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The GC's block six chapters in Turkey’s EU talks

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Joined: 14/08/2008
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Message Posted:
14/12/2009 09:08

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Message 1 of 6 in Discussion

'The Greek Cypriot move to block six chapters in Turkey’s European Union accession negotiations was not expected. Eight have already been blocked by France until Turkey recognizes the borders of Cyprus and opens its ports… [The Greek Cypriot move] is not well-intentioned, especially while there are negotiations under way between the Greek and Turkish Cypriot leaderships'

Read the rest here:


Joined: 19/12/2008
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Message Posted:
14/12/2009 09:44

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Message 2 of 6 in Discussion

Hey AJ did you READ.. this bit ..? ;)

>>Q: What happens if Turkey opens its ports and airports to Greek Cypriot vessels?

A: *That’s what Turkey should do. Turkey should open its ports to Greek Cypriots. This move would not hurt Turkey economically. Turkey would put the ball to the other court if it did that.* <<

MMMMMM: been saying THAT for their bluff..


Joined: 27/07/2009
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Message Posted:
14/12/2009 10:11

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Message 3 of 6 in Discussion

Experienced diplomats are generally past masters in the art of 'euphemism'!

Rather like Peter Sellers' take off of a UK party political broadcast:

'My friends - Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen - in the light of present day development, let me say, right away, that I do not consider existing conditions likely!

On the contrary, I have always regarded them as subjects of the utmost responsibility, and shall ever continue to do so!

If what I am saying is challenged, I am only too ready to meet such a challenge, for I am, too, susceptible to the problems that are facing us all!

We must build - but we MUST build surely!' - etc.... !!!

Hear - hear!!!

andre 514

Joined: 31/03/2008
Posts: 1163

Message Posted:
14/12/2009 19:57

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Message 4 of 6 in Discussion

it has always seemed to me that cyprus is not relevant to turkey's eu "accession" talks

this is not just a bald statement:

there has been muttering for a long while from north european working class voters

that they neither want more muslim neighbours nor relish increased competition for work

meanwhile their social superiors in paris and berlin truly dread an eu with uk/turkey the largest single voting block, telling them what to do

this has been dressed up variously as europe is christian (but what about albania/bosnia?),

or the bogus "turkey to open or not to open its ports to south cyprus" cliffhanger

while the french parliament's proposed no more than 5% eu population for new "members"

and sententious but basically spurious arguments about the very important kurdish question,

as well as whether turkey's euro-reforms have been genuine enough

and message 2 "should"? are we telling sovereign states what they should or shouldn't do?


Joined: 19/12/2008
Posts: 8398

Message Posted:
15/12/2009 01:39

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Message 5 of 6 in Discussion

re msg 4

>>should"? are we telling sovereign states what they should or shouldn't do?<<

Do you mean like UN Security Council Resolutions concerning the sovereignty of the RoC and removal of other nations armed service personnel ! ;)

Look, Andre_514.. Turkey signed some documents when it joined the UN / Council of Europe and applied to join the EU.. it knew the situation in Cyprus.

You need to ask yourself... "why are you asking MMMMMM silly Q's ? !"

Just a reminder: I WANT to see TR in the EU - as an active remember.. I want to see free movement of people / goods .. ultimately in Cyprus.. not to see a GC takeover.. it can / should be that a Turkish citizen could move to Limas(s)ol.

andre 514

Joined: 31/03/2008
Posts: 1163

Message Posted:
15/12/2009 01:57

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Message 6 of 6 in Discussion

message 5

my guess is you want turkey in the eu because you think it would push it into to leave cyprus first:

you do want turkey to leave cyprus don't you? though nothing wrong as such in that personal view


psst: turkey won't be admitted anyway but keep it under your hat, don't want everyone knowing!!!

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