North Cyprus Tourist Board - Another Not So Healthy KLDS Recipe
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Another Not So Healthy KLDS Recipe

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Joined: 04/11/2008
Posts: 356

Message Posted:
10/10/2010 12:55

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As it says not so healthy. Still it is good to be naughty sometimes. go visit the site. Also our recipe books are on sale. 6tl yes I know a bit dear but they cost us 5tl to get them printed. You can get them from Val, Chrissy or Janet or visit Punjab Restaurant Lapta. Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday to pick one up. between 10.30am and 12.30pm All monies go to our Charities.

Val 0542 883 4422

Chrissy 0533 864 0369

Janet 0542 882 0366

Or visit the web site for numbers and email addresses.


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