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living north and working south

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Joined: 29/06/2010
Posts: 138

Message Posted:
27/09/2010 10:40

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Message 1 of 10 in Discussion

can anyone offer any advice please on how to go about working in the south whilst living in the north on a self employed basis...are there any regulations/rules to follow, tax rules ...that sort of thing...thankyou!


Joined: 19/12/2008
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Message Posted:
27/09/2010 10:43

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Message 2 of 10 in Discussion

You know, nickname I have asked this 4 times and NEVER had an answer

I see TCs working in the 'rump' RoC and wonder who taxes them - or if they are taxed twice ..

Hopefully, someone can tell us !


Joined: 21/07/2008
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Message Posted:
27/09/2010 10:50

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Message 3 of 10 in Discussion

I do recall reading somewhere that there is an agency set up to advise such issues. I think it was based by Ledra crossing. I will try to locate it x


Joined: 09/11/2009
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Message Posted:
27/09/2010 11:05

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Message 4 of 10 in Discussion

HI,Yes there are some regulations. My hubbs researched this earlier in the year when seeking gigs down there, and has the answers you need, you can contact him on

kind regards



Joined: 06/05/2009
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Message Posted:
27/09/2010 11:46

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Message 5 of 10 in Discussion

I would get one over the "smelly rums" by opening an account in one of the English banks in the north and let them chase to find the money. Just make sure you get paid by cheque or cash. My cousin Johnny Nigoli living in the south of the border will be most upset.


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Message Posted:
27/09/2010 12:04

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Message 6 of 10 in Discussion

Hi Yfred

an EU citizen can begin working in 'the south' as soon as he/she get's off the plane - all they have to do is get a social security number and register their presence within 90 days...

You can be self-employed or form a RoC Limited entity

So, WHAT is to stop folk living in the north from working in the south ? How would they be treated by 'TRNC' - as it would be clear that they are crossing regularly?

What 'english' banks are there in 'TRNC' - I thought HSBC was Chinese ? ! As the UK are supporting TR's EU bid, I'm not sure that 'TRNC' banks are the safe place to salt away monies that many folk think they are.


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Message Posted:
27/09/2010 12:11

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Message 7 of 10 in Discussion

6Ms there are around 5000 TCs that cross the border daily to work in the south. Why would there be any problem for anybody else. You need to be worried about the treatment you'll get if GCs find out that you live in the north and if that happens to be a GC property god help you if one of the new dawn fascists get a hold of you.


Joined: 18/05/2008
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Message Posted:
27/09/2010 12:18

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Message 8 of 10 in Discussion


If working legally in the South, then you should pay tax in the South........Simples.

What one does with their earnings once they come back over to the North is the business of the individual.

I don't believe that the post is asking whether there is a problem with working in the South, but simply asking for clarification on whether earnings in the South are also taxed in the North.

Anyone know the answer ??



Joined: 19/12/2008
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Message Posted:
27/09/2010 12:29

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Message 9 of 10 in Discussion

Hi Yfred

re msg 7 - as so many TC's -who would be EU citizens, to be allowed to cross - are doing it .. why can't someone answer the question..?! ;)

As for the GCs - if you live in a property that is pre 74 TR / foreign owed they can't have a problem.. it is a shame folks buying such properties - in the knowledge they should be 'safe' are finding 'obstacles' put in place by the 'TRNC' authorities.

Your point is interesting.. as a high %age of TCs crossing MUST be living in GC property / property built on GC land - how come no-one has been arrested ?!

I have always regarded this recent addition to the statute book as a 'mistake' and believed it to be a tool to 'discourage' rather than one to be used...


Joined: 19/06/2010
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Message Posted:
27/09/2010 16:00

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Message 10 of 10 in Discussion

Mark, it may be the registration part which would be an issue for expats?

The TC's are Cypriot they can go/ work either side. Brits have to register for residency I believe in the south and show savings or a job or some form of income, to do that. I wonder if they accept people from the north registering for residency in the south? It is something we have considered trying.

You also have to register an address which again may pose a problem being in the north? Especially for those on exchange land.

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