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How to improve Cyprus44? - Feedback required!

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Joined: 01/12/2006
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Message Posted:
01/08/2007 14:29

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I am Izzet - the owner of Cyprus44.

I welcome all comments and suggestions on how to make Cyprus44 a better website on North Cyprus.

Feel free to post positive/negative comments on all elements, eg. Forums, blogs, info pages, the new property reviews section...

Please keep your posts SHORT and PRECISE, and refrain from commenting on others' posts unless it'll be useful for this thread.




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Message Posted:
01/08/2007 15:04

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I would like to see some sort of screen, where we can actually see who is online at any given time, also mybe a chat area, where users can "Talk" to each other whilst on line.

Also, it might be benificial to have a couner on each thread, so everyone can see if their threads are actually being read.

I'm sure I'll think of others soon.



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Message Posted:
01/08/2007 16:42

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I think we should have a bitter and twisted page that is dedicated to slagging off the government and its lethargic, ueless employees whose only existence is based on a nice little pension at the end of a boring and unrewarding career.


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Message Posted:
01/08/2007 20:23

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I think Cyprus 44 is a great idea with most people using it the right way ie help & information. There will always be some people using it to let off steam or even provoke others. I commend you on your site and long may it help both tourists, homeowners and potential buyers.

Thanks P & J


Joined: 21/05/2007
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Message Posted:
02/08/2007 00:03

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Hi Izzet,

I think it would be a great idea if you had dedicated pages to certain topics. I have had great difficulty in locating information regarding the taxation implications of living in TRNC. I have also had difficulty in obtaining factual information on the costs and implications of transporting goods (eg. electrical, cars, items contained within original packaging etc) to the TRNC. It would also be great if you provided details on temporary residency/residency/working permits etc. It would be useful if you had a mini directory of tradesmen/gardeners/cleaners etc recommended by people you know and people on this site. This latter area may prove worthwile as it could generate some income from advertising.



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Message Posted:
02/08/2007 10:36

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I would like to see mini directoryfor Carpenters, Plumbers, Central Heating Engineers,Wrought Iron. etc.


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Message Posted:
13/11/2007 15:41

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Did you ever compile a list of improvements you are going to make to the site?

I know you have been away for a while, but your back now.

Would also be useful to see a full list of members, not just the top 20 posters.



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Message Posted:
13/11/2007 16:03

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Hi Izzet, glad to see you back,

I would second what Avril has just said, if you had a mini directory where you could narrow down your searches of past threads it would be great.



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Message Posted:
13/11/2007 17:40

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Allowing members to post Images would be a big bonus, by storing them on a 3rd party website like photobucket, then pasting the image [IMG] link to your posts, saves space and little administration required.


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Message Posted:
13/11/2007 21:02

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Please keep these coming!

MCSTEVIET - Yes, I do have a big todo list and I will do it one by one! People can argue that Cyprus44 is one of the best sites about North Cyprus. I want people to say that easily without arguing. I think you understand what I mean. In order to do that, I have to do what people are looking for. Some of them are hard so it takes time.

Marvo - What do you think of this? You can mark the threads you like easily (eg. favorites) and they show up at top of the forums for easy access. You can then remove them easily once you're no longer interested.

jetl3on - That's easy but I am concerns about two things:

1) people using very large images that will mess the look and ruin the usability.

2) people using offensive images

I have solutions for both of them.

1) write a script to find image size and resize the shown image accordingly.

2) implement a feature as "report image as offensive" so the forum users will keep the forum clean by themselves.

I might allow images without implementing these for a test. We'll see

Thank you all for the opinions and please keep them coming as you think of anything new.

Question: Will a chat board work? It wouldn't be beneficial to users much but do people want to waste time chatting? Let me know!



Joined: 10/10/2007
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Message Posted:
13/11/2007 21:14

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I have joined the forum whilst you were away, "excellent"

i agree with Stevie-d a list of people that had been helpfull to others, i.e. plumbers electricians etc etc, you could then let people add to the list whilst keeping a score, so if we were looking for a solicitor we could look up solicitors and see what other people had scored if 50 people had said they were good then they must be.

Regards grahamlil


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Message Posted:
13/11/2007 21:45

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Another idea what about a live webcam link in say the harbour area




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Message Posted:
13/11/2007 23:46

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Can you add an 'edit' facility.


Joined: 14/10/2007
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Message Posted:
14/11/2007 00:36

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Hi Izzet,

I'm a Sweetwaterbay purchaser and it's that post I mainly concentrate on, the posts are now getting very long and I have to scroll right down to the bottom before I can read it.

Now it may be me not knowing but it would be more convenient if the latest post appeared at the top so I would only have to scroll a little way.

Good site,



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Message Posted:
14/11/2007 09:51

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grahamlil - Any idea which bar/restaurant owner would let me use their area for put a webcam?

dy1259 - edit is available for me. I can enable for others but I want to put a limitation such that people can edit for only 10 mins after posting. What do you think? If we don't put such a limitation, then people will edit their post after some time and this may affect the posts posted after.

Can I have feedback from others on lobylud's suggestion?


