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Nethouse Networks Updated Equipment

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Joined: 10/11/2008
Posts: 2434

Message Posted:
30/08/2010 17:02

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Has anyone else had the same problems as myself and if so how have you got around them:

Nethouse have replaced the connections to my laptop and the 'thing' that goes on the roof with a Motorolla set up, which according to them is a far better piece of equipment than the previous one (of which we had no problems with at all).

Since this has been installed I have had a constant battle with them as our internet is more 'down' than it is on, plus my router which had to go their head office, did not work on its return.

So today an engineer came out he reset the router and told me that the new system is extremely good but I cannot have my Utorrent on at the same time as I want to use Skype or do any general downloads ie read the papers, as it takes all the 2mb that I am paying for.

This has got me totally confused as the 'old' system with inferior equipment managed quite admirably, so why can't this new socalled improved system cope with this.


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Message Posted:
30/08/2010 17:03

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They have also told me that one of my computers is the problem and probably a reformat would be in order …………

I had absolutely no problems until they came around on Friday.

Has anyone any ideas of who I should now go and see or talk to or take my laptops to to resolve this situation



Joined: 30/04/2008
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Message Posted:
30/08/2010 17:16

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I have had nothing but problems with net house, unfortunately signed up for a year. Had loads of engineers out telling me laptop fauly, router faulty, iPad faulty. Last engineer said that the problem in karsiyaka was the mast at lapta and that they could not provide a stable signal. So have a crap connection paid out for new router spent a fortune on phone calls still crap connection,


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Message Posted:
30/08/2010 17:24

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Message 4 of 8 in Discussion

Do we have to accept the new system? Or can we keep the old one?


Joined: 10/11/2008
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Message Posted:
30/08/2010 17:32

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Msg 4, I don't know the answer to your question but I really wished we had known of any problems then we most certainly would have fought to keep the old set up.

Msg 3 ..... Never sign up for 12 months for anything over here unless you are absolutely 100% sure of it or had experience already with the said company. We have been caught out with Turkcell 3G and Dopi TV, never again


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Message Posted:
30/08/2010 17:35

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Message 6 of 8 in Discussion

No probs with nethouse last three years in Lapta

As for dopi don't ask!


Joined: 03/04/2009
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Message Posted:
30/08/2010 17:48

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They came to do mine this morning,nethouse called me to say there engineer was comming,i told her,i hope the new head unit on the roof has 3 connextions,she said,i do not understand.

When the guy came,i took him on the roof,oh he said,how have you got a until that takes 3 connectors,i winked at him.i said i need the same with your motorolla,he said no only 1 connector,i said,no,not unless your going to give me a router free of charge,as my internet connextion goes to 3 places.

We went off the roof together leaving the original square old 1 there and not putting the new equipment up that looks like a old fasioned butter shaper.


Joined: 10/11/2008
Posts: 2434

Message Posted:
30/08/2010 21:39

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Message 8 of 8 in Discussion

newscoop: up until this 'upgrade' I had no issues whatsoever with Nethouse Networks, I just do not understand what is going on and how to resolve it as they, unfortunately seem unable to.

Zerochlor: I wish now that I had told them not to bother changing mine!!

I am sure they mean well, but I am fed up with not being able to get onto the internet alot of the time and not being able to ring on Skype.

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