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insurance booths opening times South-North Cyprus

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Joined: 03/01/2011
Posts: 2

Message Posted:
03/01/2011 06:56

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Firstly hello all...and happy NEW YEAR!!

i am new here and may very well be answering a fair few more of my questions as am sure i will think of plenty more!!

My father has recently purchased an apartment near Kyrenia in the North and i am going out with the girlfriend for the second time in April. We fly into Larnaca from Manchester, but last time we got picked up and got a taxi to the North.

However i want to rent a car this time and have researched that this is possible but will need to purchase insurance at the boarder to take it into the North.

Therefore my first question is 'what time do the insurance booths shut at the boarder'. Also if our flight arrives late in the night and they aren't open when we get to the boarder crossing is there anyway you can arrange this before (online somehow maybe?)...... and which boarder crossing would you recommend to use to get to Kyrenia?.... All info would be much appriciated!




Joined: 17/08/2010
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Message Posted:
03/01/2011 07:41

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Price this up carefully.

You will probably be much cheaper getting a hire car in the North.

All hire car companies will pick you up at LCA, transfer you to Kyrenia, sort out the car in the North, then at the end of the hire drop you back to LCA.

There will probably be a charge, but this will be about the same or less than the extra insurance for taking the car North anyway.

You will now get a load of hire cars posted on here probably, they all do much the same job.

I always used contacts etc on their web

Unless you intend to spend quite a bit of time in the south in which case a south car would be easier.


Joined: 25/06/2008
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Message Posted:
03/01/2011 09:56

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Very good advice there from vrret.


Famagusta City


Joined: 01/07/2008
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Message Posted:
03/01/2011 10:50

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Happy New Year Chris.

The Insurance booth at the border usually close at 22.00hrs. It has been known for the police to phone the insurance agent to come out and issue a certificate if you are arrive late.

Insurance at the border is 35€ for a hire car from the south. The insurance is valid for one month.

The average return price for a taxi transfer from Larnaca to Kyrenia is approx £90. Aone car hire do it for £50 return providing you hire a car from them.

We used to hire a car in the TRNC. We have found it much cheaper to hire in the south.

Try the Economy car hire website. There are two sites one the text is blue the other blue and orange. Use the latter site. You have a choce of all the major car hire providers in the south. Budget is their main provider, the cars are new, clean and well maintained. In December I paid £6.00 per day all inclusive.

The Economy website does say you cannot take the cars over the border. The hire co's just ask you to take out insurance. AP


Joined: 30/08/2010
Posts: 306

Message Posted:
03/01/2011 17:14

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Hi chrisdel

My husband & son flew out in Dec. They arrived 7.30pm &, as the car company knew this, all arrangements re form filling in, insurance for driving into the north had been done by scanning documents (a little hassle but not much) whilst still in the UK.

On landing, John received a text telling him where to collect car (row XX bay XX) & where the keys would be. This process was duplicated on their return with John texting the company.

He arrived at the boarder & paid 25euro for one month insurance

The form he was given clearly showed he was timed in at 22.34 on 10/12/2010.

The really helpful car hire company used was Andy's Motors & our contact was Georgina Agathocleous tel 00357 25 579 380

We paid 20% deposit to secure booking and the final amount on the day of arrival.

it cost 135e for 6 day hire albeit in a small (but adequate) car cat B.

We go out in April too and will def be using them again!

Let us know if you find better!

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