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Port Cyprium Marina Update

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Joined: 23/06/2008
Posts: 757

Message Posted:
01/07/2008 14:58

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Makes an interesting read

The bloggers are so so naughty!!


Joined: 02/03/2008
Posts: 7819

Message Posted:
01/07/2008 20:21

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Message 2 of 5 in Discussion

Thanks Asian,

Still not giving alot away though,



Joined: 15/12/2007
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Message Posted:
01/07/2008 20:44

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Sounds definitive to me! I will go with that.

What are they surveying for in Esentepe Bay then? Sounds as if we may be getting some

quality infrastructure. (and we havent even moved in yet)

Fancy going halves on a yacht? I will write to Gordon Brown for an increase in pension.

It must be a breach of my Civil Rights, not to have one!

They will be making films there next! The Lady Wyn says that I may get a bit part, as a beached whale!

Dream on for the next trip, and that ice cold Effes.



Joined: 02/03/2008
Posts: 7819

Message Posted:
01/07/2008 20:53

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I think they found some sort of listed structure when they were surveying.And were not sure if it could be legally moved or not.So that probably added another two years to the thinking process.Just had another closer look at the blog and if it comes off then it can only be seen as great news for the area.Could be me being stupid as usual here but how would embargoes affect wait came in and out of the marina,




Joined: 23/06/2008
Posts: 757

Message Posted:
02/07/2008 11:34

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Hi Newlad,

The embargoes are quite strict and stipulate that no fish weighing more than 10 ounces can enter the marina! the only issue on using the marina would be if the yacht owner/captain then decided to take a leisurely cruise to the dark side, the autorities there will arrest the captain and crew for previously entering an illegal port. (part of their scare mongering propaganda machine) but I haven't got a boat or a plane so its the middle finger salute to the GC's port autorities

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