North Cyprus Tourist Board - buying a new mobile phone..advice
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buying a new mobile phone..advice

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Joined: 18/11/2008
Posts: 595

Message Posted:
05/04/2010 22:51

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can anyone help out i need to buy a new mobile phone as my blackberry has come to a very sad end after tia my french bulldog decided it would be fun to try and eat it!!! Just wondered if anyone has any advice on a particular shop that has a good selection and not too pricey?

many thanks



Joined: 21/07/2008
Posts: 13081

Message Posted:
05/04/2010 23:14

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Hi Tasha , i think we have to get rid of these dogs, tia is just like jack (the stra) nothing is safe, lost 5 pairs of shoes 3 dresses , 3 tops leggins and no end of sheets. We use I think its callled Nexus in town, just down from the cafe bars by the square, They are really helpful, I will call you tomorrow with details xx

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