North Cyprus Tourist Board - new additions to efendi restaurant.......... l@@k!!!!
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new additions to efendi restaurant.......... l@@k!!!!

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Joined: 29/07/2008
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Message Posted:
20/10/2010 17:56

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just to let you all know, we have 2 new additions to our menu...

fresh succulent lamb shank,slow cooked for four hours,delicious and tender!! now ALWAYS available.

we also have added a cheese board to our menu,

couer de lyon brie,classic county stilton and farmhouse mature cheddar,served with a selection of carr's buscuits,grapes and vine tomatoes.

glass of port or desert wine optional.

check out our pics,or join us on facebook at.......

thanks all!!!


Joined: 18/05/2009
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Message Posted:
20/10/2010 18:02

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Message 2 of 22 in Discussion

hhmmmmmmm sounds great!!


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Message Posted:
20/10/2010 18:09

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Message 3 of 22 in Discussion

Reads well, you've certainly gone 'up market'! Shame the exchange rate is so appalling!



Joined: 15/04/2009
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Message Posted:
20/10/2010 18:29

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This must be new today because we went last night and had to leave because you were restricting to two steaks per table and there was no lamb shanks therefor reducing the meat on the menu to duck or chicken


Joined: 29/07/2008
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Message Posted:
20/10/2010 19:11

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we are extremely sorry, we were fully booked and pushed to capacity friday and saturday evening,and due to high demand for the angus steaks,we sold nearly all our stock. unfortunately our steak supplier could not deliver to us on tuesday due to a minor traffic incident :-(

Our delivery arrived today and our stocks are fully replenished, as usual.

please accept our sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused.


Joined: 12/03/2009
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Message Posted:
20/10/2010 22:09

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Message 6 of 22 in Discussion

sorry top ten! we ate all the !!

we went to efendis a couple of weeks ago and i had the black aberdeen angus steak,i was so impressed, me, my wife and a few of our friends id talked into going were in efendis on saturday night.we had a table of 10 and 7 of us had the steak.

so blame me top ten!!!


Joined: 12/09/2009
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Message Posted:
20/10/2010 23:12

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We were regulars but have not been for a while we felt it had all gone off a bit. Probably give it a go again as it is one of the better places in terms of food and ambiance but please tell me what makes your cheese special? Are you bringing in stiltons and farmhouse cheddar in or is it just the packet stuff you get in the supermarkets?


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Message Posted:
21/10/2010 00:01

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Efendi is really my favorite restaurant in town!


Joined: 08/06/2010
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Message Posted:
21/10/2010 10:14

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My name is Simon Dale and i have recently joined Cyprus Today advertising department. If you are interested in advertising your restuarant(and your new menu) please e-mail me and we can discuss in more detail.

My e-mail address:

Kind regards



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Message Posted:
21/10/2010 10:20

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Msg 9

Free touting for business on C44?! That deserves a free advert in your rag!



Joined: 29/07/2008
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Message Posted:
21/10/2010 16:05

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hey gingerella, thanks for your post and for your support,pop in and see us for a drink sometime....maybe have a drink from our new cocktail menu....


Joined: 29/07/2008
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Message Posted:
21/10/2010 17:43

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hi island girl,

our restaurant is certainly on the up now andy is the head chef in the kitchen.if youd like to sample our delicious cuisine, please book in advance to avoid dissapointment as we are getting really busy.

our cheeses are certainly 'special',we have found a supplier bringing in cheeses from france and good old blighty!,certainly not the cheap nasty packet cheese you get in the trnc!!


efendi......0542 8847 417


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Message Posted:
22/10/2010 17:42

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Message 13 of 22 in Discussion

thanks simon, ive sent you an email


Joined: 13/10/2010
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Message Posted:
22/10/2010 22:03

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Hi Amy, Andy and Oliver,

Missed you Amy in September, unfortunately it will be next year before we are back, but as usual the reception and the food were sublime. Very definitely our favourite place to eat in Kyrenia. Looking forard to the cheese board and the Black Angus starter again.


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Message Posted:
22/10/2010 22:21

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wat are you serving as sunday roast this week please meat wise xx


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Message Posted:
24/10/2010 15:25

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our sunday lunch service starts next week (oct 31st).

andy and mark or as they have affectionatley been titled 'andre and markos the master chefs!' will be preparing the 'efendi gourmet roast'

as our many customers have commented, now andy is back in the kitchen, our food quality and presentation has certainly been turned to full tilt,and we endeavor to make our sunday feast the very best on the island!

this should get your taste buds tingling!!......


chicken liver parfait,onion marmalade chutney,served toast and salad garnish.

chicken and mushroom soup,garlic croutons,topped with fresh parsley.

garlic mussels with cheese topping.


aberdeen angus roast rib of beef or chicken with sage and onion stuffing.

home made yorkshire puds

duck fat roast potatoes

creamed mashed potatoes

honey drizzled roast parsnips and seasonal vegetables.


sticky toffee pudding

baileys bread and butter pudding


imported cheese selec


Joined: 29/07/2008
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Message Posted:
24/10/2010 15:26

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2 courses 24ytl

3 courses 29ytl

we WILL be avoid dissapointment, please call to book your table....




Joined: 17/11/2008
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Message Posted:
24/10/2010 19:54

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Message 18 of 22 in Discussion

sounds great thanks


Joined: 21/07/2008
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Message Posted:
24/10/2010 20:02

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Message 19 of 22 in Discussion

as always great food great place. my favourite. Amy do you serve after we leave say 5pm


Joined: 07/06/2009
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Message Posted:
24/10/2010 20:27

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16. Restaurant Postings

Only one thread per day will be allowed with regard to the subject of any one restaurant. Threads will be deleted without warning if multi threads are evident.


Joined: 29/07/2008
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Message Posted:
26/10/2010 21:40

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Message 21 of 22 in Discussion

thanks for all your feedback.

to see our sunday roast menu, you can click on the link below to view us on facebook!

why not join our page!!



Joined: 28/10/2008
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Message Posted:
26/10/2010 21:46

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Message 22 of 22 in Discussion

A little bird has told me that Marcosthechef is cooking occasionally at Efendi ? that must be a great reason apart from many others to eat there ! regards Barry

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