garnett if only thet could. Keith I know you love animals but everyone of the 17 dogs and 7 cats I have founf homes for thankls to you and Hans have only responded to english. These lets me beleive for whatever reason the were left to fend for them selves. TCs may take them ans shhot them which may be a better option at the end of the day. Keith you know how much I care whenever one turns up but I can never repair the psycological damage that has bbeen done once its taken from the street to a home and then back on a street. It breaks my heart x


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Message Posted:
29/11/2009 10:19

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do we have any news yet please xx


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Message Posted:
30/11/2009 15:10

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I'm so sorry that I haven't posted earlier but I only found out yesterday afternoon that Lucky was put down on Saturday morning. I don't have any more details because I didn't want to ask too many questions but I believe that the vet just wasn't prepared to let them pay some now and the rest later.

Thank you to everyone who took an interest and at least this little dog is no longer in any pain.



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Message Posted:
30/11/2009 15:12

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Hi J J you did your best free from pain. So sad the driver gets away with it. Charitable vet eh xx


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Message Posted:
30/11/2009 16:00

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Im sorry to hear that Jo.

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