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Christofias: Cyprus issue can be solved over dinner on Bosphorus

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Joined: 01/12/2009
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Message Posted:
08/01/2011 18:22

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No I could not quite believe it either worth a read (I almost thought it was April 1st).

“Greek Cypriot President Dimitris Christofias has said he would like to share his solution to the Cyprus issue with Turkish President Abdullah Gül and Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan over dinner at a fish restaurant on the Bosphorus...

And read on it is staggering.

“In continuing reunification negotiations with Turkish Cypriots, Christofias said Turkish Cyprus would not be recognized during the process.

“We are talking on the basis of a two-region, two-federation society. In the solution that we target, a country will be created. There will be one international identity, supremacy and citizenship,” said Christofias.

“It is not possible to recognize the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. And after the solution, the Republic of Cyprus will not be a Hellenis


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Message Posted:
08/01/2011 18:24

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Message 2 of 15 in Discussion

hope The Turkish President makes him pay for his supper x


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Message Posted:
08/01/2011 18:37

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Message 3 of 15 in Discussion

This is typical of the Greek speaking stance for decades - ignore the existence of the Turkish Cypriots. And it's easy to talk up things you have no intention of doing.

Like me running the London Marathon this April Start training next month ;-)


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Message Posted:
08/01/2011 19:03

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Never mind pay for it, I hope he chokes on it. And I have never wished ill on anyone before. I remember the years they refused to sit in the same room as the TCs because it meant recognition.

What a plonker he has turned out to be. Mind you the day I read that he met Papadovillos and members of eoka, I just new that we were doomed.

Does anyone have any information what the GCs found in the latest investigation and are refusing to release regarding 74?


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Message Posted:
08/01/2011 19:09

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Message 5 of 15 in Discussion

Yfred, probably the truth :-D


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Message Posted:
08/01/2011 19:11

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Message 6 of 15 in Discussion

Message 1:

'supremacy' . Now where have I heard that word used before? A bit of a Freudian slip by Christofias I think.


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Message Posted:
08/01/2011 19:15

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Message 7 of 15 in Discussion

Well I gathered that AS but concerning which big knob?


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Message Posted:
08/01/2011 20:32

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Message 8 of 15 in Discussion

Is something lost in the translation ? Perhaps it was said that if he makes such comment whilst eating a meal in Istanbul he is likely to be fed to the fish at the bottom of the Bosphorus !


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Message Posted:
08/01/2011 20:34

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Message 9 of 15 in Discussion

i think he he trying for airmiles and free dinners as he is sure to be out next soon election x


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Message Posted:
08/01/2011 20:40

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Message 10 of 15 in Discussion

I heard he is flying from Ercan


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Message Posted:
08/01/2011 20:41

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Message 11 of 15 in Discussion

msg2 lilli........I hope he locks him up !!!!


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Message Posted:
08/01/2011 20:43

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Message 12 of 15 in Discussion

me too martin, he has lost it xxxx


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Message Posted:
08/01/2011 20:50

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Message 13 of 15 in Discussion

here is what is being said


Joined: 01/12/2009
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Message Posted:
08/01/2011 21:12

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Message 14 of 15 in Discussion

Very intresting Lilli

Like you say it does seem like he has lost it!


Joined: 21/07/2008
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Message Posted:
08/01/2011 21:18

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Message 15 of 15 in Discussion

think he wants the airmiles before he is kicked out, then when that happens we get another few years talking, talking. oh it goes on whilst they get the jollys and the people here do not get paid xxx

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