Joined: 08/05/2007
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Message Posted:
14/11/2007 11:01

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Hi Izzet

I agree with lobylud


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Message Posted:
14/11/2007 12:17

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i think newer posts at the top would be better too


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Message Posted:
14/11/2007 12:51

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I think more than 10mins limit for editing, perhaps a day.

I'd rather keep the order of the posts but perhaps separate them into pages and people can then go straight into the most recent.


Joined: 01/09/2007
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Message Posted:
14/11/2007 13:16

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merhaba izzet bay

firstly would be a good idea if you have a option in the posts where you can send someone a private message and also have a link where you can email them directly instead of going thru the hassle of emailing them sepearatly

having the option of including their own display pic instead of going thru you

having the option of including their own libary of pics on their member page

alowing people to post videos and pics with their messages this can policed by the 2 strike rule which means any nasty videos or any foul or abusive conduct by posters will get banned from the forum

having some sort of priority on hot subjects even if no ones posted for some time 'this will help new posters in not asking the same questions which allready has been answered by us oldie posters

having the option of doing live web cam chat between posters and showing if people are online at the time and also having a chat room for us

having specific subjects like lobyluds sweetwater bay on a seperate page so it dont mess and clog up general subjects and also what lobylud said having the recent posts starting from the top or having it sepearated by pages so you dont have to scrol down

having a star rating for the posters on their knowledge and how many posts they post given by you

having some extra administrators so when you are away or too busy they can keep the site updated and policed 'i wud be happy to help you on this'

having files in adobe format which you can download of the site for important infomation like taxes-resi visa's-import-export procedures-bringing pet in and out of the country etc so users can have it saved on their comps rather than going backwards and forwards to the site

having a hit counter for the site and also for the posts to see how people have read the subjects but not posted on it

having a seperate blog all for people who want to learn turkish 'again i wud be more than happy to help you on this'

having more links aimed at all the government offices 'mostly all in english' and their email address

having a services page for all tradesmen and reconmended shops and retailers and with this you can generate some revenue for the site 'this can work by the retailer paying a small premium for a direct link to their website or details'

i think thats enought so far if i think of any more ill post you


erkan (ukturk)


Joined: 01/09/2007
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Message Posted:
14/11/2007 13:22

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Question: Will a chat board work? It wouldn't be beneficial to users much but do people want to waste time chatting? Let me know!

this would work because instead of people posting just idle chit chat and clogging up the posts they can go access the chat room and speak all day long on what ever they wanted to do


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Message Posted:
14/11/2007 14:33

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Re LOLYBUD Idea, (dont be so lazy just kidding, this forum operates the same as other forum I have joined, so i would say keep it as it is, except you could add a search button.

I tried finding one the other day, unless im mistaken there isnt one, search by author or topic or a wildcard search within the text field, will provide the details without having to scroll or repost questions to what has already been covered.

Regarding pics, offensive pics will only be posted if it is condoned by its members, and I cant see that happening here, as everyone is so well behaved and constructive, and it wont be tolerated by its members im sure.

I like DY125 idea, an edit facility, that is a must. Due to a recent misunderstanding about a post I wrote, but with no limitation on edit time, as some do not frequent the forum as often as others.

Oh and Private Messages is a great idea.

Emoticons maybe?

One last suggestion, there is a standard template in circulation used by many forums on the web, which has most of the recommendations built in, rather than add features to this forum, you can simply lockdown what you dont want members to have, you may consider something like this in the long term as this forum grows in size...

Here is an example of the template, you may have seen this elsewhere: (ignore the fact they are car related

Kind regards



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Message Posted:
14/11/2007 15:51

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I am sure there would be a resturant or bar owner that would trade a very small amount of exterior wall space for some free advertizing, if I were there at the moment I would canvas a few to find out if they would be interested.

regards grahamlil


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Message Posted:
14/11/2007 17:33

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Most of the above suggestions would be good to have and make life a little more intersting for us all and maybe enable us all to get to know each other a little more (if thats what people want).

But the question is, have you got the time do do all or any of these improvements as well as administering the site in its current form.

It must take up time researching new material to put up on the site, i.e. the new property section etc, new items to post etc etc and I presume you hold down a full time job as well?

I think this forum is great from many aspects and want it to flurrish further, but don't take on too much yourself, maybe there are one or two of us that would be willing to help you out in some way to alieviate your workload.

Just a suggestion, what do you think?



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Message Posted:
14/11/2007 18:00

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ukturk did it again! lots of good ideas..

jetl3on - you are right! Most of the suggested features are already available thru forums like phpbb2 but they are not 100% customisable and more importantly they are not search engine friendly at all!

MCSTEVIET - I am currently doing military service from 8am till 5pm but have a few hours everyday on my own to work on my projects and weekends too. I like working on Cyprus44 - it's a hobby. Things may be slow and it'll good

I will work on the coding to do the most important things:

-edit feature

-posting reversed or divided into pages

-adminintration (I seriously need to give admin rights coz I can no longer spend the time to read all the posts.. wohooo! )



Joined: 14/05/2007
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Message Posted:
14/11/2007 19:22

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Just to say thanks for a great forum. Anything you can add would be appreciated but it is pretty good now and you owe yourself some chilling out time mate.


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