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land issues and ownership

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Joined: 12/03/2009
Posts: 107

Message Posted:
02/02/2010 21:35

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Message 1 of 2 in Discussion

would someone give me an anser regarding our greek land. this was given by denkaz i think thats how its spelt to our builders mother way back in1960. we are also a complex of 14 houses on the one estate.what would happen if the greek boys decide to get it back.we all have our deeds and also the builder was a well known and respected man in the village. one of the rare ones who did every thing by the book. stage payments and finished on time. unfortunatley he died in an accident helping others by doing a favour and was electricuted.the 14 tennants are mostly english and 2 turkish familys one is a ex goverment official the other anuniversity lecturer.


Joined: 30/08/2008
Posts: 299

Message Posted:
03/02/2010 11:40

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You could be in the same situation as the Orams. However, if the former Greek owners made their claim to the Immovable Property Commission, the TRNC would be liable for the compensation.

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