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Incomplete properties - HBPG help

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Joined: 29/12/2007
Posts: 842

Message Posted:
13/08/2008 16:50

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The Home Buyers Pressure Group has started a webpage on it's website:

'This page is designed to put buyers from a particular site in touch with one another and to try and get the site completed and legal instead of spending money on costly and ineffective litigation.

Our intention is to discover what needs to be done to complete the properties and the entire site, what is the total cost of this work and how much is owed by the buyers. A programme of works would be prepared and the work would be carried out in a logical order.

If you bought a property on any of the sites below please contact us either by e-mail to or telephone 00 90 533 876 3780 quoting the site reference.

If your site is not listed and you want to work with us and the other buyers please send us the details.'




Joined: 27/07/2008
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Message Posted:
13/08/2008 16:58

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Message 2 of 17 in Discussion

Well Done you guys. This is exactly what is needed. Why fill the pockets of lawyers in 'useless litigation' when everyone can band together and ensure their investments are protected.


Joined: 28/03/2008
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Message Posted:
13/08/2008 17:09

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Message 3 of 17 in Discussion

Hi Martin, This is exactly what we are doing with our site (no electric or water at present) and that Steve-D has done with his. It seems the only logical way forward. Well done and good luck.


Joined: 29/12/2007
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Message Posted:
13/08/2008 17:11

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As much as I'd like to claim the credit, I'm only posting what I found on the HBPG website that I check frequently for updates. The praise should go to Marion Stokes and her supporters.



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Message Posted:
16/08/2008 17:51

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Message 5 of 17 in Discussion


Can anyone confirm if this site is also known as Mouflon 1 Esentepe

Where after 2 years we still wait completion

Cannot believe these partners have 2 problem sites in Esentepe



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Message Posted:
16/08/2008 18:04

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Message 6 of 17 in Discussion


Contact the HBPG via Marion Stokes email or their website above



Joined: 05/01/2008
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Message Posted:
17/08/2008 09:48

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Message 7 of 17 in Discussion

This is a fantastic way forward , and the savings for owners will be unbelievable . Not to mention the relief .


Joined: 29/12/2007
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Message Posted:
18/08/2008 18:11

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Just thought I'd bring this one up for peoples attention in case they missed it.

Well makes a change from advertising restuarants at least.



Joined: 10/04/2008
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Message Posted:
20/08/2008 03:23

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Message 9 of 17 in Discussion

All praise to Marian and the HBPG, we and 3 others from our site have added to it, we are running out of avenues to complain and feel very isolated by it all.

Even though we still love the TRNC turning the clock back and keeping the money in my pocket would have been better.


Joined: 05/01/2008
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Message Posted:
20/08/2008 09:41

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Message 10 of 17 in Discussion

Agree witchfinder , wish we has also kept our money in our pocket . But thank goodness for HBPG site , she can help in so many ways , a big way forward here , HBPG HAS helped us but we all must keep this post alive , so others know where to go , as witchfinder says buyers can feel isolated , so come on folks keep posting .


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Message Posted:
20/08/2008 10:28

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We are purchasing on one of the sites listed on HBPG and would like to link up with others if possible

Already have 7 others and there are recent developments

Please contact us off board



Joined: 29/12/2007
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Message Posted:
21/08/2008 23:55

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Message 12 of 17 in Discussion

'Even though we still love the TRNC turning the clock back and keeping the money in my pocket would have been better. '

Have to agree with that sentiment.



Joined: 04/04/2008
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Message Posted:
22/08/2008 07:27

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Message 13 of 17 in Discussion

Good post pIpie. I just hope people realise exactly how much Marian and HBPG has done to help so many of us. The least we can do is support her and the ongoing petition.


Joined: 05/01/2008
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Message Posted:
22/08/2008 10:37

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Just to remind buyers that advice can be given to apartment complexes that fail to be handed over as per contract , there is a posibility this happening in the future as there are alot of complexes due for completion , people need to be there at handover to see all is in place . Some people pay maintenence etc after a requested E-mail ,without visually checking , they could find there complex is not finished when they eventually visit . So buyers try and be one step in front . Please sign the petition .


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Message Posted:
22/08/2008 19:09

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Message 15 of 17 in Discussion

Good advice PIPIE



Joined: 03/12/2008
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Message Posted:
18/06/2009 00:02

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Message 16 of 17 in Discussion


Still here have e-mailed you off board......


Joined: 25/01/2009
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Message Posted:
18/06/2009 02:41

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Message 17 of 17 in Discussion

That's been on the website for ages.

Best to check daily for updates on HBPG IMO!

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