North Cyprus Tourist Board - my new laptop battery does not charge any solution will hepl
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my new laptop battery does not charge any solution will hepl

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Joined: 22/12/2008
Posts: 949

Message Posted:
03/07/2010 12:25

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Message 1 of 9 in Discussion

dont know if it happened after the last power cut 18th of june

or if the charger was connected to the laptop at the time but it seems since around then the charging is a problem thanks


Joined: 19/07/2007
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Message Posted:
03/07/2010 12:33

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Message 2 of 9 in Discussion

Some things to think about

I assume that you have put it on charge for 24 hours and discharged it (this can be worth repeating a couple of times)

Is it the charger at fault?

The connectors i.e. charger computer might not be linking properly.

Have you checked fuses (we all forget)

If the battery is not "original" it might have a different charging profile to the one you are used to.



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Message Posted:
03/07/2010 12:44

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Message 3 of 9 in Discussion

thanks it is the oringinal sony charger,no problems upto early june,the lights does show charging but isnt topping up to max


Joined: 09/09/2008
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Message Posted:
03/07/2010 13:37

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Message 4 of 9 in Discussion

this happened to us the electrci came on and blew the bit that charges the battery.


Joined: 19/07/2007
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Message Posted:
03/07/2010 14:03

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Message 5 of 9 in Discussion

Maybe there is a fault in the charger, do you need an electronics man's help? Have you cycled the battery and is it the same quality as the original one?

End of my knowledge!


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Message Posted:
03/07/2010 14:26

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Message 6 of 9 in Discussion


Let us take it step by step:

1. Is there a light on your charger unit and if so is it lit? If it is lit go to next step.

2. At the bottom right corner of the screen, do you have the battery or the mains symbol? If battery symbol, most probably it means that there is a bad connection or broken wire between the charger and the computer.If you get the mains symbol, then there is something wrong with the charging unit of the computer or the battery of the computer.



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Message Posted:
03/07/2010 15:29

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Message 7 of 9 in Discussion

hi Ismet seems okay now but was the problem related to

the electiricty power

low voltage or whatever

like you said the lights sometimes all dont work in the villa at the same time


Joined: 24/07/2007
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Message Posted:
03/07/2010 17:28

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Message 8 of 9 in Discussion

msg. 7,


When you have one of those protectors thingy you will see the exact voltage as a bonus and that will stop you worrying for nothing



Joined: 22/12/2008
Posts: 949

Message Posted:
03/07/2010 19:27

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Message 9 of 9 in Discussion

i am picking one up thats a promise third week of july thanks

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